Archives For IPTV

Linux is getting more IPTV player applications in recent years. Here I’m going to introduce yuki-iptv, a new one with EPG support.

Personally, I prefer hypnotix which is developed by Linux Mint team, since it has a large list of built-in TV channels. But if you want more features, then yuki-iptv is a good choice to try out.

The IPTV player does NOT provide any content or TV channels. User has to manually add M3u / M3u8 / XSPF playlists (see and/or TV guide address via config dialog.

Yuki-iptv add playlist

Besides basic M3u / M3u8 / XSPF playlists support, the app also support viewing unencrypted streams UDP (multicast), HTTP, HLS (M3u8), XTream API, as well as TV program (EPG) support in XMLTV and JTV formats.

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For Linux desktop user who want to access German-language public broadcasting live streams and archives, this can do the job for you.

It’s televido (“Television” in Esperanto), a free and open-source tool, allowing to livestream, search, play and download media from German-language public television services. Though, ORF (Austrian TV) & SRF (Swiss TV) are also supported.

The app is written in Rust programming language, and use GTK4 for its modern user interface. It has ‘Live’ tab for live TV shows, such as ZDF-Morgenmagazin, 28 Minuten, and more.

And, allows to search, play, and download media via ‘Mediathek’ tab.

The application only find and access TV shows with the power of MediathekViewWeb’s API and the Zapp backend API. The media playback is done by external video players installed on your system. So far, it supports GNOME Videos (Totem), Celluloid, Clapper, Daikhan.

How to install Televido in Ubuntu & Other Linux

Televido is easy to install in most Linux desktop through the Flatpak package.

For Linux Mint 21 and Fedora 38 + (with 3rd party repositories enabled), simply search for and install it directly from either Software Manager or Gnome Software.

Install Televido from Linux Mint software manager

For other Linux, follow the steps below one by one to install the app as Flatpak package:

  1. First, launch terminal from start menu or ‘Activities’ overview depends on your desktop environment.
  2. Then, follow the setup guide to enable Flatpak support.
    For Debian and Ubuntu based systems, just run command:

    sudo apt install flatpak

  3. Finally, install the app as Flatpak package by running the command below in terminal:
    flatpak install

    Tips: First time installing Flatpak app may have lots of download for run-time libraries, and user needs to log out and back in to make app icon visible.

Once installed, search for and launch the app either from start menu or ‘Activities’ overview depends on your desktop environment.


To remove the software package, also launch terminal and run command:

flatpak uninstall --delete-data de.k_bo.Televido

Also run flatpak uninstall --unused to remove useless run-times to free up some disk spaces.

TV-Lite is a free open-source IPTV player with Sopcast and Acestream handling capabilities, which runs in Linux and Windows.

TV-Lite aims to be a replacement for the older TV-Maxe. It so far uses VLC for media playback, and need Acestream and / or Sopcast for this program to be able to handle the respective stream types.

UPDATE Jan 2024: the app has NOT been updated for a period of time. And PPA support ends for Ubuntu 22.10 at the moment.

How to install TV-Lite in Ubuntu via PPA:

There’s an Ubuntu PPA maintains the software packages for Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 20.10, and Linux Mint 20.

1.) Open terminal from system application launcher, and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tv-lite/ppa-git

2.) You can then install the player via command:

sudo apt install sp-auth tv-lite

Once installed, open the player from system app menu and you can add following line into Menu -> “Manage subscriptions” for free TVs.

How to Remove TV-Lite:

To remove the IPTV player, open terminal and run command:

sudo apt remove sp-auth tv-lite

And remove the Ubuntu PPA via command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:tv-lite/ppa-git

Want to watch live TV on Ubuntu Linux? Try Hypnotix, a new IPTV player developed by Linux Mint team.

Hypnotix is a player application which streams from IPTV providers, which can be configured via a local M3U playlists, remote M3U URLs or the Xtream API.

The player uses libmpv for video playback, and it’s configured to ship with Free-IPTV as default IPTV provider. You can easily remove it and set your own providers via software preferences dialog.

Hypnotix can handle live TV channels but also VOD libraries for movies and TV series.

Content can be organized by categories and/or seasons. And you can watch TV in either left and right mode or full-screen mode.

How to Install Hypnotix in Ubuntu:

Hypnotix is available out-of-the-box in Linux Mint 21.x, other Linux can the source code by visiting its project page:

Besides building from the source tarball, there’s also a third-party PPA contains the package for Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 24.04. If you don’t know how to use the PPA, see this step-by-step guide instead.