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Real-time strategy video game 0 A.D. released version Alpha 25 a day ago. Code name is “Yaunã”.

0 A.D. (pronounced “zero ey-dee”) is a free and open-source RTS game under development by Wildfire Games, that works on Windows, Linux, and MAC. It is a historically-based war/economy game that allows players to relive or rewrite the history of Western civilizations, focusing on the years between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D.

“Yaunã” comes with the twenty-fifth alpha version that initially implements Single Player Campaigns, along with other big ones including:

  • Improved Pathfinding, Performance And Reduced Game Lag.
  • Push new orders to the front Of their production queues.
  • Improved Unit AI.
  • New Biomes incorporating wew 2k textures and normal/specular maps.
  • GUI improvements.
  • Extended Graphics options.
  • Improved Mod support and game filtering in the multiplayer lobby.
  • Ongoing civilization balancing.
  • Various other game stability bug fixes and speedups.

See video about 0 A.D. Alpha 25:

How to Install 0 A.D in Ubuntu:

The game package is available in Ubuntu repository but always old! To get the latest version, keep an eye on this Ubuntu PPA while the official one is not being updated for long time.

Usually, maintainers update the latest software packages a few days after the release note. For beginners, you can follow this tutorial to add the PPA and install 0 A.D. once the new package published.

Want to get better performance when playing games in Linux? Try GameMode!

GameMode is a free open-source Linux project allows games to request a set of optimizations be temporarily applied to the host and/or game process.

The project was originally designed as a stop-gap solution to problems with Intel and AMD CPU powersave or ondemand governors. But now GameMode supports for optimizations including:

  • CPU governor
  • I/O priority
  • Process niceness
  • Kernel scheduler
  • Screensaver inhibiting
  • GPU performance mode (NVIDIA and AMD), GPU overclocking (NVIDIA)
  • Custom scripts

1. How to Install GameMode in Ubuntu Linux:

The package is available in Ubuntu as well as most other Linux repositories.

Firstly open terminal by either searching from ‘Activities’ overview screen, or pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard. When terminal opens, run command to install it:

sudo apt install gamemode

For Fedora and CentOS Linux, you can install it via command:

sudo dnf install gamemode

(Optional) Install GameMode indicator:

For choice, you can install an indicator applet that shows the current status of GameMode. It’s an extension for the default Gnome desktop.

a.) Open terminal and run command to make sure chrome-gnome-shell browser integration is installed:

sudo apt install chrome-gnome-shell gnome-shell-extension-prefs

b.) Next go to the extension web page by clicking the button below. And turn on the slider icon to install it.

If you don’t see the toggle icon, click the “click here to install browser extension” link to install browser extension and reload the page.

Finally, search for and open ‘Gnome Extensions App’ from start menu. And click on the gear button to configure the status indicator.

2. How to Run Game in GameMode:

Some games and platforms have integrated GameMode support. Which means you don’t have to do anything to activate it. They are:

  • DiRT 4
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider
  • Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  • Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia
  • Total War: Three Kingdoms
  • Total War: WARHAMMER II
  • ATLauncher Minecraft launcher
  • Lutris

For other games, you can now run the executable command by adding gamemoderun at the beginning. For example, run SuperTux2 in GameMode via:

gamemoderun supertux2

For steam, you can simply add gamemoderun %command% as launch option.

And without launching game every time from command line, write the rule into app shortcut file. They are .desktop files generally locate in “/usr/share/applications” directory.

For example, edit SuperTux 2 app shortcut via command:

sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/supertux2.desktop

When the file opens, add gamemoderun before executable command in Exec line.

For Hybrid GPU users, the GameMode supports environment variable via GAMEMODERUNEXEC. So you can run GameMode while using dedicated gpu for rendering game which will be displayed using the integrated card. For example:

export GAMEMODERUNEXEC="env DRI_PRIME=1" && gamemoderun supertux2

To set the environment variable globally, add either line into /etc/environment config file for your case.

GAMEMODERUNEXEC=optirun #Bumblebee implementation.




Warzone 2100, real-time tactics hybrid computer game, released version 4.0.0 a few days ago with tons of changes.

The new release of the open-source 3D real-time strategy game features new graphics backend support:

  • New support for Vulkan 1.0+, OpenGL ES 3.0 / 2.0, DirectX (via libANGLE, OpenGL ES -> DirectX), Metal (via MoltenVK, Vulkan -> Metal)
  • In addition to the existing support for OpenGL 3.0+ Core Profile, OpenGL 2.1 Compatibility Profile

Other features include:

  • New “Factions” for multiplayer / skirmish
  • Higher-res terrain textures, backdrops
  • New Music Manager, + Lupus-Mechanicus’s new soundtrack album
  • Support for “script-generated” / “random” maps (and two new built-in maps that take advantage of this: 6p-Entropy and 10p-Waterloop)
  • Scrollable room chat, and many other UI / widget improvements
  • Updated / smarter AI bots (Bonecrusher, Cobra)
  • New “headless” mode (for --autogame, --autohost, --skirmish)
  • JS API enhancements, + a new “Script Debugger”
  • Removal of Qt as a dependency, + a new embedded JS engine: QuickJS
  • Quality-of-Life / smoothness improvements
  • Hundreds of bug fixes

For more details, see the ChangeLog file in the github project page.

