Archives For blender

Blender 2.79

The free and open-source 3D modeling software Blender 2.93 was announced as LTS (Long Term Support) release.

Blender 2.93 is the last major milestone of the 2.x series. And the next Blender 3.0 is under development now.

Blender 2.93 brings 22 new nodes to the Geometry Nodes editor, mesh primitives support, adds the much anticipated Line Art modifier to automatically generate grease pencil lines around objects, a new and faster fill tool, and many Eevee renderer improvements.

How to Install Blender 2.93 via PPA:

Blender is available officially via Snap package, which can be easily installed from Ubuntu Software.

For those prefer the classic .deb package format, Rob Savoury’s PPA maintains the latest packages for all current Ubuntu releases.

1.) Remove Thomas Schiex’s PPA

If you installed old Blender packages from Thomas Schiex’s PPA, it’s better to remove it first to prevent from going to dependency hell!

Firstly, open terminal from system app launcher.

Secondly, run command to remove the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:thomas-schiex/blender

You can try purge the PPA instead, but it won’t work in my case due to issue.

2.) Remove old Blender package:

Open terminal and run command to remove old Blender packages if any:

sudo apt remove blender blender-data libopenshadinglanguage1.10

It’s important to remove libopenshadinglanguage1.10 package, or the configuration will fail while installing Blender 2.93.

3.) Add Rob Savoury’s PPA

To add the new PPA, simply run command in terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/blender

4.) And add the FFmpeg PPA for dependency libraries:

To do so, run command in terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/ffmpeg4

5.) For Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 16.04 only.

For Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 16.04, you need to add even more PPAs for dependencies. To do so, run commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/gcc-defaults-9
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/display

6.) Finally install package updates & install Blender:

Firstly run command to refresh package cache and install available package updates:

sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade

Finally install Blender 2.93 via command:

sudo apt install blender

If everything’s done successfully. Open Blender from system app launcher and enjoy!

Remove Blender and Ubuntu PPAs:

If you don’t use these PPAs anymore and want to remove Blender, purge them by running following commands one by one:

1. Firstly open terminal and run command to install ppa-purge:

sudo apt install ppa-purge

2. Then purge the Ubuntu PPAs one by one:

sudo ppa-purge ppa:savoury1/gcc-defaults-9
sudo ppa-purge ppa:savoury1/ffmpeg4
sudo ppa-purge ppa:savoury1/display
sudo ppa-purge ppa:savoury1/blender

Note purging Ubuntu PPA will either downgrade or remove packages installed from that PPA. Even other packages, GIMP in my case, will be removed.

You can alternatively remove these Ubuntu PPAs only, without uninstalling software packages, by going to ‘Software & Updates -> Other Software’ and removing relevant lines:

Blender 2.79

For those prefer installing apps via the classic apt method, you can now install Blender 2.92 via PPA in Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 20.10, and also Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04.

The open-source 3D modeller software Blender 2.92 was released a few days ago. Features “a completely new workflow for editing meshes, new physics simulation methods, faster Cycles rendering, better compositing with Eevee, and so much more.

Blender offers official Snap package, which runs in sandbox, and is available to install directly from Ubuntu Software. As well, a Linux portable package is available to download in its website. For those prefer the classic deb packages, Thomas Schiex’s PPA has made it for Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 20.10 uses.

UPDATE: The Thomas Schiex’s PPA has been abandoned, use this PPA instead.

1. Add Blender PPA:

Firstly open terminal from system application launcher. When it opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender

Type user password, no asterisk feedback, when it asks and hit Enter to continue.

The PPA does not support for Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04, but another PPA do! It however requires a few more PPA for updated libaries, see the PPA description for detail.

