Archives For twitter client

Cawbird, free and open-source GTK+ Twitter Client for Linux, released version 1.3 with many new features, improvements, bug-fixes.

Cawbird 1.3 comes with improved DM (Direct Messages). It adds ability to send media in DMs, delete DMs, load older DMs, and fixes DM load order issue.

The new release includes new Vala implementation API allows to upload videos and larger animated GIFs.

Other changes in Cawbird 1.3 include:

  • Apply filtering across all feeds (including search)
  • Apply changes to filtering, muting, blocking and hiding RTs across all feeds instantly
  • Allow the filtering of mentioned @-handles
  • Load media in DMs and linkify users and hashtags
  • Use HTTPS avatars throughout
  • Allow Compose view to shrink to narrower screens (e.g. for PinePhone)
  • Design changes, stability improvements, and bug-fixes.

How to Install Cawbird in Ubuntu:

The software developer maintains OBS repository with the packages for CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, openSUSE. You can download the deb package directly from the link below:

Download Cawbird

To receive future updates via Software Updater, you can open terminal and run following commands one by one to add the OBS repository:

  • Run command to add the cawbird repository (you may replace xUbuntu_20.04 with xUbuntu_18.04 or xUbuntu_20.10 depends on your system edition):
    echo 'deb /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:IBBoard:cawbird.list
  • Then install the keyring via command (also replace xUbuntu_20.04 to your system edition):
    curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/home_IBBoard_cawbird.gpg > /dev/null
  • You can finally refresh package cache and install the twitter app via commands:
    sudo apt update; sudo apt install cawbird

Uninstall Cawbird:

To remove the Twitter client, simply run command in terminal:

sudo apt remove --auto-remove cawbird

To remove the software repository, go to Software & Updates -> Other Software, and remove the relevant line.

GTK+ Twitter App Cawbird 1.2.0 Released (PPA)

Last updated: September 8, 2020

Cawbird, an open-source fork of Corebird Twitter client, released version 1.2.0 a few days ago with many improvements and bug-fixes.

Cawbird 1.2.0 release highlights include:

  • Resolved major accessibility issue with timelines.
  • Added ability to add and read descriptions on images
  • App window can be reduced to a narrower width and has a “responsive” layout for tweets
  • Improved thumbnail and image loading to reduce resource usage.
  • Image gallery loop back.
  • Made “Replying to” on Tweet info page list all users.
  • Reworked @-mention completion so it works with multilingual text.
  • And various bug-fixes.

How to Install Cawbird 1.2.0 in Ubuntu:

The software developer maintains Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 18.04, as well as other Linux packages via the repository at the link below:

Download Cawbird

Select Ubuntu, then click ‘Grab binary packages directly‘ and download the .deb package for your system.

Finally install the .deb via Gdebi package installer (available in Ubuntu Software) and enjoy!

You can also add the repository to receive future updates via Software Updater (Update Manager), by running following commands one by one in terminal:

echo 'deb /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:IBBoard:cawbird.list

curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/home:IBBoard:cawbird.gpg > /dev/null

sudo apt update

sudo apt install cawbird

For Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux Mint 19.x, replace xUbuntu_20.04 in the commands with xUbuntu_18.04.

Cawbird is a modern lightweight Twitter client for GNOME 3. It features inline image and video preview, creation of lists and favorites, filtering of tweets and full text search.

Cawbird is a fork of Corebird, which became unsupported after Twitter disabled the streaming API. Cawbird works with the new APIs and includes a few fixes and modifications that have historically been patched in to IBBoard’s custom Corebird build on his personal Open Build Service account.

Cawbird has the following limitations due to changes in the Twitter API (imposed by Twitter, not the fault of the client):

  • Cawbird will update every two minutes
  • Cawbird does not get notified of the following, which will be refreshed on restart:
    • Unfavourite
    • Follow/Unfollow
    • Block/Unblock
    • Mute/Unmute
    • DM deletion
    • Some list changes

How to Install Cawbird in Ubuntu:

The easiest way is simply search for and install cawbird from Ubuntu Software.

This is a Snap package runs in sandbox. And it’s maintained by the community.

For those prefer native .deb package, go to the developer maintained repository at the link below:

Download Cawbird

Select Ubuntu, then click ‘Grab binary packages directly‘ and download the .deb package for your system.

Finally install the .deb via Gdebi package installer (available in Ubuntu Software) and enjoy!

Corebird Twitter Client

Corebird discontinued! Try Cawbird as an alternative.

Corebird, an open-source GTK+ 3 twitter client, reached 1.7 release a few hours ago with new features and some bug-fixes.

