Archives For jimingkui

Firefox 51 Released with FLAC, WebGL 2 Support

Last updated: January 24, 2017

Firefox 51

Mozilla Firefox web browser has reached the 51 stable release today, features FLAC playback, WebGL 2, video performance improvements, security fixes and other enhancements.

Firefox 51 release highlights:

  • Users can view passwords in the save password prompt before saving them
  • Added a zoom button in the URL bar
  • less CPU usage and a better full screen experience for users without GPU acceleration
  • Added support for FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) playback
  • Added support for WebGL 2, with advanced graphics rendering features like transform feedback, improved texturing capabilities, and a new sophisticated shading language
  • An even faster E10s! Tab Switching is better!
  • Use 2D graphics library (Skia) for content rendering on Linux
  • Various security fixes and more.

How to upgrade to Firefix 51 in Ubuntu:

Ubuntu Mozilla Team is maintaining the latest Firefox packages, and will soon build and publish the 51 release via Ubuntu’s main security & updates repositories (check this page).

At that time, you can launch Software Updater and upgrade Firefox after checking for updates.

upgrade firefox 46


For those who want to install the latest AVRDude 6.3 (AVR Downloader / Uploader), here are the backport PPA for Ubunu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Linux Mint 17/18, and derivatives.

AVRDUDE is a utility to download/upload/manipulate the ROM and EEPROM contents of AVR microcontrollers using the in-system programming technique (ISP).

It provides a command-line interface for all downloading and uploading features. Supports a wide range of programming hardware, from cheap ISP plugs that connect the AVR’s ISP interface directly to a computer’s parallel port or serial port. Supports Intel Hex, Motorola S-Record, and raw binary files for input and output.

While the current two Ubuntu LTS offer old versions in their main repositories, I’ve uploaded the 6.3 release into PPA to make it easy to install.

AVRDude 6.3 features:

  • New devices support: ATmega48PB, ATmega88PB, ATmega168PB, ATtiny28 (HVPP-only device), AT90PWM216, ATmega32M1
  • New programmers support:
    • Atmel mEDBG: xplainedmini, xplainedmini_dw
    • ftdi_syncbb
    • uncompatino, ttl232r (FTDI TTL232R-5V with ICSP adapter)
    • Atmel DFU, using FLIP protocol version 1 (AT90USB and ATmegaU devices), or version 2 (Xmega devices)
    • Atmel-ICE (ARM/AVR), JTAG, PDI, debugWIRE, ISP modi
  • The stk500v2 implementation now uses its own higher-level command implementation for byte-wide access
  • The -B option can be suffixed with “Hz”, “kHz”, or “MHz”, in order to specify a bitclock frequency rather than period.
  • Print part id after signature
  • buspirate: Also support “cpufreq” extended parameter in binary mode
  • The “-P net:” syntax (forwarding of serial data over TCP) is now also implemented for Win32 systems.
  • Atmel EDBG protocol support added (JTAGICE3, XplainedPro, Atmel-ICE)

Install AVRDude 6.3 in Ubuntu / Linux Mint:

Either run the following commands one by one in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) to add PPA and install the utility:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/apps

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install avrdude avrdude-doc

Or grab the DEB packages for both avrdude and avrdude-doc from the link below and click install via Gdebi or Ubuntu Software App:

Download AVRDude (deb)

SMplayer 17.1.0

SMPlayer, a cross-platform graphical front-end for MPlayer and MPV, has reached the 17.1.0 release last night. The new release features experimental support for Chromecast.

With SMPlayer 17.1, you can send local videos or online streams like TV channels, YouTube or Vimeo videos from SMPlayer to Chromecast device.

Just play a video in SMPlayer, then select the option “Play on Chromecast” from the Play menu. A web page will be opened (need Google Chrome or Chromium with Google Cast installed) and give the url of the video.


This web page can communicate with your Chromecast device with options to connect/disconnect, start playback and controls for play, pause, volume, seek…

How to Install SMPlayer 17.1 in Ubuntu via PPA:

The new release has made into the official PPA, available for Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04, and their derivatives.

1. Open terminal and run the following command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rvm/smplayer

Smplayer PPA

For those who prefer Qt4 version, use the new PPA instead:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rvm/smplayer-qt4

2. Then you can upgrade SMPlayer from a previous release via Software Updater (Update Manager) after checking for updates:

upgrade smplayer

Or you can run the commands below in terminal to do install or upgrade SMPlayer:

sudo apt-get update 

sudo apt-get install smplayer smtube smplayer-themes smplayer-skins

How to Restore:

For any reason, you can easily restore the installation to the stock version via the ppa-purge tool:

sudo apt-get install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge ppa:rvm/smplayer

For the qt4 ppa, replace ppa:rvm/smplayer with ppa:rvm/smplayer-qt4 in the code.