2. Install or update Blender:

If you have an old version of Blender packages installed via apt method, open Software Updater (Update Manager) and update the software:

upgrade to blender 2.79

Or run commands in terminal to install / update the package:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install blender

3. Fix missing issue:

Blender 2.92 does not start in my Ubuntu 20.04, and it outputs an error when running from terminal:

/usr/lib/blender/blender: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This can be easily fixed by running command:

sudo apt install libllvm6.0

Not sure if the problem exists in Ubuntu 20.10, but libllvm6.0 is not available in the Groovy repository.


To remove the Ubuntu PPA, open Software & Updates and go to Other Software tab, then remove the relevant line.

To remove Blender installed via apt, run command in terminal:

sudo apt remove --autoremove blender

Blender 2.79

Blender 2.91 was released on Wednesday as the fourth major release in 2020. It features the user experience improvements, powerful new booleans, better cloth sculpting with support for collisions, volume objects modifiers, improved animation tools and more.

Changes in Blender 2.91 include:

  • Introduce collision support for the sculpt cloth brush and filter.
  • New Sculpt Trim tool.
  • Curve and text objects now support for custom bevel profiles
  • New modifier for volume objects allows to dynamically convert them into a mesh, ideal for stylized fluids.
  • Convert any mesh into a volume and combine it with the new Volume Displace modifier.
  • Convert images into Grease Pencil objects with just one click!
  • New Holdout option in materials allows to paint holes in strokes and filled areas.
  • Property search, Fuzzy search support.
  • Colors, drag & drop supports in outliner.
  • Animation curves can now become much snappier.
  • Once click to convert proxy objects into overrides.
  • And much more other changes, see the release note.

How to Install Blender 2.91 in Ubuntu:

Blender offers official Ubuntu binary via Snap package, which can be installed directly from Ubuntu Software.

Blender also available as universal Flatpak package, which can be installed from repository.

For those prefer installing .deb package via apt, there’s a well trusted Ubuntu PPA available though it’s not updated to v2.91 at the moment of writing.

Blender 2.79

Open source 3D creation software Blender 2.90 was released as the new major series with huge feature updates and performance improvements.

Blender 2.90 release highlights include:

  • Faster motion blur with Intel Embree.
  • NVLink support for CUDA and OptiX.
  • New search menu.
  • Motion blur in EEVEE rewritten from scratch
  • New physically based texture for smulating the colors of the sky.
  • Initial Wayland Support

And improvements to EEVEE, Cycles, sculpt, VR, animation, modeling, UV editing and so much more. See the release note for details. Or see what’s new with the Youtube video:

How to Install Blender 2.90 in Ubuntu:

The official Blender snap package has been updated for the new release. You can install it either from Ubuntu Software or by going to

Or run command in terminal to install Blender Snap package:

sudo snap install blender --classic

If you have already installed the Snap package, it will be automatically updated to the latest.

Also the Blender download page offers Linux portable package, which you can extract and run the executable file to launch the software.

Blender 2.82 Released with UDIM, USD Support

Last updated: February 15, 2020

Blender 2.79

Blender 2.82 was released as the second update for the 2.80 series. The snap package has been updated for Ubuntu 18.04 and higher.

Blender 2.82 comes with over a thousand fixes and several important updates. Changes in the new release include:

  • New Mantaflow system allows to create mind-blowing fire and smoke simulations.
  • New FLIP solver to create lifelike liquids
  • Improved Cloth Simulations
  • The popular tiled-based UV mapping system is now fully integrated
  • Pixar’s USD export support.
  • Cycles supports AI-Accelerated Denoiser from OptiX, for NVIDIA RTX graphics cards.
  • AI denoising, Grease Pencil improvements, and much more!

How to Install Blender 2.82 in Ubuntu:

Blender offers official Snap packages (runs in sandbox) for Linux Desktop. If you’ve already installed the snap package, it will be updated automatically.

For Ubuntu 18.04 and higher, simply search for and install it from Ubuntu Software:

Note there are 3 Blender packages in Ubuntu Software: blender snap, native .deb package, and blender-tpaw (abandoned).

Go check the package details, and install the one from Snap store.

