Ubuntu 24.10 Wallpaper Contest Opens for 20th Anniversary

Last updated: July 20, 2024 — Leave a comment

Wallpaper Contest for the upcoming Ubuntu 24.10, Oracular Oriole, is open, accept artwork for the 20th anniversary!

Like the last wallpaper contest, the artwork submissions are separated into 4 categories. Each category will have 2 winners, and finally 8 mixed images will be included in the Ubuntu 24.10 disc image as optional wallpapers.

With Ubuntu 24.10, Ubuntu is reaching the 20th anniversary. So, this time the contest includes a category that’s specially for the two decade anniversary of Ubuntu. While 3 others are Mascot Theme, Digital / Abstract, and Photography.

image by romactu1 from 24.10 wallpaper contest

The wallpaper submission started on July 18th, 2024 (UTC), will end on August 8th, 2024 (UTC). All users can vote (need login with free account) until August 16th, 2024 (UTC).

The contest rules include:

  • Submitter must own the rights to the image.
  • Full quality image must be 3840×2160 px. PNG and WebP recommended.
  • No watermark, name or logo in image.
  • image licensed by CC BY-SA 4.0 25 or CC BY 4.0 9

The AI generated artwork is NOT allowed! Because there are active legal debates on the ownership of AI generated artwork and whether it can be copyrighted or not. And, many popular AI generation tools use a license that does not align with those for the contest.

The entrance of the contest:


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