Aptik backup tool

To simplify re-installation of software packages after upgrading or re-installing Ubuntu, aptik is a simple tool allows to backup software sources (PPA), installed software, and other user data with just a few clicks.

Aptik features:

  • Backup and restore Launchpad PPAs.
  • Backup and restore installed software.
  • Backup and restore downloaded packages (apt cache).
  • Backup and restore themes and icons from /usr/share directory.
  • Backup and restore application settings.
  • Backup and restore user home directory data (.config excluded)
  • One-click backup and restore user selected items.

While doing backup and restore (exclude one-click backup / restore), it lists available items and allows you to choose which to backup / restore. Some backups are encrypted with given passwords.

Aptik backup utility

How to Install Aptik in Ubuntu:

To install the utility in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04, and derivatives, either run the commands below in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) to get it from the developer’s PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:teejee2008/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install aptik

or grab the DEB package (amd64 for 64bit, i386 for 32bit) from THIS PAGE.

Tip: The DEB packages for Ubuntu 16.04 also works on Ubuntu 16.10.


To remove aptik, either use Synaptic Package Manager or run the following command in terminal:

sudo apt-get remove aptik && sudo apt-get autoremove

The PPA can be removed by Software & Updates utility under Other Software tab.


Disk Indicator is a simple system tray indicator applet for managing devices in Ubuntu.

The simple tool allows you to quickly access disk partitions and mount points. It also allows mount / unmount devices, view disk usage, and mount ISO images.


The software is developed by Tony George, the man behind Timeshift (system restore app). You can easily get this applet by adding the developer’s PPA:

1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:teejee2008/ppa


So far the PPA contains the packages for Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, and their derivatives.

2. Then update and install the disk indicator:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install indicator-diskman

For those who don’t want to add PPA, grab the DEB package from HERE.

How to uninstall:

To remove the applet, either use Synaptic Package Manager or run the command below in terminal:

sudo apt remove indicator-diskman && sudo apt autoremove

The PPA can be removed by going to System Settings -> Software & Updates -> Other Software tab.

Telegram Desktop

The Telegram Desktop App finally reached the 1.0 release! Here’s how to install it via PPA or Snap in Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Linux Mint 17/18 and derivatives.

The popular instant messaging app, Telegram 1.0 for desktop, was released a few days ago with a fabulous new design. It features:

  • Consistent material design
  • Smooth animations
  • Support for custom themes
  • Auto sync messages from phone with computer using Telegram’s encrypted cloud.
  • Ability to start typing on phone, then continue on computer.

Telegram Desktop 1.0

Install Telegram Desktop App via Snap in Ubuntu:

1. First time installing an app using SNAP package? You may need to install snapd via command (for one time):

sudo apt install snapd

2. The snap build of Telegram Desktop so far misses system tray icon for Ubuntu Unity.

To install the Telegram snap package in Ubuntu 16.04 and higher, simply open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command:

sudo snap install telegram-sergiusens

Type in password (no visual feedback) and hit Enter. It will automatically download the snap package and install it in your system.

install Telegram Snap

Uninstall Telegram (Snap):

To uninstall it, simply run the snap command with remove option:

sudo snap remove telegram-sergiusens

Install Telegram Desktop via PPA in Ubuntu:

For all current Ubuntu releases, including Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, and derivatives, e.g., Linux Mint and Elementary OS, Telegram is also available as .deb package in an unofficial PPA.

1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/telegram

Type in password (no visual feedback) and hit Enter.

2. Then search for and install the app via Synaptic Package Manager:

install telegram synaptic

or just run the commands below one by one:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install telegram


To uninstall it, simply run apt command with remove option:

sudo apt remove telegram && sudo apt autoremove

And the PPA can be removed by launching Software & Updates and navigating the Other Software tab.


Discord, a free proprietary voice and text chat app for gamers, now offers official Discord stable client for Linux 64-bit.

    Discord runs on Microsoft Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux, and in a web browser, which all support fundamental chat-based text features. The Discord application for personal computers is designed for use while gaming, including features such as low-latency, free voice chat servers for users and a dedicated server infrastructure. Discord’s developers plan to add video calling and screen sharing. Direct calling was added in an update on July 28, 2016, with support for calls between two or more users. The company introduced its GameBridge API in December 2016 that allows game developers to directly support integration with Discord within games.


The first stable 0.0.1 release of Discord client for Linux is available for download one day ago. Just go to the official download link below, choose download .deb for Debian/Ubuntu or .tar.gz:

Discord Download Page

Then click install via Ubuntu Software or Gdebi package manager.


Corebird Twitter Client

Corebird, an open-source and native GTK+ twitter client, has reached the 1.4 release a few hours ago with some enhancements and bug-fixes.

The changes in Corebird 1.4 according to the release page:

  • Images in quoted tweets now look more like they actually belong to the quoted tweet instead of the quoting tweet.
  • Allow deleting tweets from the tweet info page and not just from timelines.
  • Fix the user completion not showing all possible results
  • Focus the already opened window for an account if the account gets selected in the accounts popover
  • Avoid window resizing when typing in the Direct Message text box
  • Add ‘q’ accelerator to tweet rows for quoting
  • Add spellchecking. This add a dependency to gspell
  • Increase gtk+ dependency to 3.18 to get rid of some workarounds.
  • Increase avatar size in profiles and slightly overlap them over the banner. Also, always show the full banner.
  • Fix completion popup positioning under Wayland
  • Add experimental meson build files
  • Fix some videos not playing correctly
  • Add a minimal video progress indicator to the video dialog
  • Fix the retweet/favorite count updating in the tweet info page

Corebird 1.2

How to Install Corebird 1.4 in Ubuntu / Linux Mint:

The new release has been made into unofficial PPA, available for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Linux Min 18 and derivatives. Spellcheck feature disabled due to build error.

Tip: The GetDeb repository also maintains the Corebird packages, see here.

1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/corebird

Type in your password (no visual feedback) when it asks and hit Enter.


2. Then update and install Corebird 1.4 via commands:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install corebird

If you have a previous release installed, you can also launch Software Updater to upgrade the software after checking for updates:

upgrade corebird

Or grab the .deb package directly from PPA archive page.

How to Uninstall:

To remove Corebird, simply run the command below in terminal:

sudo apt remove corebird && sudo apt autoremove

The PPA can be removed by going to System Settings -> Software & Updates -> Other Software tab.

Aria Maestosa

The open source Aria Maestosa midi tracker/editor has reached the 1.4.13 release a few days ago with some bug-fixes. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, and Linux Mint 18.

Aria Maestosa lets you compose, edit and play midi files with a few clicks in a user-friendly interface offering score, keyboard, guitar, drum and controller views. It features:

  • Import and play MIDI files
  • Easily compose and edit music
  • See and use musical score notation, as well as piano roll, tablature and/or drum views
  • Print musical notation
  • Record from a MIDI instrument

Aria Maestosa Midi Tracker Editor

How to Install Aria Maestosa in Ubuntu:

The GetDeb repository contains the latest packages of Aria Maestosa, available for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, and derivatives.

1. To add the repository, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb xenial-getdeb apps" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list'

You may replace xenial (for 16.04 and derivatives) in the code with yakkety for Ubuntu 16.10.

Then setup the keyring via command:

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

GetDeb repository for Ubuntu 16.04

2. After adding the repository, either search for and install the software using Synaptic Package Manager, or run the commands below one by one in terminal:

sudo apt update 

sudo apt install ariamaestosa


To remove the software, either use Synaptic Package Manager or simply run the command below in terminal:

sudo apt remove ariamaestosa && sudo apt autoremove

The getdeb repository can be removed by going to System Settings -> Software & Updates -> Other Software tab.

DVDStyler 3.0.3

DVDStyler 3.0.3, a cross-platform free DVD authoring tool, was released on New Year’s Day 2017. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu via PPA.

Changes in DVDStyler 3.0.3:

  • disabled copy option for non-MPEG2 video streams
  • added parameter “-pix_fmt yuv420p” to transcoder
  • fixed displaying first video frame in frame button
  • changed transcoding caching to allow put multiple equal video files on DVD (e.g. with different cut points)
  • added support of EXIF metadata in slideshow
  • added CBR option for menu and slideshow enoding settings (disabled by default)
  • added Bulgarian translation (thanks to Ivan Dobrev)
  • win32/win64: updated Manolito’s VBR plug-in

How to Install DVDStyler 3.0.3 via PPA:

DVDStyler does not offer official binary packages for Linux. An unofficial PPA is available with the latest packages for Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, and Linux Mint 17 / 18.

1. To add the PPA, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/dvdstyler

Type in your password (no visual feedback) when it asks and hit Enter to continue.


2. After that, search for and install dvdstyler via Synaptic (or other) Package Manager. Or run the commands below in terminal to update and install the tool:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install dvdstyler

With the PPA repository added, you can receive future updates via Software Updater once a new release is out and made into PPA.

upgrade DVDStyler

How to Uninstall:

To remove DVDStyler, either use Synaptic Package Manager or run the command below in terminal:

sudo apt remove dvdstyler dvdstyler-data && sudo apt autoremove

And the PPA can be removed by going to System Settings -> Software & Updates -> Other Software tab.