Touan Music Box is a modern, comfortable and streamlined music player for the playback of your music collection.

The software is written in Python, and uses GStreamer or optionally BASS Audio Library for playback.

Touan Music Player features:

  • Fast and responsive UI
  • Drag and drop importing tracks & creating playlists
  • Large album art and gallery displays!
  • Support for gapless playback.
  • Seamless support for CUE sheets.
  • Batch transcode folders of music.
  • scrobbling with track love support
  • Download cover art function.
  • Edit tags with MusicBrainz Picard (when also installed).
  • Linux desktop integration with MPRIS2.
  • Built-in topchart generator.
  • Background radio broadcasting. radio satellite (Bass only)
  • Stream music from your PLEX, koel or Subsonic API compatible server.
  • Import and control playback of Spotify tracks. (Requires Spotify Premium)

How to Install Tauon Music Box in Ubuntu:

SNAP Package:

The music player is available to install in Ubuntu Software via Snap package.

You may also run command in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) to install the snap:

snap install tauon

Flatpak Package:

Tauon is also available in Flathub repository as flatpak package.

Linux Portable:

The github releases page offers package.

Grab the package, extract, and run the file to launch the music player:


Tips: 1. Go into the folder that contains file, right-click on blank area and select ‘Open in Terminal’, finally run the previous python3

2. The portable package requires python3, python3-musicbrainzngs, and maybe other python libraries, install them via apt command.

Avidemux video editor

Avidemux video editor 2.7.6 was released a day ago with new video encoder / decoder, and many improvements. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 16.04.

Avidemux 2.7.6 release highlights according to the changelog file:

  • Detect and warn when cut points in HEVC video streams may result in grave playback issues despite being on keyframes
  • Add libaom-based AV1 decoder
  • Add libvpx-based VP9 encoder
  • Update to FFmpeg 4.2.3
  • Add hardware accelerated deinterlacer and resizer based on VA-API
  • Increase maximum supported resolution to 4096×4096
  • Add support for Vorbis audio, LPCM audio to the Mp4 muxer
  • Add HE-AAC and HE-AACv2 profiles to the FDK AAC encoder plugin
  • Numerous other improvements and fixes.

How to Install Avidemux 2.7.6 in Ubuntu:


The official non-install single executable .appimage package is available for downloading:

Download Avidemux

After downloaded the appimage, go to file Properties -> Permissions and make it executable, finally right-click and run the file to launch Avidemux video editor.


The software is also as containerized Flatpak package.

You can run following commands one by one to setup flatpak, add flathub repository, and install Avidemux flatpak package:

sudo apt install flatpak

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

flatpak install flathub org.avidemux.Avidemux

Ubuntu PPA:

I’ve uploaded the .deb packages into the unofficial PPA, available for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 19.10, Ubuntu 20.04, and derivatives.

1.) Open terminal and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/avidemux

Type user password (no asterisk feedback) and hit Enter to continue.

2.) Then refresh system package cache and install the editor:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install libavidemux2.7-6 libavidemux2.7-qt5-6 avidemux2.7-qt5 avidemux2.7-plugins-qt5 avidemux2.7-jobs-qt5

NOTE: Due to build failure, I changed names of some shared libraries. If you have problem launching the editor, try sudo apt upgrade to update your system packages.


To uninstall the PPA, run command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/avidemux

To uninstall the video editing software, run:

sudo apt remove libavidemux2.7-6 avidemux2.7-qt5 avidemux2.7-plugins-qt5 avidemux2.7-jobs-qt5

And to uninstall the Flatpak package, use command:

flatpak uninstall org.avidemux.Avidemux

Free open-source digital audio workstation software LMMS 1.2.2 was released a few days ago. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 19.10, Ubuntu 20.04, and derivatives.

LMMS 1.2.2 is a maintenance release contains some improvements and various bug-fixes.

  • Stop filtering out valid characters from file name while exporting tracks
  • Fix Invalid warning about “dummy-MIDI-client”
  • Note selection: Editing values works in dialog
  • Fix retrigger with vol/pan sliders
  • Fix loading and saving of .fxb/.fxp files on Windows
  • For more, see the release page.

