Archives For November 30, 1999

Mate gnome 2 desktop

Gnome 2 Desktop was the default in Ubuntu (10.04 Lucid and earlier). If you would like to install this classic DE in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy, try MATE, which is a fork of GNOME 2, aims to preserve the classic desktop metaphor.

NOTE: If you just want a classic Gnome style panel and app menu, search for and install gnome-session-fallback in Ubuntu Software Center and log out and back in with Gnome Flashback session.

First take a look at MATE 1.6:

MATE calssic gnome 2 menu

MATE calssic gnome 2 menu

MATE gnome 2 panel items

MATE gnome 2 panel items

To install MATE desktop environments in Ubuntu 13.10, follow the steps below:

1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run commands to add MATE repository:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb saucy main"

2. Update package lists and get the keyring:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install mate-archive-keyring

3. Update and install the DE:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install mate-core mate-desktop-environment

Once installed, log out current session and choose to login with MATE from LightDM:

MATE login in ubuntu 13.10

stunt rally 2.2 ubuntu 13.10

Stunt Rally is an open-source VDrift and OGRE based racing game with track editor. Stunt Rally 2.2 was released recently with many new features and bug fixes. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy.

What’s New in Stunt Rally 2.2:

  • 146 tracks (19 new)
  • Game
    • Challenges (new game mode)
      • Short series of tracks. Only the best drivers will succeed.
        Drive with no mistakes to win bronze,silver or gold prize.
        Normal simulation, no driving aids.
    • Multiplayer updated
      • Host can press new game and continue on other track (no need to quit and create)
      • Game info text, track info now on track tab
    • Hud
      • New layout (gauges on right, minimap on left)
      • Times bar shows current points and time difference each checkpoint
      • Lap result window (last, best times, final points) on right
    • Input checkbox to bind 1 axis to both throttle and brake
    • Rocks with better collision (triangle mesh)
    • Better water and mud particles
    • Damage repair each lap option
    • Auto camera change in loops (by marking checkpoints in editor, key 7)
  • Common
    • Gui reworked, more icons, also on Input tab
    • Graphics presets now on Screen tab (need to quit after change)
    • All sliders have default value, press RMB on slider to reset
  • Other
    • New objects for caves, pipe obstacles, column for rocks
    • New loading screens
    • Tire force circles visualization
    • Separated differential settings in .car, center of mass length offset, better TW handling
    • Road total on-pipe percentage (need to mark segments in editor, key 8)
    • Road stats banked angle average and max
  • Editor
    • Some edit fields now also with slider and sliders with edits
    • Checkpoint radius restrictions (1 to 2.5 on terrain, constant on bridges and pipes), force with ctrl
    • Objects
      • Selection mark (glow)
      • Better mouse picking
      • Selection scale, rotate (only simple works)
    • Gui revamp
      • Split tabs into Track window, Grasses tab, Settings on 3 tabs
    • Change in road point keys
      • 1,2 Roll, 3,4 Yaw, alt-1,2 angle type, 5,6 snap, alt-shift-1 zero angles
  • Fixes
    • Optimization, less batches for Hud, opponents list hidden by default
    • Fixed broken translations (wrong check, loading etc.)
    • Fixed input on gui edits (ctrl is stuck, press it to fix) in chat after network game or in find box
    • Linux release archive was outputting user data into wrong location (was in .local/data)
    • Fixed minimap road preview save in editor (shader errors)
    • No simulation before game start (fix multiplayer jumps, but shows car landing more)
  • Sources
    • Huge changes in headers and cpp, split to more (CGame,CHud,CGui,CApp), fixed includes
    • Gui Init code shorter, grouped controls in CGui.h, common Gui code in GuiCom class
    • Using own classes SliderValue and Check
  • Install Stunt Rally 2.2:

    The PlayDeb has made the new release into its repository for Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy. So we can follow the steps below to install it.

    1. Add the PlayDeb repository

    Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run commands below to add the repository:

    sudo sh -c 'echo "deb saucy-getdeb games" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playdeb.list'

    Then get the key:

    wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

    2. Install the required package: ttf-liberation

    The game requires package ttf-liberation which is available in all other Ubuntu releases except Ubuntu 13.10. Don’t know why, but you can download it from:

    ttf-liberation for raring

    3. Check for udpates and install Stunt Rally

    sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install -y stuntrally

    Once installed, open the game or track editor from menu or Unity Dash.

    install stunt rally ubuntu 13.10

    For source code and Windows EXE installer, go to sourceforge download page.

    For more details go to Stunt Rally project homepage

    install Clementine ubuntu 13.10, 14.04

    Clementine, Amarok 1.4 inspired music player recently released v1.2.1 with important bug fixes. They are network remote issues, login failures with, and Spotify downloader button not shown issue.

    The official changelog:

    • Fix library download in the network remote.
    • Fix removing songs from playlist in the network remote.
    • Fix login failures with
    • (Mac OS X) Add a workaround for a weird font issue on 10.9.
    • (Linux) Fix a typo that would prevent the Spotify downloader button from ever being shown.

