Archives For skype for linux

Skype for Linux

The official Skype for Linux Snap package has not been updated for almost one year.

Last week Skype updated the latest Skype Preview Snap package through new insider channel. And here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 19.04.

1. First of all, REMOVE Skype Snap if you previously installed it via Ubuntu Software.

2. Then you can install the Skype snap from insider channel either via Ubuntu Software after switching channel:

or by opening terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command:

sudo snap install skype --channel=insider/stable --classic

Once installed, launch Skype from application menu and enjoy!

You Can Now Install Skype in Ubuntu via Snap

Last updated: February 1, 2018

Skype for Linux

Skype for Linux now is available as snap, the universal Linux app packaging format, with easy install and automatic updates.

London, UK – 1st February 2018 – Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, announces today that Skype is now available as a snap, the universal Linux app packaging format. Available as of today, the release means that Skype can deliver its communication service to a wider range of Linux users, including millions on Ubuntu.“, it’s announced in Ubuntu Insights.

For Ubuntu 16.04 users who’ve never installed a snap package, first install snapd daemon in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

sudo apt-get install snapd snapd-xdg-open

The snap package can be installed directly from Ubuntu Software. At the moment, it’s skype

You can also open terminal and run command to install the snap:

snap install skype --classic

And the snap automatic updates itself when a new release is out and published.

To launch Skype, search it from application launcher (may need re-login) or run command:



To uninstall the snap, either use Ubuntu Software or run command:

snap remove skype

Skype for Linux

Microsoft announced the next generation of Skype in preview for Linux a day ago.

The new Skype Preview, version 8.5, is released to unstable channel in official Skype repositories. It will receive regular updates and eventually becomes the new Skype.

The new Linux client is going to get the same features as the Windows and Mac versions for the first time, so that is the reason for changing the client version number.

Starting today, the next generation of Skype is available in preview on Linux shortly after it was introduced for Windows and Mac. It’s not yet complete and we need your feedback. We’re committed to providing a Skype experience you love, enhancing the way you talk, text, and experience the world—all from the comfort of your desktop.

Skype Preview delivers most of the great features of our next generation mobile experience but is specifically designed with desktop in mind, to take full advantage of the larger screen. Skype Preview puts chat front and center—making this the most expressive Skype ever. You can also do more together in group calls, with real-time screen and photo sharing.

Skype preview

The official download link for Skype Preview is available at:

Download Skype Preview (.deb)

For those who want to keep updating the new Skype in preview, add the unstable repository via following steps:

1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T, and run command to make sure ‘apt-transport-https’ is installed:

dpkg -s apt-transport-https > /dev/null || bash -c "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https -y"

Type in your password (no visual feedback while typing) when it prompts and hit Enter.

2. Grab and install the repository keyring via command:

curl | sudo apt-key add -

3. Add Skype apt repository to your system via command:

echo "deb [arch=amd64] unstable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/skype-unstable.list

Finally upgrade Skype via “Software Updater” utility, or run commands to check updates and install the client:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skypeforlinux


To uninstall skype preview, simply run command in terminal:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove skypeforlinux

And remove the Skype unstable repository using “Software & Updates” utility, under Other Software tab.

Skype 5.0 for Linux

Skype 5.0 for Linux has been announced a few hours ago. It’s now in the beta stage.

What’s New in Skype 5.0 for Linux:

  • Calls to mobiles and landlines with Skype credit
  • one-to-one VIDEO CALLS support from Linux to Skype for Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac.
  • View shared screens from other Skype desktop clients
  • Unity launcher now shows the number of unread conversations
  • online contacts in contact list now include Away and Do Not Disturb statuses.

Skype for Linux Beta

How to Install Skype 5.0 for Linux in Ubuntu / Linux Mint:

The new release can be installed from the Skype apt repository, simply open terminal from Unity Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key and run following commands one by one:

1. Make sure you have ‘apt-transport-https’ installed by running command:

dpkg -s apt-transport-https > /dev/null || bash -c "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https -y" 

Type in your password (no visual feedback) when it prompts and hit Enter.


2. Download and install Skype GPG key via command:

curl | sudo apt-key add -

3. Add Skype apt repository to your system via command:

echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/skype-stable.list

4. Finally, install Skype for Linux either via Synaptic Package Manager or by running following commands in terminal:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install skypeforlinux

How to Remove:

For any reason you can remove Skype for Linux either via Synaptic Package Manager or by running the command:

sudo apt remove skypeforlinux && sudo apt autoremove

And you can remove the Skype repository via Software & Updates -> Other Software.
