Archives For November 30, 1999

Ubuntu 13.10 Quick Tip: How to Install Skype

Last updated: October 27, 2013

skype video call

This quick tip is going to show beginners how to install Skype in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander.

Ubuntu 13.10 final will be release on October 17th. Now it’s in beta 2. If you’re going to install Skype on Ubuntu Desktop, this tutorial may help.

1.) Skype is available in Canonical Partners repository, so first we’re going to enable this repository. Search and open Software & Updates from Unity Dash. When it opens, navigate to Other Software tab. Check on the first two lines.

enable canonical partners repository

2.) Install Synaptic Package Manager from Ubuntu Software Center. When done, you can use the tool to install Skype (see picture):

install skype ubuntu

If you don’t want to install Synaptic, you can also run below commands instead in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install skype

To fix Skype no sound or distorted sound issues occured on Ubuntu 13.10:

sudo sed -i 's/^Exec=.*/Exec=env PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 skype %U/' /usr/share/applications/skype.desktop

How to move window buttons to right in Ubuntu 13.10

Last updated: September 27, 2013

Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander is going to be released on October 17th. I’ve installed the final beta on my laptop. If you’re not comfortable with Ubuntu’s default window title buttons (minimize, maximize, close) location, you can easily move them to right via following steps.

1.) Go to Unity Dash, search for and open Dconf Editor. If not exist, install it from Ubuntu Software Center.

dconf editor in unity dash

2.) When it opens, navigate to org -> gnome -> desktop -> wm -> preferences.

3.) Change the value of button-layout to:


move window buttons right ubuntu 13.10

That’s it. Enjoy!

The Linux Kernel 3.11.2 has been released. All users of the 3.11 kernel series must upgrade.

This tutorial shows you how to install / upgrade this kernel in Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10 and Linux Mint.

Kernel 3.11.2 contains lots of fixes and improvements, see the official release note.

To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, follow the steps below:

For 32-bit systems:

Download the DEBs:




Install the kernel:

sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.11.2*.deb linux-image-3.11.2*.deb

For 64-bit systems:

Run commands one by one to download the DEBs:




Then install them:

sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.11.2*.deb linux-image-3.11.2*.deb

Once installed, reboot your machine.

(Optional) If you have any problem with this kernel, you can run below command to remove it:

sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.11.2*

Kernel PPA:


The Linux Kernel 3.10 LTS series had reached 3.10.13. All users of the 3.10 kernel series are urged to upgrade as soon as possible.

The Kernel 3.10.13 contains lots of fixes and improvements, read the official released note

To install or upgrade to 3.10.13 in Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Linux Mint and their derivatives. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open temrinal. When it opens, follow below instructions:

For 32-bit systems:

Run below commands one by one to download the DEBs:




Then install them via:

sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.10.13*.deb linux-image-3.10.13*.deb

For 64-bit systems:

Run commands to download the kernel debs:




Install them via:

sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.10.13*.deb linux-image-3.10.13*.deb

You can also download the Debs from Kernel PPA

frostwire logo

The free and open-source FrostWire BitTorrent client has released 5.6.5, it fixed a real nasty bug that will affect many of you who like to select multiple files from the same set of search results when those files happen to belong to the same torrent.

It also updated the SoundCloud meta search and integrated fully to the new’s search interface.
If you are a musician and you have a SoundCloud account, remember that if you mark your songs as “Downloadable” they will become available to the millions of FrostWire users worldwide, both on desktop and mobile.


frostwire (5.6.5) stable; urgency=high

  • Upgrades Soundcloud search, download, streaming.
  • Fixes issue when starting downloads made of multiple single files
    that belong to the same .torrent.
  • When opening finished transfers on the library with a double click
    FrostWire will no longer type the name of the file on the library
    search box.

