Archives For November 30, 1999

Simplenote App for Ubuntu

Simplenote, a note-taking application with markdown support, now is available in Ubuntu Linux via Snap package for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04 and higher.

Simplenote is a free cross-platform note-taking application that features:

  • Markdown with previews and extensive syntax support.
  • instant notes syncing across devices (Linux, web, Android, Mac, Windows and iOS)
  • a tagging system and collaborative editing support
  • publish notes as standalone webpages

Simplenote offers .deb package for Ubuntu Linux in its website. However, a snap version of Simplenote now is available in Ubuntu Snap store, easy to install, dependency bundling, and will automatically be kept up to date.

Simply open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command:

sudo snap install simplenote

Tip: The snap package is independent of the traditional .deb package, you can have both version of Simplenote installed on your Ubuntu.

If you’re first time installing a Snap package in Ubuntu, you may need to install snapd service to keep track of your installed snaps, via command:

sudo apt install snapd


To uninstall the snap version of Simplenote, simply run command:

sudo snap remove simplenote

Install Simplenote Desktop App in Ubuntu

Last updated: March 31, 2016

Simplenote App for Ubuntu

Simplenote, one of the most popular note-taking apps which was first started on iOS, now is available for Linux Desktops.

Simplenote blog announced the release of Simplenote for Linux (and Windows) on Tuesday. It’s an open-source application that is built with React and runs on Electron.


  • History: drag the History slider to view previous versions.
  • Collaboration: share your note with others and allow them to edit.
  • Publishing: make your note public with its own URL.
  • Tags: organize your notes effectively with tags.
  • Pinning: pin notes right from the note list so they’re easy to find.
  • Markdown support:
    • Enable globally in Preferences -> Writing -> Enable Markdown.
    • Enable in single note by selecting the Info panel icon and toggle the Markdown setting.

Simplenote for Linux

Install Simplenote in Ubuntu:

Download the .deb package from its website, then click install via Software Center.

Download for Linux (.deb)

Simplenote for Linux now is in 1.0.0 release. Report bugs and ask requests at