Archives For spotify client


Installing Spotify desktop client in Ubuntu now is quite easy via the Snap universal binary package.

A snap is an universal Linux application with all its dependencies bundled. It runs in sandbox and is isolated from other system software.

Spotify has an official apt repository contains traditional .deb packages for Ubuntu.

Now the snap of Spotify client is available, and you can simply search for and install it in Ubuntu Software:

For those who don’t want to login with Ubuntu One account, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and install the snap via command:

snap install spotify

The snap co-exists with traditional Spotify .deb package. You can either launch it from application launcher or run command:


For any snap issue, you may refer to


To remove Spotify snap package, either use Ubuntu Software or run command in terminal:

sudo snap remove spotify

Spotify Client for Linux

Linux Spotify client 1.x finally goes stable! The stable Linux repository added support for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and Ubuntu 15.10.

Due to lack of developers working on the Linux client, Spotify 1.x takes 9 months of development to be made into stable repository,

In June 2015 we released version 1.x of the client for Linux in the testing repository.

The intention was to fix a few of the bigger issues and then quickly move this to stable. That never happened, since after September, we have had no developers working on the linux client. There are still lots of problem with this version of the client for linux, but we are now seeing much more problems with the old client.

Read the community announcement for more details.

Spotify Client 1.0.24

How to Install Spotify Client 1.x in Ubuntu:

The client now is available for all current Ubuntu releases. Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 15.10 does not longer need to manually install the libgcrypt11 library.

If you’ve the testing repository added in your system, disable/remove it first via Software & Updates -> Other Software tab.

1. Launch terminal from App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key. When it opens, paste below command and run to add the stable Spotify repository for Linux:

echo deb stable non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list

Stable Spotify Repository for Linux

Type in your password (no visual feedback when typing) when it asks and hit Enter.

2. Add the key so that your Ubuntu will trust the packages from that repository:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys BBEBDCB318AD50EC6865090613B00F1FD2C19886

3. Finally install the client via Synaptic Package Manager (after clicked Refresh button), or by running below commands in terminal one by one:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install spotify-client

How to Install Spotify Client in Ubuntu 15.10

Last updated: March 10, 2016

Spotify Client for Linux

Quick tutorial shows you how to install Spotify client, stable or development version, in Ubuntu 15.10 and fix the app does not launch issue.

The spotify community provides an official repository for Linux to make the installation easy. Both stable and latest dev releases are available.


1. Open terminal from the Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key. When it opens, select add the stable or test repository:

2015-11-27 The current stable is build against 14.04 LTS. It may not work on 15.10 due to dependencies issue. Choose test repository for DEV version as a workaround
  • add Spotify stable repository via command:
    echo deb stable non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list
  • or add the test repository for development version:
    echo deb testing non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list


2. Run command to get the signing key to be able to verify downloaded packages:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys D2C19886

3. Finally install the client via Synaptic Package Manager or by running below commands one by one:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install spotify-client

Tip: The current stable release was built against Ubuntu 14.04. It does not launch in Ubuntu 15.04 and Ubuntu 15.10 without the library

To fix it, just select download the package from the link below and click to install via Software Center.

libgcrypt11 for 64-bit | libgcrypt11 for 32-bit

That’s it. Enjoy!

spotify console client

The beta version of the next major 1.x release of Spotify client for Linux has been announced a few hours ago, available for test in its testing repository.

According to the announcement, the 1.x client brings below changes to Linux users:

  • Various text/mouse input bugs in current stable release (e.g. client doesn’t give up mouse focus, crash on drag/drop, text input not work on some window managers) have been fixed.
  • “Now playing” notifications can be switched off in the settings page
  • The WM_CLASS property should be set correctly

As a beta release (version at the moment), there are some known issues/limitations:

  • Login with Facebook Connect does not work (will be fixed soon)
  • There is no application menu
  • There is no tray icon
  • Some key bindings do not work yet, like ctrl+s for shuffle, etc.
  • The application is super tiny on hi-res displays
  • 32-bit builds are not available yet


If you want to try this new client in Ubuntu 14.04/15.04, follow bellow steps to add Spotify testing repository and keep the client up-to-date via Software Updater.

