Archives For frostwire

frostwire 5.6.9

FrostWire, a free and open source BitTorrent client recently released v5.6.9 with big improvements. See the changelog:

  • Insanely faster cloud search results.
  • Significant memory optimizations on search result parsing and display.
  • Removed jDownloader libraries, less complexity, lighter app.
  • Cloud audio downloads are much smaller, no audio demuxing necessary from video services.
  • Cloud video DASH download support.
  • Smarter playlist name suggestion algorithm takes into account ID3 tags.
  • Fixes bug where new playlists wouldn’t be saved if default name was used.

frostwire faster cloud, memory optimization

If you use Frostwire on Ubuntu Linux as your Bittorrent client, it’s strongly recommended to upgrade to this release. To do so, just go to the official webpage, download and install the the DEB package.

frostwire 5.6.8

The free and open source BitTorrent client FrostWire released v5.6.8 for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. This release mainly fixes issues related to YouTube search and greatly improves the translation to Spanish.

According the official blog post, a final fix is coming to bring back all the search results to UK users, the developers are working as fast and hard as they can.

frostwire 5.6.8 in Ubuntu 13.10

Download FrostWire for: Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Debian, Windows, Mac OS X, Tarball.

frostwire 5.6.6

The free & open-source BitTorrent client FrostWire has released v5.6.6 with important bugfixes on meta search. It’s highly recommended to update.

See what’s new in FrostWire 5.6.6:

frostwire (5.6.6) stable; urgency=high

  • Fixes ExtraTorrent meta search.
  • Polish translation 100% updated.
  • New support for anonymous user experience statistics.

Download FrostWire for Ubuntu / Linux Mint

Because FrostWire depends on Java, so you need to install OpenJDK from Ubuntu Software Center. Or install oracle Java via PPA. Then double-click on downloaded package to install via pop-up Ubuntu Software Center.

FrostWire Bittorrent client 5.6.6

frostwire logo

The free and open-source FrostWire BitTorrent client has released 5.6.5, it fixed a real nasty bug that will affect many of you who like to select multiple files from the same set of search results when those files happen to belong to the same torrent.

It also updated the SoundCloud meta search and integrated fully to the new’s search interface.
If you are a musician and you have a SoundCloud account, remember that if you mark your songs as “Downloadable” they will become available to the millions of FrostWire users worldwide, both on desktop and mobile.


frostwire (5.6.5) stable; urgency=high

  • Upgrades Soundcloud search, download, streaming.
  • Fixes issue when starting downloads made of multiple single files
    that belong to the same .torrent.
  • When opening finished transfers on the library with a double click
    FrostWire will no longer type the name of the file on the library
    search box.

It’s highly recommended to upgrade to FrostWire 5.6.5, here’s the link for Ubuntu and Linux Mint package:

FrostWire 5.6.5 Deb

For other systems, go to the official download page

As you may know, FrostWire is a free and high quality BitTorrent client. The latest version 5.6.4 fixed a few bugs and updated translations.

FrostWire Bittorrent client

  • Fixes issues parsing some cloud urls.
  • Fixes issues with soundcloud meta search.
  • Spanish translation updated.
  • French translation updated. Thanks @jeromemorignot.
  • Portuguese translation updated. Thanks @tati110.
  • Brazilian Portuguese translation updated. Thanks @tati110.
  • Arabic translation updated. Thanks @nisrmasr.
  • Turkish translation updated. Thanks @Serrae.

Interested? Here’s how to install or upgrade in Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 12.04 and their derivatives.

Before getting started, you need to install OpenJDK from Ubuntu Software Center or install Oracle Java via ppa

1.) You can always download the latest Debs for Ubuntu based system from the official download link:

Download FrostWire for Ubuntu

Then double click to install the Deb via pop-up Ubuntu Software Center.

2.) The other way to install FrostWire is using the GetDeb repository. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run below commands one by one:


sudo dpkg -i getdeb-repository_0.1-1~getdeb1_all.deb

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install frostwire


This simple tutorial will show you how to install the FrostWire on Ubuntu 24.04 Noble, Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy, and Ubuntu 20.04 Focal.

FrostWire is a free and open-source BitTorrent client forked from LimeWire, and was previously a hybrid Gnutella and BitTorrent client. Unlike most other BitTorrent clients, FrostWire is able to search for, and download torrents from many major trackers.

The app is written in Java, and works in Windows, macOS, Linux and Android. For Ubuntu, it so far only works on x86_64 platform meaning for AMD/Intel CPUs.

Download & Install FrostWire

1. To install the app, first download the official .deb package, through the official download link below:

2. After downloading the package, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open up a terminal window. Then, run the command below to install it:

sudo apt install ~/Downloads/frostwire*.deb

Instead of typing ~/Downloads/frostwire*.deb, you can drag’n’drop the file into terminal instead to insert path to the package. Then, hit enter, type your password (no visual feedback, just type in mind) to start installing it.

3. Once installed, search for and launch the app either from start menu or GNOME overview depends on your desktop environment and enjoy! Though, on first launch, you need to follow the wizard to accept license and setup some basic settings.

How to Uninstall/Remove Frostwire

To remove the app, simply open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command:

sudo apt remove --autoremove frostwire

That’s all. Enjoy!