It’s highly recommended to upgrade to FrostWire 5.6.5, here’s the link for Ubuntu and Linux Mint package:

FrostWire 5.6.5 Deb

For other systems, go to the official download page

Ios 7 style icons theme for Ubuntu & Elementary OS

Last updated: September 26, 2013

This tutorial is going to show you an icon theme called ieos7, which is based on Mac Mountain Lion.

This theme is created for Elementary OS Luna. I’ve tested it on Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Unity, and it works.

ios 7 style icons ubuntu

ios 7 style icons

ios 7 style icon theme

For Ubuntu 12.04 Precise and Elementary OS Luna, you can install this icons by running below 3 commands one by one in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:elementary-br/projects

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ieos7-icons

For other Ubuntu editions, directly download and install the ieos7-icons DEB package from

Once installed, use Unity Tweak Tool, Gnome Tweak Tool or other system tools to apply the theme.


VLC 2.1.0 (Stable) Released, Upgrade in Ubuntu 13.10

Last updated: September 27, 2013

vlc 2.1.0 stable released

VLC 2.1.0 stable has been released with numerous improvements, new features and bugfixes. 2.1 is a major upgrade for VLC, named RinceWind.

Below is the announcement in VLC website:

VideoLAN and the VLC development team are glad to present the new major version of VLC, 2.1.0, named RinceWind

With a new audio core, hardware decoding and encoding, port to mobile platforms, preparation for Ultra-HD video and a special care to support more formats, 2.1 is a major upgrade for VLC.

Rincewind has a new rendering pipeline for audio, with better effiency, volume and device management, to improve VLC audio support.

It supports many new devices inputs, formats, metadata and improves most of the current ones, preparing for the next-gen codecs.

Rincewind fixes around a thousand bugs, in more than 7000 commits from 140 volunteers..

At the moment of writting this tutorial, the release note is still 404 page. I’ll add the link once it’s OK.



  • Rewritten audio core, allowing better volume and device management.
  • Rewrite of the audio modules, to adapt to the new core.
  • Correct support for multi-channel layouts in all formats: 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1
  • New audio outputs for Windows Vista, Android, iOS, OpenBSD and OSSv4.
  • New remapping, gain, stereo widening, downmixing effects.
  • Higher samplerate, precision, live configuration in the core.
  • Numerous new audio metadata format supported.
VLC new audio core

VLC new audio core


  • Port the OpenGL output to OpenGL ES.
  • Support color conversion shaders in glsl on Android and iOS.
  • New outputs for OpenMax IL on mobile and Decklink Blackmagic.
  • New video outputs for iOS using OpenGL ES2.
  • Support for deinterlacing for higher bit depth and XYZ colorspace.
  • New anaglyph filter for side-by-side 3D.
  • 4K-ready :)


  • Add hardware decoding for OS X using VDADecoder.
  • Add hardware decoding for Android using MediaCodec.
  • Add hardware decoding for GNU/Linux using VDPAU.
  • Add hardware encoding for Windows using Intel QuickSyncVideo.
  • Support for G2M4, MSS1, MSS2, TSCC2, CDXL, Ut, VBLE video codecs.
  • Support for Ulead DV audio, Indeo Audio Coder, RealAudio Lossless audio.
  • Support for SCTE-27 and complete EIA-608 subtitles
faster video decoding

faster video decoding


  • Support for fragmented MP4, Wave/RF64 files.
  • Extended metadata tags and cover art support in Ogg, AVI, MP4 and MKV.
  • Support FLAC, Atrac, ADPCM, DV Type 1, 12bits DV audio in AVI.
  • Extended support for AVI, MKV and MJPEG streams.
  • Better recording of AVI and MKV format.
  • Audio fingerprinting using AcoustID.


  • Support for screen input on OSX Lion and later.
  • Support for Microsoft Smooth Streaming, developed by
  • New RTMP input module, using libavformat!
  • Support for VNC/rfb and Remote Desktop view-only modes.
  • Important improvements on Blu-Ray, Dash, v4l2 and HTTP inputs.
  • New AVFoundation OS X and shm framebuffer inputs.


