HPLIP, HP developed Linux drivers for HP inkjet and laser based printers, released version 3.18.12 a few hours ago with new devices and Linux Distros support.
According to the release note, HPLIP 3.18.12 adds support for 64-bit Ubuntu 18.10 and Debian 9.6.
Also following new devices are supported:
- HP Tango
- HP Tango X
- HP Scanjet Pro 2000 S1
Download / Install HPLIP 3.18.12 in Ubuntu:
To install the software, download the package “hplip-3.18.12.run” from the link below:
Then open terminal either via Ctrl+Alt+T or search for “terminal” from app launcher. When it opens, run command:
cd ~/Downloads/ && chmod +x hplip-3.18.12.run && ./hplip-3.18.12.run
Type your user password (no asterisks feedback) when it prompts and hit Enter.
Then follow the terminal prompts, answer some questions to build and install HPLIP on your system. When everything is done, plug/re-plug your printers and enjoy!