The Default Wallpapers of Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole Revealed

Last updated: September 6, 2024 — Leave a comment

Ubuntu 24.10, code-name Oracular Oriole, is coming in next month. Now, the default as well as optional wallpapers are out!

As before, the default wallpaper for Ubuntu 24.10 is made up of mascot (a songbird this time) in center and gradient background. The file is always named “warty-final-ubuntu.png”, and features 4K (3840×2160) resolution.

NOTE: The images in this post are optimized for fast loading. Scroll down for the download link!

Ubuntu 24.10 Wallpaper (scroll down for download link)

A dark variant of the default wallpaper is also available for the dark desktop style.

Ubuntu 24.10 wallpaper dark mode

There are as well dimmed and light version of the default wallpapers. See the images below:

Ubuntu 24.10 wallpaper dimmed

Ubuntu 24.10 wallpaper light version

Download Ubuntu 24.10 Wallpaper

If you already run Ubuntu 24.10 (daily build so far) on your computer, simply launch “Software Updater” and install all updates will get the new wallpapers.

For other operating systems, including Windows and macOS, you may select download the default wallpaper from the link below:

Please right-click on button above and select “open link in new tab”, as the server thinks it’s an image file rather link to web page. In the web page, click “download file” link to download the photo images.

Or, browser all wallpaper images, include the ones for old Ubuntu releases, by going to the Ubuntu wallpaper source page. Then, choose:

  • warty-final-ubuntu.png – for the default wallpaper.
  • ubuntu-wallpaper-d.png – for the dark variant of default wallpaer.
  • Oriole_wallpaper_dimmed_3840x2160.png – the dimmed version of 24.10 wallpaper.
  • Oriole_wallpaper_light_3840x2160.png – the light version.

Optional Wallpapers – The wallpaper competition winner images

Besides the default wallpaper and its variants, every Ubuntu releases also include optional wallpapers available to choose from the “Background” selection dialog.

They are the winner images from the wallpaper competitions. For Ubuntu 24.10, go to this page for the competition, and this page for winners.

And, below are the preview for the winner images (optional wallpapers) for Ubuntu 24.10:


I'm a freelance blogger who started using Ubuntu in 2007 and wishes to share my experiences and some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers. Please comment to let me know if the tutorial is outdated! And, notify me if you find any typo/grammar/language mistakes. English is not my native language. Contact me via [email protected] Buy me a coffee: Buymeacoffee | |

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