Pandora App ‘Pithos’ 1.6.1 Adds Plugin Support for Python 3.11

Last updated: May 20, 2023 — Leave a comment

For Ubuntu 23.04, Fedora 38 and other Linux with Python 3.11 as default, Pithos 1.6.1 was released today to fix the plugin support!

Pithos is a simple free open-source GTK client for Pandora music & podcasts, writing in Python programming language.

The previous versions lack plugin support for the latest Linux Distributions due to Python 3.11. When you try to open the ‘Plugins’ tab in Preferences, it just shows a blank page.

If you start it from command line, it will output something look like:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/pithos/pithos/", line 147, in on_got_bus
    plugin = plugins[name] = load_plugin(name, window, bus)
  File "/usr/share/pithos/pithos/", line 101, in load_plugin
    module = __import__('pithos.plugins.' + name)
  File "/usr/share/pithos/pithos/plugins/", line 66, in 
    class PithosMprisService(DBusServiceObject):
  File "/usr/share/pithos/pithos/plugins/", line 647, in PithosMprisService
  File "/usr/share/pithos/pithos/plugins/dbus_util/", line 138, in decorator
    in_args = _create_arginfo_list(func, in_signature)
  File "/usr/share/pithos/pithos/plugins/dbus_util/", line 123, in _create_arginfo_list
    arg_names = inspect.getargspec(func).args

To fix the issue, the new 1.6.1 was released. Which, also fixed the issue that very short songs are being labeled as advertisements.

Nothing else!

How to Install Pithos 1.6.1 in Ubuntu via PPA

For all current Ubuntu releases, including Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 22.10, Ubuntu 23.04, and their based systems, I’ve uploaded the app package into this PPA repository.

To add the PPA and install Pithos package, do:

  1. First, press Ctrl+Alt+T key combination on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run the command below to add the PPA:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/apps

    Type user password when it asks (no asterisk feedback) and hit Enter to continue.

  2. Then, run command to fresh the package cache for old Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux Mint:
    sudo apt update
  3. Finally, install or update the lightweight Pandora Radio client to listen online music:
    sudo apt install pithos

As the application does not update frequently, you may also download & install the .deb package directly from this page.

For most Linux, Pithos is also available to install as Flatpak package runs in sandbox.

Uninstall Pithos

To remove the Ubuntu PPA, open terminal and run command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/apps

Or, open ‘Software & Updates’ utility and remove the source line under ‘Other Software’ tab.

To remove Pithos, use command:

sudo apt remove --autoremove pithos


I'm a freelance blogger who started using Ubuntu in 2007 and wishes to share my experiences and some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers. Please comment to let me know if the tutorial is outdated! And, notify me if you find any typo/grammar/language mistakes. English is not my native language. Contact me via [email protected] Buy me a coffee: Buymeacoffee | |

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