[Quick Tip] Ubuntu 16.10 Fix Chrome Error ‘Adobe Flash is out of date’

Last updated: October 19, 2016


For Ubuntu 16.10 users or those just installing the new version of Google Chrome browser, you may encounter “Adobe Flash Player is out of date” error while trying to play flash videos in the browser.

This is because Google Chrome does no longer come with bundled Adobe Flash Player since version 54. For Firefox, you can get the latest Flash 23 beta via this tutorial. And for Chrome browser, you need to manually update the flash via below steps:

Adobe Flash is out of date

1. Open Google Chrome and go to the components and typing following line in the address bar:


2. Find out Adobe Flash Player and click the “Check for update” button.


3. Once the flash is installed/updated, restart your browser and enjoy!



I'm a freelance blogger who started using Ubuntu in 2007 and wishes to share my experiences and some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers. Please comment to let me know if the tutorial is outdated! And, notify me if you find any typo/grammar/language mistakes. English is not my native language. Contact me via [email protected] Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/ubuntuhandbook1

4 responses to [Quick Tip] Ubuntu 16.10 Fix Chrome Error ‘Adobe Flash is out of date’

  1. it just refuses to show up

  2. when i click on check update it states update started but within few seconds it states component not updated

  3. I’m getting a different message that states “internal-not-yet-present” under the details in the chrome://plugins section. I’ve been working on this issue for almost three weeks now and I have no resolve. I’ve purged google chrome, reinstalled the pepper flash components…the works and still it refuses to properly update the client version from what it’s at ( to the updated version in components ( I’m stumped after following hours and hours of debugging information:

    I think Comment #152 outlines what’s going on best.
    I’ve tried a few things, setting policies to allow outdated plugins, disabled sophos-av (even uninstalled!). Uninstalling Sophos allowed for the component download to actually work, but then Chrome never updates what version it’s using even though the latest and greatest is being downloaded into the /home/user/.config/google-chrome/PepperFlash/ dir
    Comment #163 discusses the issue that’s happening for other VDI users.
    Additionally, it appears there may be a workaround by setting up some policies for ComponentUpdates > https://www.chromium.org/administrators/policy-list-3#ComponentUpdatesEnabled
    They have some easy-to-use templates, but may just be as easy to touch/vim a .json policy file. Some more instructions from here: https://www.chromium.org/administrators/policy-templates

    quite the PITA

  4. If you need to run an out dated version of Flash add the following string to the invocation command
    This will stop Chrome from checking for updates. To protect yourself you should check yourself periodically. IF not then you are opening yourself to possible problems.
    Use this ONLY if you require using an old version. I am because I play a Facebook game that is Flash based and does not work on any version of Flash greater that version 20.