Archives For unsettings


Unsettings is another graphical configuration tool for the default Unity Desktop. It can be used as a complement to System Settings and Unity Tweak Tool.

Unsettings 0.11 was released recently with Ubuntu 15.10 support and new settings:

  • New keyboard settings: “Shift key behaviour”, “Caps Lock key behaviour”, “Alt/Win key behaviour”, “Numpad delete key behaviour”
  • New Fonts setting: “Scale factor”
  • Added “User folders” tab
  • Fixed bug with Unity version detection
  • Added Czech, English (United Kingdom) translations



Install Unsettings in Ubuntu:

Download the installer “unsettings_x.xx_all.deb” at the bottom of its official web page:

Unsettings Home Page

Then click install it via Ubuntu Software Center, Gdebi, or dpkg command.

Once installed, launch it from Unity Dash or from-in System Settings at next login.



Unsettings, the graphical configuration tool for Unity desktop, is “back” by releasing the 0.09 release with Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 14.10 support.

It has been 2 years since the last 0.08 was released in 2012 with support up to Ubuntu 12.10.

Unsettings is developed by Florian Diesch, the man behind Classic Menu Indicator. It allows you to change setting for the Dash, Launcher, Panel, Indicator, Privacy, Fonts, Themes, and more. There are also some options that Unity Tweak Tool and Ubuntu Tweak don’t have, such as Web Apps, Menus/Buttons have icons, Keyboard settings, etc.

Window settings

Launcher settings

Privacy settings

Install Unsettings 0.09 in Ubuntu 14.04/Ubuntu 14.10/Ubuntu 12.04:

Download the binary package (.deb) from the link below, then double-click to open it with Ubuntu Software Center and finally click install Unsettings.

Download Unsettings (.deb)

The developer has also made the binary into his PPA repository, available for Ubuntu 12.04/14.04/14.10 and even the next Ubuntu 15.04. Run commands below one by one in terminal to add the PPA and install Unsettings:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:diesch/testing

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install unsettings

Once installed, start the configuration tool from the Unity Dash and enjoy!