What’s new in Corebird 1.7:

  • Hashtags and Mentions in profile desriptions are now clickable
  • The mention-completion when composing a new tweet now fetches unknown users from the twitter server
  • Videos larger than the screen size are now getting scaled down while playing
  • Profiles now indicate when an account is suspended
  • Profiles handle protected accounts better when trying to access followers/following users, etc.
  • The compose window now allows tweets with just media attached but not text
  • Improve the hashtag/mention/link detection when composing a new tweet
  • The compose dialog now shows an emoji chooser. (only for GTK+ >= 3.22.19, rendered with color need cairo installed)
  • Fixed a bug that led to wrong Direct Message info being inserted into the database
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in broken files when downloading instagram images

Corebird 1.7.1 was released a few minutes later with a small fix to the appdata file in 1.7.

Corebird Twitter Client

How to Install Corebird 1.7.1 in Ubuntu 17.10:

For Ubuntu 17.04 and Ubuntu 17.10, you can install the new release from the PPA repository.

1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching for ‘terminal’ from app launcher. When it opens, run command to add PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/corebird

Input your password (no visual feedback while typing) when it prompts and hit Enter.

2. Then upgrade Corebird if you have a previous release installed via Software Updater:

upgrade corebird

Or simply run following commands to install or upgrade Corebird:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install corebird

For Ubuntu 16.04, due to the outdated GTK+ library, choose to install the snap package though the 1.7 release is not ready at the moment.


To remove the PPA, launch Software & Updates and navigate to Other Software tab.

To remove Corebird, use system package manager or run command:

sudo apt remove --autoremove corebird

Corebird Twitter Client

Corebird, native GTK+ twitter client, got an update 15 hours ago with compilation and crash fixes. PPA has been updated for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, and derivatives.

Corebird 1.4.2 is a small bug-fix release to the 1.4 series, here’s the changelog:

  • Fix a crash when going back from a tweet with media to another tweet with media
  • Fix compilation with –disable-video
  • Decrease log level of UserStream output to debug when no internet connection is present
Corebird 1.2 corebird 1.2

How to Install Corebird 1.4.2 in Ubuntu:

I’ve made the new release into PPA (unofficial) available for Ubuntu 16.04, and Ubuntu 16.10.

1. Run the following command in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/corebird


2. Then upgrade it via Software Updater if you have a previous release installed.

upgrade corebird

Or run the commands to install / upgrade the app:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install corebird

For those who don’t want to add PPA, grab the DEB package from the PPA page.

Corebird Twitter Client

Corebird, an open-source and native GTK+ twitter client, has reached the 1.4 release a few hours ago with some enhancements and bug-fixes.

The changes in Corebird 1.4 according to the release page:

  • Images in quoted tweets now look more like they actually belong to the quoted tweet instead of the quoting tweet.
  • Allow deleting tweets from the tweet info page and not just from timelines.
  • Fix the user completion not showing all possible results
  • Focus the already opened window for an account if the account gets selected in the accounts popover
  • Avoid window resizing when typing in the Direct Message text box
  • Add ‘q’ accelerator to tweet rows for quoting
  • Add spellchecking. This add a dependency to gspell
  • Increase gtk+ dependency to 3.18 to get rid of some workarounds.
  • Increase avatar size in profiles and slightly overlap them over the banner. Also, always show the full banner.
  • Fix completion popup positioning under Wayland
  • Add experimental meson build files
  • Fix some videos not playing correctly
  • Add a minimal video progress indicator to the video dialog
  • Fix the retweet/favorite count updating in the tweet info page

Corebird 1.2

How to Install Corebird 1.4 in Ubuntu / Linux Mint:

The new release has been made into unofficial PPA, available for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Linux Min 18 and derivatives. Spellcheck feature disabled due to build error.

Tip: The GetDeb repository also maintains the Corebird packages, see here.

1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/corebird

Type in your password (no visual feedback) when it asks and hit Enter.


2. Then update and install Corebird 1.4 via commands:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install corebird

If you have a previous release installed, you can also launch Software Updater to upgrade the software after checking for updates:

upgrade corebird

Or grab the .deb package directly from PPA archive page.

How to Uninstall:

To remove Corebird, simply run the command below in terminal:

sudo apt remove corebird && sudo apt autoremove

The PPA can be removed by going to System Settings -> Software & Updates -> Other Software tab.

Twitter App Corebird 1.3.1 Released with some Fixes

Last updated: September 6, 2016

Corebird Twitter Client

The open-source desktop twitter client Corebird has reached the 1.3.1 release with some fixes to 1.3 release. For those who prefer this modern twitter app, it’s available for upgrade in my PPA (unofficial) for Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 16.10.