How to Install LMMS 1.2.2 in Ubuntu:

There’s non-install single executable .Appimage available to download in the release page (See the previous link).

If you prefer installing lmms music production via Ubuntu PPA, do following steps one by one:

1.) Open terminal either by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard, or by searching for ‘terminal’ from your system application menu. When it opens, run command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/lmms

Type user password (no asterisk feedback) for sudo prompt and hit Enter to continue adding the PPA.

2.) Then run commands to refresh system package cache and install the music production software:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install lmms

NOTE: lmms-vst-server is 32-bit only package. It may install along with tons of 32-bit dependency libraries. And if you added wine apt repository, it may refuse to install.


To remove lmms, run command:

sudo apt remove --autoremove lmms

And remove the PPA either via Software & Updates -> Other Software or by running command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/lmms

gnome shell

This is a step by step beginner guide shows how to share a folder over local network via SMB/CIFS protocol in Ubuntu 20.04 Gnome desktop.

Share a folder in Ubuntu 20.04:

1.) First open terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard. When it opens, install samba, SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server by running command:

sudo apt install samba

Type user password (no asterisk feedback) and hit Enter to continue.

2.) Open Files (Nautilus file browser) and right-click on the folder you want to share, then click on “Local Network Share” menu option.

3.) In next pop-up window, do:

  • tick “Share this folder” to enable network sharing.
  • (optional) tick “Allow others to create and delete files in this folder”
  • (optional) tick “Guess access”
  • finally click on ‘Create Share’ button

4.) Confirm write permission (if enabled) and done!

5.) If you want remote PC to type username and password to access the shared folder, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command:

sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME

Note:The “USERNAME” must be an existing user in your Ubuntu. It’s ji in my case. And set a password for remote smb access only.

Before getting access from remote PC, you may check out the IP address and / or hostname by running commands:


ip -4 address

Access the share folder from remote computer:

1. To access from Windows PC, go to Start -> Run to bring up Run command window. Type either \\ip-address\ or \\hostname\

2. To access from another Ubuntu desktop, go to Files -> Other Locations, then type either smb://ip-address/SHARE_FOLDER or smb://hostname/SHARE_FOLDER

gnome shell

Want to change the default Yaru theme colors? Yaru-Colors is a theme project offers 12 different colors to the Yaru theme.

With Yaru-Colors, you can change the Yaru theme colors of Applications, Cursors, Icons, and Gnome Shell menus (underline & highlights).

And available colors include: aqua, blue, brown, deep blue, green, gray, mate, orange, pink, purple, red, yellow. And all colors in light, dark, and standard modes.

1.) First click download the tarball from release page.

2.) Open file browser, extract the source tarball, and right-click source folder, select “Open in Terminal”.

3.) When terminal opens, run command to install the themes:


Follow terminal outputs to answer some questions and done!

4.) Enable User theme extension via either Extensions or Gnome Tweaks -> Extensions (Both available in Ubuntu Software if you don’t have it).

Or follow this tutorial to install User theme gnome shell extension if you can’t enable the extension.

5.) Finally open Gnome Tweaks and go to Appearance, there select a different Yaru color theme for Applications, Icons, Shell.

(Uninstall) To remove these colors, re-do step 2.) and run uninstall script in pop-up terminal window:


For reasons unknown, aMule, all-platform eMule P2P Client, is not included in Ubuntu 20.04 main repository.

While it’s available in previous Ubuntu repositories as well as the next Ubuntu 20.04 main repository, you can manually download the package and dependencies from Ubuntu 18.04 and install them manually in Ubuntu 20.04.

1.) Click download the amule package:

amule .deb

2.) Click download amule-common package:

amule-common .deb

3.) Click download amule-utils-gui package (optional):

amule-utils-gui .deb

4.) Finally download the libwxgtk3.0-0v5 package:

libwxgtk3.0-0v5 .deb

When downloading processes finished, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) from system applications menu and run single command to install them:

sudo apt install ~/Downloads/amule*.deb ~/Downloads/libwxgtk*.deb

Once installed, launch the client from your system application menu and enjoy!