For Ubuntu 16.04, first open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to install snapd:

sudo apt install snapd

Then install the official Blender snap package via command:

sudo snap install blender --classic

Once installed, launch it from your system application launcher and enjoy!

Blender 2.79

Blender 2.79 was finally released a day ago after 2 release candidates. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.04, and derivatives.

Blender 2.79 release highlights:

  • OpenCL support has improved and should be closer to parity with Blender’s CUDA capabilities.
  • 10~20% faster performance for modern x86_64 CPUs with AVX2
  • automatic DPI support for determining HiDPI displays
  • an overhaul to Blender’s video output support
  • new denoiser, PBR shader, shadow catcher, filmic color management
  • and over 700 bug-fixes.

blender 2.79 splash

How to Install Blender 2.79 in Ubuntu:

The official Blender tarball (non-install) for Linux is available for download at:

Blender Download (non-install version)

For third-party binaries, Blender is also available via Snap and traditional PPA. You can install both or either one via following steps.

Install Blender in Ubuntu via Snap:

Blender 2.79 is also available as snap package, which is large in file, but bundles almost all required libraries. Available for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, and higher.

1. For Ubuntu 14.04 only, install snapd daemon if you don’t have it:

sudo apt-get install snapd xdg-open-snapd

2. If you have installed the snap package “blender-tpaw” (2.78c so far), first remove it via:

sudo snap remove blender-tpaw

3. Finally run command to install blender 2.79 snap maintained by another guy:

sudo snap install blender --classic

Install Blender 2.79 via PPA in Ubuntu:

Thomas Schiex’s PPA contains the Blender packages for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.04.

NOTE that Blender 2.79 is not ready in the PPA at the moment of writing. Be patient, it will be there in a few days.

The PPA is abandoned, see this tutorial instead.

1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or from app launcher. When it opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender

2. Then upgrade Blender if you have a previous installed via Software Updater:

upgrade to blender 2.79

or run commands to check updates and install blender package:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install blender

How to Remove:

To remove Blender packages either use your system package manager or run commands:

To remove Blender snap app, run command:

sudo snap remove blender

To remove Blender installed from PPA, run command:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove blender

And to remove the PPA repository, launch “Software & Updates” utility and navigate to Other Software tab.

Blender 2.78b Releaesed! How to Install in Ubuntu

Last updated: February 11, 2017

Blender 2.78b

Blender 2.78b, a 2.78a release-compatible update was announced yesterday with important speedups, especially in Cycles and for Dependency graph.

BLender 2.78b comes with Cycles Speedups that were announced last month. Most notable will be faster rendering of Motion blur with hair, which has a 5-10 time speedup – important for production rendering. Also there are various bug-fixes.

Blender 2.78b

How to Install Blender 2.78b in Ubuntu:

Blender is now available as SNAP package, first install snapd via command sudo apt install snapd in terminal, then you’re able to search for and install blender-tpaw in Ubuntu Software.

blender SNAP

For those who don’t like the SNAP version, Blender 2.78b is also available in Thomas Schiex’s PPA, supports for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, and derivatives.

1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender

Type in your password (no visual feedback) when it prompts and hit enter.


2. Then you can upgrade Blender from an existing version via Software Updater (or Update Manager) after checking for updates.

upgrade to blender 2.78

Or install blender package either via Synaptic Package Manager or via commands:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install blender


If you installed blender from PPA repository, run the following command in terminal to remove the PPA and downgrade Blender to the stock version available in Ubuntu main repositories.

sudo apt-get install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge ppa:thomas-schiex/blender

Blender 2.78

The Blender Foundation has recently announced the release of Blender 2.78. Here’s how to install or upgrade it via PPA in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, and Linux Mint 18, 17.

What’s new in Blender 2.78:

  • spherical stereo rendering support for VR
  • a grease pencil for full 2D drawing and animations
  • viewport rendering improvements
  • freehand curves drawing over surfaces
  • bendy bones support
  • alembic support
  • The Cycles Render Engine has NVIDIA Pascal support
  • new physics capabilities, and various new add-ons.