Changes in Corebird 1.3.1:

  • Fix muted and/or blocked tweets still showing up in timelines
  • Fix accounts not getting saved when first created
  • Fix retweets of the authenticating user not getting theiry correct seen status
  • Fix profiles descriptions containing ampersand characters and links
  • Fix profile banner fade-in transition
  • Fix doubly-escaped ampersands in link tooltips
  • Fix missing underlines in @screen_names in the profile popover
Corebird 1.3.1

Corebird with Numix GTK theme

How to install Corebird 1.3.1 in Ubuntu:

For Ubuntu 16.04, and/or Ubuntu 16.10, you can either download the .deb binary from the PPA file archive, or run the commands below one by one in terminal to add PPA and install Corebird:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/corebird

sudo apt update

sudo apt install corebird

Tip: The GetDeb repository also maintains Corebird packages for Ubuntu 16.04, now it contains Corebird 1.3 and the 1.3.1 release should be available soon.

With the PPA added, you can upgrade Corebird along with other system updates via Software Updater when a new release is out and uploaded into PPA.

upgrade corebird 1.3.1

And the PPA can be easily disabled or removed via Software & Updates utility under Other Software tab.

Native GTK+3 Twitter App Corebird 1.3 Released

Last updated: November 28, 2019

Corebird Twitter Client

Corebird discontinued! Try Cawbird as an alternative.

Corebird, an open-source GTK+3 twitter app, has reached the 1.3 release with some new features and build system improvements.

Corebird 1.3 changelog:

  • The build system will now check for gtksink
  • Remove libgee dependency
  • The compose tweet window will now save the current text on cancel
  • Allow self-retweeting
  • Fade loaded inline media in
  • Twitter wont send mp4 urls for their videos anymore starting August 1st, so support HLS videos
  • Query full-length DMs
  • Support muting in profiles

Corebird Twitter Client 1.3

How to install Corebird 1.3 in Ubuntu 16.04:

Besides building the software from source, you can install the latest release from third-party PPA, Ubuntu 16.04 and its derivatives are supported.

1. Add PPA

Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run the command below to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/corebird 

Type in your password when it prompted and hit Enter.


2. If you have a previous release installed, just launch Software Updater and upgrade it after checking for updates.

upgrade corebird 1.3

Or run the commands below one by one in terminal to update and install Corebird Twitter client:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install corebird

3. (Optional) For those who want to revert to Corebird 1.1, the stock version in Ubuntu 16.04, purge the PPA via ppa-purge:

sudo apt install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/corebird

That’s it. Enjoy!

Anatine Twitter App

Anatine is a new open-source Desktop Twitter App for Linux, Windows, and OS X. It offers mobile Twitter interface with keyboard shortcuts support and extended features.

Anatine is only 3 months old and so far it features:

  • Hides promoted tweets
  • Dark Mode (Ctrl+Shift+D)
  • Context menu for save images.
  • system tray icon to toggle the window.

Anatine Twitter App

Install Anatine in Ubuntu:

A non-install Linux package is available from the link below, just download, extract, and run Anatine executable from result folder.

Download Anatine for Linux (.zip)

For those who want to install the software, so it can be launched from Unity Dash / App Launcher, do:

1. Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to extract downloaded package to /opt:

sudo unzip ~/Downloads/Anatine-linux-*.zip -d /opt/Anatine

install anatine to opt

2. Create a shortcut for the app by running command:

gedit ~/.local/share/applications/anatine.desktop

The command creates and opens a .desktop file with Gedit text editor. Just paste below lines into the file and save it.

[Desktop Entry]

anatine shortcut

3. Finally launch Anatine from Unity Dash and enjoy!

Launch Anatine twitter app

4. (Optional) For any reason you want to remove the software, simply run command:

sudo rm -rf /opt/Anatine && rm ~/.local/share/applications/anatine.desktop

Polly Twitter Client

For those who prefer Polly to other desktop twitter clients (e.g., Corebird), here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 16.04 and derivatives.

Polly is a Twitter client designed for managing multiple columns of multiple accounts, purposefully keeping them separated instead of merged.

Polly‘s not been updated for a few years, though the developer said he’s not gave up on developing. The latest 0.93.12 release is working good and available in GetDeb repository for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Polly in Ubuntu 16.04

Install Polly in Ubuntu 16.04:

1. Add GetDeb repository by installing the .deb package from the link below:

Download GetDeb Package

You can then manage the PPA via System Settings -> Software & Updates -> Other Software tab.

2. After adding the repository, install the twitter app via Synaptic Package Manager.

Or open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run the commands below one by one:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install polly

For those who don’t want to add the repository, grab the .deb installer for Polly directly from the link below:

Download Polly DEB Package

Then install the package by running command in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/polly_*.deb; sudo apt -f install