Looking for a peer to peer file transfer app that works outside the local network? Warp is the stupid simple application to do the trick for Linux.
There are a few applications for LAN file transferring, such as Warpinator and Dukto. For sending date all over the world, Warp is a new GTK4 app for transferring any arbitrary-sized files and directories without struggling with Linux command or using a cloud service.
The app provides a stupid simple interface with 2 tabs: Send and Receive. Simply click on the “send file” (or folder) button and select your data, it will generate a transmit code.
On another machine with the app installed, type the code in “Receive” tab and click “Receive File” button will start transferring data.
Every file transfer is encrypted using the Magic Wormhole protocol. And, it will directly transfer files on the local network if possible. Though, an internet connection is required to connect to rendezvous server so sender and receiver can find each other over the internet.
How to Install Warp in Linux:
NOTE: The app is in early age that may have bugs. At the moment of writing, it provides binary package for most Linux systems and Chrome OS using Flatpak package.
For Ubuntu, firstly press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run the command to install flatpak daemon:
sudo apt install flatpak
Other Linux & Chrome OS may follow this setup guide to install the daemon.
Next, install the app using command:
flatpak install https://dl.flathub.org/repo/appstream/app.drey.Warp.flatpakref
For first time installing Flatpak app on Ubuntu 22.04, you need a system restart to make the app icon available in search result.
Once installed, either press Super/Windows key on keyboard and search for and open the app, or run command flatpak run app.drey.Warp
to start it from terminal.
Remove Warp file transfer
To remove the app, run command in a terminal window:
flatpak uninstall --delete-data app.drey.Warp
And clean un-used run time via: flatpak uninstall --unused