Archives For vuze

Vuze BitTorrent Client

Vuze BitTorrent client (previously Azureus) has recently reached the 5.7.3 release with many new features, UI improvements, and some bug-fixes.

While Ubuntu 16.04 offers only Vuze 5.7.2 through a snap package in Ubuntu Software, here’s how you can install the 5.7.3 release via the traditional .deb package.

Vuze 5.7.3 new features:

  • Remember last configuration view
  • Support for additional DHT stats/operation views
  • Subscription’s can now be named and marked as anonymous during creation
  • Added share ratio to archived files view
  • Network indicator for discovered tags
  • Menu option to revert redirected files within a download
  • DHT latency estimate added to views
  • Added simpler way to set download thumbnails
  • Added option to make subscription downloads non-public
  • Concurrent subscription downloads
  • Support for anonymous subscriptions
  • See more at the wiki page.

Vuze 5.7.3

Install Vuze 5.7.3 in Ubuntu 16.04:

1. Add Getdeb repository:

Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb xenial-getdeb apps" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list'

2. Install the key so your system trust the packages from that repository:

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

GetDeb repository for Ubuntu 16.04

3. Finally update package index and install Vuze client:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install vuze

For those who don’t want to add PPA, grab the .deb packages for azureus and then vuze from THIS PAGE.

4. (Optional) To remove Vuze BitTorrent client, simply run apt command with remove flag:

sudo apt remove vuze && sudo apt autoremove

And the Getdeb repository can be disabled or removed via Software & Updates (Other Software tab) utility.

Vuze BitTorrent Client

Vuze BitTorrent Client, previously Azureus, has recently reached 5.5.0 release with new features and enhancements. Here’s how to install or upgrade it in Ubuntu.

Vuze is written in Java, and uses the Azureus Engine. In addition to downloading data linked to .torrent files, Azureus allows users to view, publish and share original DVD and HD quality video content. Content is presented through channels and categories containing TV shows, music videos, movies, video games, series and others. Additionally, if users prefer to publish their original content, they may earn money from it.

Vuze Bittorrent in Ubuntu

What’s New in Vuze 5.5.0:

According to the release note, the new release brings:

  • A new visual guide
  • Additional tips and suggestions are provided for using Vuze.
  • Allow blocking of local DNS resolution attempts for trackers hosts when using a SOCKS proxy.
  • Shortcut implemented for download location using CTRL+ to save torrents
  • Additions of various console-UI commands to improve usability
  • Added Speed Limit Scheduler features.
  • Configuration pages now have shortcuts to access specific settings quickly

For more, see the Vuze blog.

Install Vuze 5.5.0 in Ubuntu:

For non-install version, download the official package from, extract and finally run the executable from the result folder.

Or you can install Vuze from the Getdeb repository, just download below packages from the link page:

  • “azureus_5.5.0.0-1~getdeb1_all.deb”
  • “vuze_5.5.0.0-1~getdeb1_all.deb”

Vuze packages in Getdeb repository

Once downloaded, open the package via Ubuntu Software Center and click the install button one by one.

Vuze 5.2 ubuntu 13.10

Vuze bittorrent client recently released version 5.2.0 with improvements, bug fixes and translation updates. It features torrent tagging, file prioritization, and more.

Vuze 5.2.0 change log:

  • Better organization of torrents files is possible with the introduction of color-coding for tags
  • Several improvements have been made to the torrent file experience overall.
  • users can also choose which file type to download, such as .avi, .mp4 and others.
  • The torrent client software now has a menu option in the notification area to dismiss all notifications.
  • Brazilian Portuguese, Basque and Spanish language updates have been implemented.
  • Persist column add/remove via header menu
  • Table structure change was losing a tag listener and subsequently failing to update correctly
  • Multiple concurrent torrent additions causing duplicate dialogs
  • Unloading a plugin was causing a second plugins images to be disposed
  • Search bar was truncating long URIs
  • Magnet plugin wasn’t handling URIs with ‘xt’ sections properly
  • Removed blocking call to get public IP address from initialization path
  • Respect ‘do not activate UI’ on download addition
  • Fixed end-game-mode looping bug
  • Lots of minor fixes detected by Coverity static code analysis tool
  • Improved performance of timer event handling
  • Fixed ‘upload only’ message support
  • Prevent a hanging UPnP device from blocking caller
  • Handle separators other than ‘-’ when parsing port ranges
  • Remove unnecessary retry on downloads that will most likely fail identically
  • Alert audio files weren’t playing when contained in folders with certain characters or symbols in name
  • Option to have multiple torrent-options screens on a single dialog as opposed to separate dialogs per torrent
  • Automatic application of tracker templates on a per-tag basis (to merge, replace and remove trackers)
  • Automatic tagging of downloads based on their trackers
  • Install Vuze 5.2.0:

    For Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy and Linux Mint 16 Petra, we can install Vuze 5.2.0 from GetDeb repository by running commands below one by one in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

    sudo sh -c 'echo "deb saucy-getdeb apps" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
    wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install vuze

    Or download and install the DEB package from here

    For other releases download the portable version from vuze homepage

    latest vuze 5.2 ubuntu 13.10

    Vuze 5.1 ubuntu 13.10

    As you may know, BitTorrent protocol client that offers multiple torrent downloads, queuing/priority systems (on torrents and files), start/stop seeding options, and instant access to numerous pieces of information about your torrents. It includes an embedded tracker that is easily set up and ready to use.

    Vuze in Ubuntu’s default repository is old. Here’s how to install the latest v5.1.0 in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy or Linux Mint 16 Petra using getdeb repository.

    Enable GetDeb repository

    For Ubuntu 13.10, press Ctrl+ALt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run below commands one by one:

    sudo dpkg -i getdeb-repository_0.1-1~getdeb1_all.deb

    For Linux Mint, there’s an option under ‘Software Sources -> Additional repositories’ allows to enable the Getdeb.

    Install Vuze:

    After enabled the Getdeb, you can install Vuze from Ubuntu Software Center after checking for updates. Or run below commands instead:

    sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install vuze
    vuze 5.1 on Ubuntu 13.10

    vuze 5.1 on Ubuntu 13.10