MyPaint 2.0 Released with New Layer Mode, Linear Compositing

Last updated: February 17, 2020

MyPaint 2.0, free open-source raster graphics editor for digital painters, was finally released after more than a year of development.

MyPaint 2.0 is a new major release that features a new layer mode and uses linear compositing by default.

  • Linear compositing and spectral blending (pigment).
  • Full Python3 support
  • Layer views.
  • Brush strokes dependent on view rotation and view zoom.
  • Additional symmetry modes: vertical, vertical+horizontal, rotational, snowflake.
  • Expanded flood fill functionality: offset, feather, gap detection and more.
  • New brush settings: offsets, gridmap, additional smudge settings, posterize, pigment.
  • New brush inputs: barrel rotation, base radius, zoom level, gridmap x/y, direction 360, attack angle.

How to Install MyPaint 2.0 in Ubuntu:

So far, there’s only .appimage available in the Github releases page. Go to the following link, scroll down, and select download the ‘MyPaint-v2.0.0.AppImage‘ package.:

Download MyPaint [.Appimage]

Then right-click on the .appimage file, go to Properties -> Permissions, and finally make it executable by checking the box says ‘Allow executing file as program’.

Finally run the .appimage file from its context menu to launch MyPaint and enjoy!


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