Archives For wallpaper changer

Superpaper is a cross-platform wallpaper manager that focuses on multi-monitor support. It features pixel density correction that spans an image flawlessly across displays of different shapes and sizes, and bezel correction and perspective correction.

Other Superpaper features include:

  • Set a single image across all displays
  • Set different image on every display
  • Manual pixel offsets for fine-tuning
  • Desktop Slideshow with configurable file order from local sources
  • Command-line interface
  • Hotkey support
  • Align test tool

How to Install Superpaper in Ubuntu:

You can try the wallpaper manager without installing it on your system via Appimage, which is available to download at:

Superpaper releases

Right-click on the Appimage package, go to Properties -> Permissions -> enable ‘Allow executing file as program’, and finally run it to launch the wallpaper manager.

Superpaper also available to install from PyPI, open terminal and run following commands one by one:

1.) Run command to install wxPython:

sudo apt install python3-wxgtk4.0 python3-pip

2.) Then download and install the wallpaper manager as well as dependencies via command:

pip3 install --user -U superpaper

Once installed, launch it from your system application menu (may need to reboot first) and enjoy!

Uninstall superpaper:

For any reason you can easily remove the software via command:

pip3 uninstall superpaper

Dynamic Wallpaper Editor is a simply utility to create or edit background slideshows for Gnome Desktop.

Different from other desktop wallpaper tools (e.g., Variety, Wallch.), Dynamic Wallpaper Editor can set duration of each picture and each transition separately or globally. The total duration can be 24 hours to do a wallpaper fitting the daylight.

It can create and edit slideshows, and adjust the start time of the slideshow. An existing XML file can be set as your wallpaper (or as your lock screen) from the app.

How to Install Dynamic Wallpaper Editor in ubuntu:

For Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 19.04, and higher, the utility can be easily installed via the flatpak package.

1. Open terminal either via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key or by searching for ