How to Install 2D Animation Software ‘OpenToonz’ in Ubuntu

Last updated: January 3, 2019

OpenToonz, open source 2D animation software, now can be installed in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, and higher easily via Snap package.

OpenToonz is based on Toonz Studio Ghibli Version, originally developed in Italy by Digital Video, Inc., and customized by Studio Ghibli over many years of production.

This snap is maintained by the Snapcrafters community, and is not necessarily endorsed or officially maintained by the upstream developers.

How to Install OpenToonz in Ubuntu:

Open terminal either via Ctrl+Alt+T keyboard shortcut or by searching for ‘terminal’ from application menu. When it opens, run following commands one by one.

1. For Ubuntu 16.04, you need to make sure snapd is installed by running command:

sudo apt install snapd snapd-xdg-open

2. While the snap is not available in Ubuntu Software at the moment, install it via Linux command instead:

sudo snap install opentoonz

add --classic flag if need to access directories outside of user home.

Once installed launch it from application menu.


To remove the 2D animation software, run command in terminal:

sudo snap remove opentoonz


I'm a freelance blogger who started using Ubuntu in 2007 and wishes to share my experiences and some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers. Please comment to let me know if the tutorial is outdated! And, notify me if you find any typo/grammar/language mistakes. English is not my native language. Contact me via [email protected] Buy me a coffee:

2 responses to How to Install 2D Animation Software ‘OpenToonz’ in Ubuntu

  1. I have successfully install opentoonz via the terminal but I can’t launch it

  2. I too am not able to get opentoonz to start. I couldn’t find opentoonz listen on search, so I typed opentoonz in terminal, I got an error

    qt.qpa.screen: QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :0
    Could not connect to any X display.

    I didn’t know how to solve that issue,
    So I checked around for an appimage and it worked :

    I am guessing insstalling opentoonz is a hassle in 16.04 and its pretty easy from 17.04 release. So try the app image, it works for me :)