    If you’re using Clementine 1.2, it’s strongly recommended to upgrade and here’s how:

    1. For Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 10.04 and their derivatives, such as Linux Mint 13/14/15, Pear OS 7/8, Elementary OS Luna:

    Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal and then run commands below one by one to install it and receive updates from PPA:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:me-davidsansome/clementine
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install clementine

    2. For Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 14.04 use the DEBs for Ubuntu 13.04 from the link below. Install them via:

    sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/clementine_1.2.1~raring_*.deb; sudo apt-get -f install

    3. Source code, and other systems’ installer are available in the official download page.

    clementine 1.2.1 in ubuntu 13.10

    clementine 1.2.1 in ubuntu 13.10

    PeaZip 5.2.0 released, How to Install it in Ubuntu

    Last updated: November 26, 2013

    peazip 5.2.0

    PeaZip 5.2.0, the free and open-source file and archive manager has been released recently. This version contains mainly 177 new files support and very_fast mode to Secure delete.

    PeaZip 5.2.0 changelog:


    • UPX 3.91


    • (Windows Vista and newer) Improved UAC integration for archiving and extraction functions
    • Improved file deletion modes
      • Added very_fast mode (single pass random data) to Secure delete
      • Fast mode (two pass random data) is now default mode for secure delete
      • Added Zero delete, deletion mode overwriting existing file with all 0
    • (Windows) Introduced free space deletion modes
      • Added Secure delete free space, overwriting with random data multiple times (same as secure file delete)
      • Added Zero delete free space, overwriting with all 0 to improve compressibility of filesystem (i.e. disk image backup, virtual machine optimization)
    • Re-introduced local help file for offline support
    • Various fixes and improvements
      • (Linux) fixed using output path as working directory


    • “Extract all to” starts from input folder (or default extraction path, if set)
    • Implemented extract/archive to original input folder: multiple input files from different paths can be extracted/archived each in its own path in a single pass

    177 file extensions supported

    • Added support for .msu (Microsoft update) and .mpp (Microsoft Project file)

    Download & Install PeaZip 5.2.0

    The source code, Windows EXE, Ubuntu DEB, Fedora RPM packages are available in sourceforge page

    For Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 14.04 and higher, you may need the libgmp3c2 package.

    For Nautilus integration, read this post

    peazip ubuntu 13.10

    jamendo extension for Ubuntu unity

    Want to search music from Jamendo site in Unity Dash? Well, we can do it with Unity Jamendo scope in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy or Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty.

    Jamendo is a music website which provides more than 400,000 free songs. Follow the steps below and you’ll be able to get access to this music services through Unity Dash.

    Jamendo scope for unity

    Jamendo search result

    To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run commands below to add the PPA:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:scopes-packagers/ppa

    Then update the package lists:

    sudo apt-get update

    Finally install the Jamendo extension for Unity:

    sudo apt-get install unity-scope-jamendo

    Log out and back in to apply the changes.

    install touchpad indicator 1.0 ubuntu

    The touchpad indicator 1.0.0 is out! Now it has the ability to disable the touchpad while typing. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Linux Mint.

    What’s New in Touchpad indicator 1.0.0:

    The first of changes is the ability to disable touchpad while typing. The new release added an option under Preferences -> Actions tab to switch this feature on / off. It also allows you to configure the time to wait after the last key press before enabling the touchpad.

    disable touchpad while typing

    disable touchpad while typing

    Touchpad Indicator 1.0.0 also brings following new features:

    • Vertical scrolling. You can perform vertical scrolling by sliding your finger along the right side of the touchpad.
    • Horizontal scrolling. You can scroll horizontally by sliding your finger across the bottom of the touchpad.
    • Circular scrolling
    • Vertical scrolling with two fingers. You can scroll vertically by sliding two fingers vertically
    • Horizontal scrolling with two fingers. You can scroll horizontally sliding two fingers horizontally
      Natural scrolling

    You can enable them under Preferences -> Touchpad configuration.

    two finger scrolling, natural scrolling

    two finger scrolling, natural scrolling

    Install Touchpad Indicator:

    The new release is available in developer’s PPA for Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.10 and Linux Mint. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run commands below one by one to install it:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install touchpad-indicator

    Once installed, open touchpad indicator from menu r Unity Dash.

    Read the official announcement in Spanish

    UPDATE: I just found a bug that when I enabled ‘disable touchpad while typing’ feature and changed the time delay to 1. The touchpad sometimes doesn’t re-enabled after typing. If you get the same problem, run command in terminal to enable touchpad:

    synclient TouchpadOff=0

    Then change the time delay to 2 seconds.

    minetest 0.4.8

    Minetest, the open-source Minecraft-like game, has reached v0.4.8 with many new features and bug fixes. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Linux Mint and their derivatives.

    Minetest is designed to be simple, stable and portable. It is lightweight enough to run on fairly old hardware. It currently runs playably on a laptop with Intel 945GM graphics. Though, as for the CPU, dualcore is recommended.

    What’s New in Minetest 0.4.8:

    Big gameplay changes:

    • Added drowning (PilzAdam, RealBadAngel, BlockMen)
    • Added weather support (proller)

    Smaller gameplay tweaks:

    • Added new sounds (someone who can’t decide if he wants to be called mitori or mito551)
    • Don’t predict placing and removing nodes if interact privilege is missing (PilzAdam)

    Logistic changes:

    • Clean up rendering code a bit (increases FPS by 5 to 10) (Exio)
    • Added support for IPv6 (matttpt)
    • Don’t write player files all the time if they are not modified (PilzAdam)
    • Made the main menu Lua based (sapier, kahrl)
    • Change static ContentFeatures array into a vector (rathgit, kahrl)
    • Allow multiple singleplayer games at the same time (PilzAdam)
    • Added texture pack selection to main menu (Novatux)
    • Don’t write files directly but rather write to a temporary file that gets renamed after succesfully written; fixes many causes of corrupted files (PilzAdam)
    • Adjust the Lua API structure and improve header inclusion to decrease compile time (kahrl)
    • Database abstraction, LevelDB support (sfan5, wieszak, xyz)

    Visual changes:

    • Added support for bumpmapping (RealBadAngel)
    • Added diagonal liquid animation (kahrl)
    • Damage updates and effects are now sent to other players (PilzAdam)

    Other things

    • Play player_damage.ogg when recieving damage and player_falling_damage.ogg on falling damage (PilzAdam)
    • Added basic unicode support to the console in Linux (Exio)
    • Added a setting for max loop count per step in liquid update (PilzAdam)
    • Added math mapgen with fractal based worlds (proller)
    • Disallow the name ‘singleplayer’ in a multiplayer server (PilzAdam)
    • Added max_objects_per_block to minetest.conf to control the maximum number of static objects per block (Novatux)
    • Removed broken farmesh (kahrl)
    • Added language setting to minetest.conf which forces Minetest to use specified translation (xyz)

    Bug fixes as well as other changes can be found at minetest changelog

    Install Minetest

    The latest stable version of Minetest is available in launchpad PPA for Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 12.04 and their derivatives. include Linux Mint 13/14/15/16, Pear OS 8/7, Elementary OS Luna.

    To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run commands below one by one:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:minetestdevs/stable
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install minetestc55

    Once installed, open the game from Dash or menu:

    install minetest 0.4.8 ubuntu 13.10

    minecraft ubuntu 13.10

    This simple tutorial shows you how to easily install minecraft sandbox indie game in Ubuntu 13.10 or Linux Mint 16 via PPA.

    The package in this unofficial PPA is only a script that automatically connects to Mojang’s servers and downloads the files.

    Pay attention on the PPA description before getting started:

    If your computer has issues running Minecraft with OpenJDK 7, then it will have issues running this. Because that’s what this is. I’ve tested this on multiple machines and it’s worked fine, but your mileage may vary. That said, one of the main black screen issues I’ve seen is people not running it with OpenJDK 7. ;)

    To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run commands below one by one:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:minecraft-installer-peeps/minecraft-installer
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install minecraft-installer

    Once installed, open MineCraft from Unity Dash, login with your Minecraft account and the installation should start automatically.

    minecraft login

    minecraft login

    minecraft updates

    minecraft game window


    OcenAudio is a fast and functional audio editor based on Ocen Framework. With ocenaudio, there is no limit to the length or the quantity of the audio files you can edit. Ocenaudio always remains responsive, no matter how many files are open.

    OcenAudio Features:

    • Cross-platform, works on Linux, Window, and Mac OS X.
    • ocenaudio has a real time preview feature: you hear the processed signal while adjusting the controls.
    • Multi-selection, which allows to simultaneously select different portions of an audio file and listen, edit or even apply an effect to them.
    • Using an advanced memory management system, the application keeps your files open without wasting any of your computer’s memory. Even in files several hours long, common editing operations such as copy, cut or paste happen almost instantly.
    • ocenaudio has a powerful and complete spectrogram view. In this view, you can analyze the spectral content of your audio signal with maximum clarity.

    ocenaudio in ubuntu

    Download & Install OcenAudio

    For Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Linux Mint, Debian and their derivatives, we can download and install the DEB from the links below:

    32 bit DEB for Ubuntu/Debian and derivatives

    64 bit DEB for Ubuntu/Debian and derivatives

    For Unity, you may need a restart to get the launcher icon from Unity Dash.

    For Other Linux, Windws and Mac OS, get ocenaudio from official download page.

    great little radio player

    Great Little Radio Player is a internet radio station streamer for Ubuntu and Fedora based Linux distributions that comes with a collection of more then 370 radio stations worldwide.

    The application is very simplistic and looks quite good. It provides a lot of skins, so we can easily choose the appearance of the user interface.

    Great Little radio player default interface

    Great Little radio player default interface

    Great little radio player blue

    Great little radio player blue

    Great Little radio player theme ipod

    Great Little radio player theme ipod

    The app also contains an indicator on panel which contains favorite channels, hide player and exit options. The latest Great Little Radio Player 1.4.5 released recently with following changes:

    • Code optimization
    • Single instance
    • More Languages
    • Simpler interface

    The .DEB installer for Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Debian and .RPM for Fedora, OpenSUSE are available at its project homepage