Archives For adobe

Adobe Brackets 1.12 Released! How to Install

Last updated: January 30, 2018

brackets code editor

Adobe Brackets code editor 1.12 was released hours ago. Here’s how you can install it in Ubuntu desktop.

With Brackets 1.12, you can easily restructure JavaScript code using Refactor capabilities in Brackets. You can also rename, wrap in Try/Catch or Condition, Extract to Variable or Function, and Create Getters/Setters – all at the click of a button (or two!).

Other changes in Brackets 1.12:

  • Upgraded codemirror version to 5.30.0
  • Update CSS at-rule hints
  • Update CSS pseudo-selector hints
  • Findbar search string retention
  • And a list of bug-fixes. See release note for details.

How to Install Brackets 1.12 in Ubuntu:

The official .deb binaries for both 32-bit and 64-bit system are available in the link below:

Download Brackets (.deb)

Just grab the .deb that matches your OS, then click install via Ubuntu Software or Gdebi package manager. Or run command to install the downloaded package:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/Brackets.Release.1.12*.deb; sudo apt-get -f install

flash player chromium

Want the latest Adobe Flash Player in Ubuntu Chromium browser? After v11.2, the Flash Player plugin for Linux will only be available via the “Pepper” API as part of the Google Chrome. Adobe will continue to provide security updates to non-Pepper distributions of Flash Player 11.2 on Linux for five years from its release.

There’s a PPA contains installer packages which will download the latest Google Chrome package, extract the Pepper Flash files, and install them for Chromium (Google Chrome itself is not installed).

UPDATE: Since Ubuntu 14.04, you can directly install Pepper Flash installer from Ubuntu Software Center, or by click the link below:

Click install Pepperflashplugin-nonfree

To add the PPA, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal and then run command below:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:skunk/pepper-flash

Install Pepper flash installer:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install pepflashplugin-installer

After that, you can enable Pepper Flash Plugin for Chromium browser by running below command in terminal:

sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install

Restart Chromium and check out by typing in chrome://plugins, in my case the flash version is 11.9

Pepper flash chromium ubuntu

Install Adobe Air on Linux Mint and Ubuntu

Last updated: April 24, 2024


According to this Adobe support page, HARMAN have taken over the development and support for the Adobe AIR SDK, a cross-platform framework used by a wide range of applications and games.

It’s now a free and open-source project, with SDK support for Window, Linux, and macOS, and runtime support for only Windows and macOS.

To download AIR SDK, go to the link page below, accept the term and click download the SDK for Linux:

Then, extract the package, go to bin sub-folder, finally use either adl or adl_linux from terminal (right-click in blank area of that folder and click “Open in Terminal”) to test an AIR application without having to package and install it.

T ocreate an Air native extension, go to this discussion page, try to download and extract the path over the top of the SDK.

for Ubuntu 20 we need to provide a build of curl and to have the runtime know to look for this in the appropriate folder first. Should be able to provide an update for this although with a few other fixes that have gone in to the Linux build just now (crashes when using Worker objects) I’m wondering about creating another release just for the Linux build of the AIR SDK…. we may do a few more bits of real-world testing with applications that folk are sending in…