Archives For weather widget

Looking for a desktop weather application for Ubuntu desktop? My Weather Indicator is one of the great choices.

My Weather Indicator is an application especially designed for Ubuntu. It’s written in Python 3 and works on Plasma, GNOME, MATE, Xfce, etc.

The software displays current weather and the weather forecast via system tray indicator applet and desktop widget. Supported weather services include: OpenWeatherMap, Yahoo,, and World Weather Online.

To install the weather application, open terminal from your system application menu and run following commands one by one.

1.) Add the developer’s PPA by running command in terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao

Type your login password (no asterisk feedback) for sudo prompt and hit Enter to continue.

2.) Refresh package cache and install the software:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install my-weather-indicator

3.) The first launching My Weather Indicator will bring up the settings dialog. There you can setup your location, widget theme, weather services, auto-start, refresh frequency, etc.

Note: after clicking OK button, it can take a few seconds to show the desktop widget.


To remove the PPA, either open Software & Update > Other Software or run command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:atareao/atareao

To remove the weather application, run command:

sudo apt remove my-weather-indicator

Gis Weather is an open-source desktop weather widget and indicator applet with highly customizable user interface.

Gis Weather is written in Python 3 with GTK+ 3. It features:

  • View weather for several days
  • Detailed weather forecast for today and tomorrow
  • Select the background and theme weather icons
  • “Compass” with the wind direction, with adjustable angle of rotation
  • Highlighting the high wind
  • Support weather services:,,

The new version 0.84 was released hours ago with updated icons, translations, and various bug-fixes.

How to Install Gis Weather in Ubuntu:

The software offers .deb package available to download at the link below:

Download Gis Weather (.deb)

Grab the package the install it by opening terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/gis-weather_*.deb

Once installed launch it from your system application menu:

Choose weather service, and setup your location at first launch:

Then you can change icons, background, text font via widget’s right-click menu. And in Preferences, change units, widget location, refresh time interval, appearances, enable indicator applet, auto-start, etc.

Cumulus Desktop Weather App

StormCloud, a stylish desktop weather app, now is resurrected! And it’s called Cumulus.

Cumulus is forked from Typhoon which is a community version forked from StormCloud 1.1. While Typhoon is not in active development, Daryl Bennett resurrect the weather app with the help of Typhoon developer in their spare time and its Cumulus.

Cumulus so far features:

  • temperature & wind speed support.
  • custom background color
  • adjust opacity
  • Unity Launch count that shows current temperature.

Cumulus weather app settings


Known Bugs:

  • There are a few grey clouds spoiling an otherwise bright first run, including some opacity issues on first-run, dead links, broken support pages, and credits panel that credits the old developers.
  • Cumulus so far does not save location settings.

Download Cumulus:

The 64-bit .deb installer is available in the link below (PPA and snap package may be available in near future):

Download Cumulus Desktop Weather App

Click install the .deb package via Ubuntu Software and launch Cumulus from Unity Dash.

For those who have problem launching the app, try the command below to install gir1.2-webkit-3.0 in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

sudo apt install gir1.2-webkit-3.0

via: OMG!Ubuntu!

Weather widget

Weather App “My Weather Indicator” was finally made into PPA with Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid support.

My-weather-indicator is a small indicator displays your weather formation on Unity panel system tray area. It features:

  • support two locations, select location with OpenStreetMap
  • desktop widget with a few themes.
  • up to 7 day weather forecast, and forecast map.
  • support: Open Weather Map, Yahoo Weather,, World weather online.


How to install my-weather-indicator:

Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run below commands one by one to install it from the developer’s PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install my-weather-indicator

Or grab the .deb installer (“my-weather-indicator_0.6.9-0extras14.04.2_all.deb”) from the launchpad page

After installing the software, launch it from the Dash and set your location, widget, weather service, display units, refresh frequency, etc.


Finally click the OK button and enjoy!

Weather widget

Flair Weather is a nice clean conky widget for Linux that shows time, date, and weather information on your desktop.

The conky theme contains both white and black version:

Flair Weather Conky White

Flair Weather Conky White

Flair Weather Conky Black

Thanks to speedracker, Kelly Kretchek, and zagortenay333, you can install this theme on your desktop by below steps.

1. Install curl and Conky Manager, a graphical tool to manage conky themes.

Open terminal from the Dash or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard. When it opens, run commands below one by one to install it from PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install conky-manager curl

If you don’t want to add PPA, grab the .deb installer directly from the launchpad page.

2. Download Flair Weather Conky from the right pane of

3. Open the downloaded package via Archive Manager and extract it to your user Home folder, so you’ll see the result folder Flair_Weather under user’s Home -> .conky (press Ctrl+H to see hidden folders).

Conky Folder

4. Start/restart Conky Manager. You should be able to start Flair Weather White or Black theme from the list.

5. Now let’s setup your weather location. Since the theme uses Yahoo! Weather, go to, search your city (and select from drop-down prompts), finally write down the id in the url.

Yahoo Weather city id

6. Set the weather location for your city by doing below steps:

  1. In conky manager, highlight the Flair Weather widget.
  2. Click the pencil icon to edit the theme file in text editor.
  3. Replace the location id.

Setup Conky Weather Location

Finally configure the widget size, location, transparency, time format, auto-start, etc in the widget settings and app preferences window.


All done. Enjoy!

Weather Indicator / widget

This quick tutorial shows you how to install my-weather-indicator, an open-source weather indicator and desktop widget, in Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic.

My-weather-indicator is a Unity indicator applet developed by atareao team. It displays the weather information, forecast, evolution, and forecast map of selected locations on Ubuntu panel. It also supports desktop widget.

Yahoo, Open Weather Map,, World Weather Online weather services are supported.

Weather indicator and widget

Install My-weather-indicator:

Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run commands below one by one to add the developer’s PPA and install the indicator:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao 

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install my-weather-indicator

If you don’t want to add the PPA, grab the .deb installer directly from Launchpad Page.

The first time you launch the indicator, the Preferences window opens, there you can set your location, second location, show widget or not, widget skin, weather services, units, auto-start, refresh frequency, and more.

My-weather-indicator settings

desktop weather widget in Ubuntu 14.04

Want to display weather forecast on your Ubuntu desktop? Well, there is an open-source and highly customizable desktop weather widget called Gis Weather.

Gis Weather is a new project, about half a year old, that displays up to 12-day weather forecast on your Linux desktop. So far, supported weather services include gismeteo and It has been translated to Spanish, French, Romanian, and Latvian.

Gis Weather Widget in Ubuntu 14.04

Gis Weather Widget in Ubuntu 14.04

Gis Weather has few dependencies: python3-gi, python3-gi-cairo, and gir1.2-gtk-3.0. It works on Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 13.10 and other derivatives.


  • View weather for several days – 3 to 12
  • Detailed weather forecast for today and tomorrow
  • Fast switching between cities
  • Select the background and theme weather icons
  • “Compass” with the wind direction, with adjustable angle of rotation
  • Highlighting the high wind

Install Gis Weather in Ubuntu:

Just download and install the latest “gis-weather_x.x.x_all.deb” file from the link below:

Download Gis Weather

Once installed, open it from Unity Dash or Menu and set up your location as it prompted.

Gis Weather widget set location