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Musical notation software MuseScore 3.0 was released a few hours ago with full of new features and improvements.

MuseScore 3.0 release highlights:

  • Automatic placement to resolve potential collisions between elements
  • System dividers that automatically generate dividers between systems
  • Temporary and cutaway staves
  • MuseJazz font
  • Named noteheads
  • Tours – get online help automatically
  • Timeline – navigate using a graphical overview of the music structure
  • Score comparison tool
  • Single page mode – vertically scrolling view of your score
  • Palette search
  • Timewise note input and editing
  • Alt+Right/Left shortcuts to navigate through each element of your score
  • Improved parts facility, Mixer, and Piano Roll Editor, and redesigned Play Panel

How to Install MuseScore 3.0 in Ubuntu:


The software offers official Appimage, non-install executable file to launch MuseScore, which is available for download at the link below:

MuseScore Appimage

Once you get it, right-click and go to file Properties to make it executable, and finally run the Appimage to launch MuseScore.

Snap Package:

The official Snap package is on the way. For Ubuntu 18.04 and higher, simply install it from Ubuntu Software. It will automatically update to MuseScore 3.0 once the snap package is published.

or run command in terminal for Ubuntu 16.04 and higher.:

sudo snap install musescore

Ubuntu PPA:

The software also has a stable PPA contains the latest .deb packages for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, and Ubuntu 18.10.

NOTE: MuseScore 3.0 is not available in the PPA at the moment of writing.

1. Open terminal and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mscore-ubuntu/mscore-stable

2. Then you can update the Ubuntu legacy package (see picture 3) via Software Updater.

Or run command to install MuseScure .deb package:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install musescore

Free and open-source scorewriter MuseScore 2.2.1 was released a few days ago. Now it’s available in the PPA repository for Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 17.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04.

MuseScore has an stable PPA repository, which was not updated for almost a year due to outdated dependency libraries in Ubuntu 16.04 since version 2.1.0. Now the PPA is active again with the latest 2.2.1 packages for all current Ubuntu releases.

1. To add the PPA, open terminal either via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching for ‘terminal’ from app launcher. When it opens, run command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mscore-ubuntu/mscore-stable

Input your password (no visual feedback while typing) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2. Then upgrade MuseScore from an existing release via Software Updater (Update Manager):

or simply run commands one by one in terminal to install or upgrade the scorewriter:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install musescore

Uninstall MuseScore:

To uninstall the software, open terminal and run command:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove musescore

And you can remove PPA repositories by launching Software & Updates and navigating to “Other Software” tab.

Music notation software MuseScore 2.2.1 was released a day ago with some fixes to the last 2.2 release.

MuseScore 2.2.1 release highlights:

  • Fix messed playback in the score
  • Fix a regression playback slow to engage, when starting playback too quickly after load score
  • Fix a regression MIDI fixup for overlapping note shouldn’t kick in for different midi tracks
  • Fix that 2.0.x score gives synthesizer output artifact with new soundfont

How to Install MuseScore 2.2.1 in Ubuntu:

The single executable Appimage files to run MuseScore in Linux are available for download:

32-bit Appimage

64-bit Appimage


Download the appimage, make it executable and run the file to launch the free scorewriter:

MuseScore is also available as Snap, version 2.2.1 is not available at the moment, which can be easily installed via Ubuntu Software Center.


MuseScore, a free and open-source music composition and notation software, has reached a new major release, MuseScore 2.0, with great new features and improvements.

MuseScore is a scorewriter for Windows, OS X, and Linux. It’s main purpose is the creation, editing and printing of various types of musical scores in a “What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get” (WYSIWYG) environment.


MuseScore 2.0 comes with a brand new start center to simplify score browsing and creation, an inspector window to provide easy access to properties of individual notes and other elements, and customizable palettes to allow you to group your most commonly-used score symbols together.

MuseScore 2 also brings:

  • a new continuous view mode
  • some powerful new editing tools.
  • New notation styles and elements
  • layout, playback, import and export improvements.

For more, see what’s new in MuseScore 2.

How to install/upgrade MuseScore 2.0 in Ubuntu:

The new release has been made into its official PPA, available for Ubuntu 14.04, Linux Mint 17, Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 15.04.

To install it, open terminal from the Dash/Menu or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard. When it opens, run below commands one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:mscore-ubuntu/mscore-stable

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install musescore