The Sigil epub editor has reached the 0.9.8 release yesterday. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Linux Mint 18 via PPA.
Sigil 0.9.8 release highlights:
- PyQt5 support for plugins.
- New preferences menu to adjust the size of Sigil’s main icons to your liking.
- An important fix for temp_folder issues on Windows
- Add manifest properties to Book Browser tooltips and to All Files Reports Widget for epub3
- Make Sigil’s UI and spellchecker language settings available to plugins
- Various bug-fixes, read the announcement for details.

Sigil Adjust menu icons’ size
How to Install Sigil 0.9.8 in Ubuntu / Linux Mint:
Sigil does not offer official Linux binaries. Besides building from the source tarball, you may install Sigil 0.9.8 via my personal PPA.
1. Open terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T or searching for “Terminal” from start menu. When it opens, run command to add the PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/sigil
Type in your password (no visual feedback due to security reason) and hit Enter.
2. Then you can upgrade Sigil editor from an existing release via Software Updater:
Or install /upgrade Sigil via commands:
sudo apt update sudo apt install sigil
In Addition, for Linux libxml2 bug see HERE. Sorry that I can’t build it with DBUILD_PATCHED_LIBXML2=1
option since it requires cloning source from but Launchpad builders do not have internet access.
Sigil 0.9.7 won’t update to 0.9.8 in Linux Mint 18.2 Cinnamon with this PPA.
Same here. On installing it does say it’s setting up “sigil-data (0.9.8+dfsg-2ubuntu16.04) and sigil (0.9.8+dfsg-2ubuntu16.04) …
But I get an update-notice when opening the program, and the “about” window keeps indicating it’s 0.9.7
Same in Ubuntu 16.04. The installer says version 0.9.8 …
Setting up sigil-data (0.9.8+dfsg-2ubuntu16.04) …
Setting up sigil (0.9.8+dfsg-2ubuntu16.04) …
but the About page says 0.9.7.
Updated the PPA packages, please try again.