1. To add the testing repository, open terminal and run:

echo deb testing non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list


2. After that, you can install the 1.x client either via Synaptic Package Manager or by running below commands one by one:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install spotify-client

3. (Optional) To remove the testing repository, just run:

sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list

For those who don’t want to add the repository, download the .deb package at web page.

spotify console client

Sconsify is a new unofficial spotify client runs in Mac and Linux terminal / command line console. It provides both console UI mode which presents a text user interface with playlists and tracks, and no UI mode which doesn’t present user interface and just suffle tracks.


Now the app is at a very early stage. The developer has released the first stable release and below is the how-to-install instructions:

1. In terminal/console, first run below commands one by one to install Libspotify SDK & PortAudio library from mopify repository:

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

sudo wget -q -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mopidy.list

sudo apt-get update

apt-get install -y libportaudio2 libspotify12 --no-install-recommends

2. Download the linux binary (“”) from the release page.

Unpack the zip archive and there’s only one file sconsify. In console, navigate to the extracted folder and run it:


Type in username and password when it asks and you can control the UI via below shortcut keys once login:

  • ← ↓ ↑ → for navigation.
  • space or enter: play selected track.
  • >: play next track.
  • p: pause.
  • /: open a search field.
  • s: shuffle tracks from current playlist. Press again to go back to normal mode.
  • S: shuffle tracks from all playlists. Press again to go back to normal mode.
  • u: queue selected track to play next.
  • d: delete selected track from the queue or delete selected search.
  • D: delete all tracks from the queue if the focus is on the queue.
  • PageUp PageDown Home End.
  • Control C or q: exit.


spotify repository for Ubuntu

Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr, the next Long-term support Ubuntu release is coming soon. This simple tutorial shows you how to install the Spotify Client the official way from its repository.

Spotify is a great way to listen to music by streaming it on your phone, in your browser, or on your Linux desktop. You can stream everything, upgrade and sync tracks and playlists offline, or purchase individual tracks to keep forever.

Spotify has a Linux repository to make it easy to install its client app on Debian/Ubuntu Desktop. Below steps will show you how to add the repository and install the app:

1. Search for and open the “Software & Updates” utility from Unity Dash.

2. Under “Other Software” tab, click the Add button and paste the below line into the pop-up box:

deb stable non-free

add spotify repository ubuntu

Click on Add Source button and then you’ll have Spotify repository in your system.

3. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, paste the command below and hit run to get the keyring:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 94558F59

Type in your password when prompt.

4. Now you’re able to install the client app using Synaptic Package Manager, or by running the commands below one by one:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install spotify-client-qt spotify-client-gnome-support

You may download & install the .deb package from the web page if you don’t like to add the PPA.

This tutorial is going to show you how to install the latest Spotify client from its official repository in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander & Linux Mint 16 Petra.

Spotify is a very popular music streaming service. Its client works on Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Blackberry, web browser, Mac, Windows, and Linux.

The Spotify client for Desktop has reached v0.9.4 with following changes:

  • A new app for messages!
    this is gradually rolling out, so don’t fret if you don’t see a change right away
  • When re-starting Spotify your last playlist position will now be available
  • More languages!
  • Proxy authentication support for views
  • Linux only: Media key support in Gnome
    Coming soon!
  • Stability and performance fixes
  • Fixed a lot of crashes, especially on shutdown/log out
  • Fixed crash when adding tracks to large playlists
  • Spotify Client ubuntu 13.10

    Install Spotify in Ubuntu 13.10:

    The Spotify client for Linux can be installed on Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Linux Mint 13/14/15/16, Elementary OS Luna. Below steps show you how:

    1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, copy and paste below command to add spotify repository:

    sudo add-apt-repository "deb stable non-free"

    2. Add the key:

    sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 94558F59

    3. Now you can install spotify in Ubuntu Software Center after checking for updates. Or you can run below commands instead:

    sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install -y spotify-client

    install spotify ubuntu 13.10