  • New 6.1 downmixer to 5.1 and Stereo from MKV/Flac 6.1.
  • Correct YUV->RGB color matrix in the OpenGL shaders.
  • Improved MKV support for seeking, and resiliancy.
  • Editions support in MKV.
  • Better subtitles and metadata support from MKV.
  • Various ASS subtitles improvements.


  • Port to Android, from 2.1 to 4.3, on ARMv6, ARMv7, x86 and MIPS.
  • New port to iOS, from iOS 5 to 7, on all iPads and iPhones after 3GS.
  • Partial port to WinRT, for Windows 8, 8.1 and WP8.
  • OpenGL ES optimized outputs.
  • Improvements of OpenMAX IL decoders, encoders and renderers.
  • New audio, video outputs and interfaces for mobiles.
VLC on mobile

VLC on mobile


  • libVLC and most modules are now LGPLv2.1+.
  • libVLC media framework can now be used in all types of applications.
  • libVLC SDK packages now exists, in addition to more examples.
  • Improved libVLC API, for better control.
  • VLC’s web plugins now support windowless mode, for smoother integration with HTML elements.

VLC 2.1 release note.

The VLC stable PPA is ready for Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy. Due to dependency problem, you can’t install VLC 2.1 on Ubuntu 13.04 and older editions.

Run below commands one by one in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) to upgrade to 2.1.0 in Ubuntu 13.10:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:videolan/stable-daily

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install vlc browser-plugin-vlc

Want to make screencasts as animated GIFs on Ubuntu? Well, byzanz is the best choice I ever found.

Byzanz is a small and efficient screencast creator. It records your desktop session or parts of it to an animated GIF, OGG Theora or Flash.

Below is an animated GIF created by byzanz:

animated gif

It is said that byzanz does not screencast Unity-3D. However, I’ve been using it in Unity for a period of time since I was in Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal.

To install byzanz in Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run below commands one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fossfreedom/byzanz

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install byzanz

This is an example I did just now:

byzanz-record --duration=15 --x=0 --y=0 --width=500 --height=350 output.gif

For more options, run:

man byzanz-record


Cover Art Browser is a plugin gives a visually slick way to browse your music collection in Rhythmbox v2.96-v3.0.

It adds a new CoverArt button to the left pane; Albums are displayed as clickable buttons containing their album cover; Right click menu allows to play, queue & search for coverart for an album.

rhythmbox cover art browser

As well as simply displaying a grid full of album art for browsing, you can:

  • Drag & Drop cover art on to the browser
  • Fetch/search for missing album art
  • Display Album & Artist name under the cover
  • Double click playing of albums
  • Sort covers by album name and artist
  • Adjust cover art size
  • Multiple user-configurable options to tailor what you see and use.
  • Examine and change properties for an album/tracks
  • Set ‘CoverArt Browser’ to Rhythmbox’s default view

To install this plugin, press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run below commands one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fossfreedom/rhythmbox-plugins

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install rhythmbox-plugin-coverart-browser

The PPA supports for Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10 and their derivatives such as Linux Mint and Elementary OS.

After installation, enable the plugin by running below command:

gsettings set org.gnome.rhythmbox.plugins.coverart_browser webkit-support false


As you may know, Task Coach is a free flexible open source todo manager featuring hierarchical tasks. It grew out of frustration about other programs not handling composite tasks well. In addition to flexible composite tasks, Task Coach has grown to include prerequisites, prioritizing, effort tracking, category tags, budgets, notes, and many other features. However, users are not forced to use all these features; Task Coach can be as simple or complex as you need it to be.

Task Coach has reached 1.3.32 with lots of bug fixes. It has been added to Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy’s universe repository, so it can be easily installed via Ubuntu Software Center.

task coach ubuntu

task coach customize toolbar

For Ubuntu 13.04 Raring and earlier version, deb package can be download at