The Cloud Based Nuvola Music Player has reached 2.1.0. It brings new features for users as well as for service maintainers and many bug fixes.
As you may know, Nuvola Player runs a web interface of cloud music services – Google Play Music, Amazon Cloud Player, 8tracks, Grooveshark, Hype Machine, Pandora, Rido – in its own window and provides integration with a Linux desktop.

The new release Nuvola 2.1.0 brings following changes:
Added information about format support.
New service Deezer.
Extensions: Almost all extensions are enabled by default.
Notifications extension: Added support for actions and resident notifications. extension: Added switches to disable scrobbling for particular services.
Added a few keyboard shortcuts: Go back Left and go forward Right.
Service selector is opened in a separate window and uses native GTK+ widgets instead of web view. GTK+ zoom level is respected and non-free screenshots are not loaded.
User interface: Added option to prefer dark GTK+ theme.
Context menu of a web view is populated with custom actions.
Removed UI modes “toolbar only” and “both toolbar and menubar”. Main menu reorganized.
MPRIS extension: Renamed to Remote Player Interface.
Install / Upgrade Nuvola Player in Ubuntu
For Ubuntu and its derivatives, press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal. When it opens, run below commands one by one:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nuvola-player-builders/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nuvolaplayer
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