How to Install Warzone 2100 4.0.0 in Ubuntu:

The game offers official Snap package, which can be easily installed from Ubuntu Software:

Don’t like the containerized software package? For Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, Linux Mint 19/20, and based systems, grab the classic DEB package from the link below:

Download Warzone 2100

Then open terminal from system app launcher, and run command to install the deb package:

sudo apt install ./Downloads/warzone2100*.deb

Battle For Wesnoth in Ubuntu

This quick tutorial shows you how to install the latest Battle for Wesnoth 1.14.3 in Ubuntu 18.04, and/or Ubuntu 16.04.

Battle for Wesnoth is an open source, turn-based strategy game with a high fantasy theme. It features both singleplayer and online/hotseat multiplayer combat.

While all current Ubuntu releases offer Wesnoth 1.12 in the main repositories, the latest version has reached 1.14.3.

Install Battle for Wesnoth 1.14 via PPA:

There’s an unofficial PPA that contains the game packages for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04 so far.

1. Open terminal either via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching for ‘terminal’ from software launcher. When it opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vincent-c/wesnoth

Type your password (no asterisks feedback) when it prompts and hit Enter.

2. Then run 2 commands one by one to check updates and install the game:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install wesnoth-1.14

Once installed, launch it from your system software launcher and enjoy!


To remove the PPA, open Software & Updates utility and navigate to Other Software tab.

To remove the game, open terminal and run command:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove wesnoth

0 A.D. PPA

A new release of the free, open-source real-time strategy game of ancient warfare, 0 A.D. Alpha 23 “Ken Wood”, was released a day ago. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 17.10, Ubuntu 16.04.

New features in 0 A.D. Alpha 23 according to the release note:

  • New Civilization: Kushites
  • Mod Downloader
  • Cavalry and Spartan Building Models
  • Combine Victory Conditions
  • Attack Range Visualization
  • Diplomacy Colors
  • Destruction Damage
  • Unit Information Dialog
  • AI Behavior
  • Lobby Authentication to prevent impersonation
  • Nomad Mode on all Random Maps
  • New Random Maps: Lower Nubia, Jebel Barkal, Elephantine, Fields of Meroë, Hellas, Dodecanese, Scythian Rivulet

How to Install 0 A.D. alpha 23 in Ubuntu:

The Wildfire Games team offers an official PPA that contains the latest packages for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 17.10, and their derivatives.

1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wfg/0ad

Type your password (no visual feedback while typing due to security reason) when prompts and hit Enter.

2. Then upgrade the game from an existing release via Software Updater:

upgrade 0 A.D.

Or simply run commands to update and install the game:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install 0ad 0ad-data


Purge the PPA via the following command will remove the PPA as well as downgrade 0 A.D. to its stock version in your Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge ppa:wfg/0ad

If you still want to remove the game, either use your system package manager or run command:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove 0ad 0ad-data


Discord, a free proprietary voice and text chat app for gamers, now offers official Discord stable client for Linux 64-bit.

    Discord runs on Microsoft Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux, and in a web browser, which all support fundamental chat-based text features. The Discord application for personal computers is designed for use while gaming, including features such as low-latency, free voice chat servers for users and a dedicated server infrastructure. Discord’s developers plan to add video calling and screen sharing. Direct calling was added in an update on July 28, 2016, with support for calls between two or more users. The company introduced its GameBridge API in December 2016 that allows game developers to directly support integration with Discord within games.


The first stable 0.0.1 release of Discord client for Linux is available for download one day ago. Just go to the official download link below, choose download .deb for Debian/Ubuntu or .tar.gz:

Discord Download Page

Then click install via Ubuntu Software or Gdebi package manager.


Battle For Wesnoth in Ubuntu

The Battle for Wesnoth game has reached a new stable series by releasing the 1.12.0 release. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu from PPA.

The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based strategy video game with a fantasy setting, featuring both single-player, and online/hotseat multiplayer combat. In Wesnoth, the player attempts to build a powerful army by controlling villages and defeating enemies for experience. The game is loosely based on the Sega Genesis games Master of Monsters and Warsong.

The latest Wesnoth 1.12.0 was released a few days ago, which brings forth loads of new features for players and content creators, as well as a vast number of bug fixes and small enhancements. A new multiplayer faction, a refurnished game interface, and an improved map editor comprise only a small fraction of the changes this new version has to offer to veterans from previous versions.

For details, go to the official web page.


wesnoth-1.12.0-1 wesnoth-1.12.0-2
wesnoth-1.12.0-3 wesnoth-1.12.0-4
wesnoth-1.12.0-5 wesnoth-1.12.0-6
wesnoth-1.12.0-7 wesnoth-1.12.0-8

How to Install Battle for Wesnoth 1.12.0 in Ubuntu:

An unofficial PPA has made the new release into PPA, available for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10 and Linux Mint 17.

To install the game, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run the commands below one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:vincent-c/wesnoth

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install wesnoth-1.12

Above commands will add the PPA repository, update your system package cache, and finally download & install the game.