Archives For pogo

pogo simplest music player

Pogo is an open-source software which is claimed to be the simplest and fastest audio player for Linux. It is a fork of Decibel Audio Player written in Python and uses GTK+ and gstreamer and supports most common audio formats.

Pogo has a clear interface: folder tree in the left, and playlist in the right. It plays your local music and features fast search on the harddrive and in the playlist, smart album grouping, cover display, desktop notifications and no music library.


Install Pogo in Ubuntu from PPA:

Pogo player has an official Ubuntu PPA, which supports Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04 and their derivatives.

To install it, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run below commands one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pogo-dev/stable

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install pogo

Or you can simply download and install “pogo_x.x.x~ubuntuxx.xx_all.deb” package that matches your OS edition from the PPA page.

Pogo is an ultra lightweight music player for Ubuntu Linux. It is a fork of Decibel Audio Player and supports most common audio formats. Pogo is written in Python and uses GTK+ and gstreamer.

pogo ultra lightweight audio player

Pogo plays your music. Nothing else. It is both fast and easy-to-use. The clear interface uses the screen real-estate very efficiently. Other features include: Fast search on the harddrive and in the playlist, smart album grouping, cover display, desktop notifications and no music library.


Install Pogo Audio Player:

The developer has created a ppa repository to make it easy to install for Ubuntu and Linux Mint users. So far it supports Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy, 13.04 Raring, 12.10 Quantal, 12.04 Precise, 10.04 Lucid.

To add the ppa, press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run below commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pogo-dev/daily

After that, update package lists and install Pogo via command below:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install pogo