Blender 2.78 splash

Install/upgrade to Blender 2.78 via PPA:

Thomas Schiex is maintaining a PPA with most recent Blender release for Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, and Linux Mint 17, 18.

So you can easily install Blender 2.78 or upgrade from a previous release by following the steps below:

The PPA is abandoned, see this tutorial instead.

1. Open terminal from Unity Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T keys. When it opens, run command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender


2. To upgrade from a previous release, simply launch Software Updater and install the updates after checking for updates:


Or install Blender for the first time or upgrade Blender via command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install blender

3. (Optional) To restore to the stock version of Blender in Ubuntu’s main repository, purge the ppa via command:

sudo apt install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge ppa:thomas-schiex/blender


The Blender Foundation finally announced the stable release for Blender 2.77 this weekend.

The new release features:

  • Cycles Rendering has better Subsurface Scattering, GPU support for Smoke/Fire and Point Density, and a few other features and optimizations.
  • User Interface has faster OpenGL rendering and better Anti-Aliasing, and other improvements
  • Modeling now has an edit-mode boolean tool, better decimate modifier, selection tools
  • Sequencer has a Gaussian Blur effect speedup, and other strip and modifier improvements
  • Sculpting/Painting has better extruding and weight painting tools
  • Animation has a new constraint interpolation method, and improvements in graph editor, dope sheet, armatures and motion paths
  • Grease pencil now has stroke sculpting, and several other workflow improvements
  • Library handling has been improved to better manage missing and deleted datablocks
  • Game Engine has a few new small features
  • A new Add-on supports packing .blend files and their dependencies, some other IO Add-on was improved, and Python was upgraded
  • OpenVDB caching is now supported for smoke/volumetric simulations, multithreading is now massively
  • supported, and also 2D stabilization node, Image editor, Cubemap and spotlights were improved
  • Support for Windows XP was removed, and the SCons build system too.
  • And, as usual, a massive bug fixing!
  • Read more at its features page.
Blender 2.77 Splash

Blender 2.77 Splash

How to Install Blender 2.77 in Ubuntu:

Blender 2.77 can be installed via either the official Linux binary, or a third-party PPA for better Ubuntu integration.

1. See this how-to to install blender via official Linux binary. Need to remove the previous installation first.

2. To install Blender 2.77 from PPA.

There may be a little delay before the current release being made into PPA. Check out the PPA webpage, and read the PPA description before doing below steps.

1.) Open terminal from App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T keys. When it opens, paste below command and hit run:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender


2.) Then upgrade Blender by launching Software Updater.

Or install it by running the commands one by one in terminal:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install blender

blender ppa

Blender, a professional free and open-source 3D graphics software, has reached the 2.76b release. The ‘b’ release brings a few bugfixes to the 2.76 release which was released a month ago.

For Blender 2.76 new features see HERE, and the 2.76b fixed:

  • Crash generating previews
  • crash with metas & particles
  • Select linked crash with wire seam edges


Install / Upgrade Blender via PPA:

Besides installing from the official binary manually, you can install Blender and receive future updates using a PPA repository.

Thomas Schiex is maintaining a PPA with latest Blender packages, support for Ubuntu 15.10 and Ubuntu 14.04 so far. Follow below steps to add PPA and install/upgrade Blender.

1. Add PPA.

NOTE: As an unofficial PPA, you may first check the PPA page for the current Blender packages and supported Ubuntu editions.

Open terminal from Unity Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key. When it opens, run below command to add PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender


Type your password when it asks (type in mind and hit enter, there’s no display when typing password).

2. If you have a previous installed via Ubuntu Software Center or PPA, launch Software Updater and upgrade Blender after checking for updates.


Or, install it via Software Center (check updates needed), Synaptic Package Manager, or via commands:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install blender