(Optional) To remove the amule package as well as dependencies, run command:

sudo apt remove --autoremove amule

Mozilla Firefox 78 was released a few days ago with some new features and improvements.

Firefox 78 added “Refresh Firefox” button to the Uninstaller, which also available in about:support page, allows to reset Firefox to its default state, while saving your essential information like bookmarks, passwords, cookies.

Other changes in the release include:

  • Protections Dashboard includes reports about tracking protection, data breaches, and password management.
  • Screen saver will no longer interrupt WebRTC calls on Firefox
  • Firefox 78 is also Extended Support Release (ESR) features:
    • Kiosk mode
    • Client certificates
    • Service Worker and Push APIs are now enabled
    • The Block Autoplay feature is enabled
    • Picture-in-picture support
    • View and manage web certificates in about:certificate
  • Improved Pocket recommendations, and security fixes.

How to Install Firefox 78 in Ubuntu:

Firefox 78 will be made into official Ubuntu security / updates repositories for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 19.10, and Ubuntu 20.04 in a few days!

At that time, you can upgrade Firefox via Software Updater (Update Manager) utility:

FileZilla FTP Client

For those prefer installing FileZilla ftp client via deb rather than using the flatpak package, there’s an unofficial PPA contains the latest FileZilla 3.48.1 for Ubuntu 20.04 and Linux Mint 20.

The latest FileZilla client so far is v3.48.1 which contains bugfixes and minor changes. See for changes.

To install FileZilla 3.48.1 via PPA in Ubuntu 20.04:

Thanks to sicklylife, a member of Gnome Japanese Translation Team, who maintains an unofficial PPA contains most recent FileZilla packages.

1.) Open terminal either from system application menu or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard. When terminal opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sicklylife/filezilla

Type user password (no asterisk feedback) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2.) After adding the PPA, refresh system package cache and install the ftp client via commands:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install filezilla

To uninstall the PPA as well as remove the ftp client package:

Run command in terminal to remove the PPA repository:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:sicklylife/filezilla

And remove FileZilla client via command:

sudo apt remove --autoremove filezilla

This simple tutorial shows how to install GnuCash, the personal and small-business financial-accounting software, in all current Ubuntu releases including Ubuntu 24.10, Ubuntu 24.04, Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 20.04

GnuCash is available in Ubuntu repository, but old. For the latest release, you may install it via either Flatpak package or an Ubuntu PPA.

At the moment of writing, the latest version is GnuCash 5.10, and the changes are available in this page.

Continue Reading…

The development of the popular Puddletag audio tag editor is back. Ubuntu adds back the software package in its own repository, but still doesn’t provide updates. For those prefer this app, here’s how to install and keep it up-to-date via PPA.

Due to lack of development, Puddletag was removed from Ubuntu 20.04 repository along with the old Qt4 and Python 2 dependencies.

Thankfully, a group of other contributors take up the job to continue the project, by porting to Qt5 and Python3. And, it now keeps updating with bug-fixes and new features.

Puddletag 2.2.0 in Ubuntu

Install Latest Puddletag in Ubuntu 20.04 & Ubuntu 22.04:

As mentioned, Puddletag in available in Ubuntu repository but always old. So, i uploaded the packages into this unofficial PPA so far with support for 64-bit Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04, Linux Mint 20.

1.) Open terminal either from system application menu or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard. When terminal opens, run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/puddletag

Type user password (no asterisk feedback) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2.) While adding PPA, it refreshes package cache automatically since Ubuntu 20.04. But Linux Mint does not. So, you may manually update the cache via command:

sudo apt update

3.) Finally, install Puddletag audio tag editor for the first time by running command:

sudo apt install puddletag

Or you may search for and launch “Software Updater“, to upgrade the software if an old version was installed.

Uninstall Puddletag & PPA:

To remove the PPA, either go to Software & Updates > Other Software, or run command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/puddletag

And remove puddletag by running command:

sudo apt remove --autoremove puddletag