How to Install MyPaint in Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic

Last updated: January 29, 2019

Due to conflict between their dependencies, digital painter MyPaint can’t be installed if GIMP is already exist in Ubuntu 18.10.

In Ubuntu 18.10 universe repository, the GIMP package requires libmypaint-common library for mypaint brush, that conflicts with mypaint-data package required by MyPaint digital painting software.

For those who need both GIMP and MyPaint, install GIMP from otto06217’s PPA will solve the dependency conflict.

1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp

Type your user password (no asterisks feedback) for sudo prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2. Then either upgrade GIMP via Software Updater:

Or run command in terminal to install GIMP from the PPA:

sudo apt install gimp libmypaint

3. Finally install MyPaint via command:

sudo apt install mypaint mypaint-data

That’s it. Enjoy!


I'm a freelance blogger who started using Ubuntu in 2007 and wishes to share my experiences and some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers. Please comment to let me know if the tutorial is outdated! And, notify me if you find any typo/grammar/language mistakes. English is not my native language. Contact me via [email protected] Buy me a coffee:

9 responses to How to Install MyPaint in Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic

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  2. gracias!! eres un capo! <3 me salvaste la vida xD

  3. Maybe I did something wrong, but this didn’t work for me. Maybe this repository has the same problem now.


    • It works in my case. Try update the libmypaint package from PPA:

      sudo apt install gimp libmypaint

      You’ll have GIMP > 2.10.6 if installation success.

      And mypaint-data is required in command to install Mypaint.

      • Each of these worked for me but it would disable the other – if Mypaint is working then Gimp is disabled and vice-versa. Also, by getting Mypaint to work it seems to have broke the Gmic functionality for Gimp which had taken me so long to get working.
        This is a mess in Ubuntu 18. There were never any of these problems in 14 or 16.

    • I agree, this not working on fresh system install…I think it is working only on upgraded system from previous versions

  4. not working

  5. I think that PPA chose the wrong workaround to get them to coexist, myself.

    MX Linux (OK, me, the packager) chose what I think is a better way, as suggested in a Debian bug report.

    • Well, good on you if that means they work fine together. Big kudos to MX, I use it on other computers and it works great, super happy with it, but using Ubuntu on this system and I can’t face re-installing my whole OS just to get both programs to work. Workaround didn’t solve the problem, massive bummer…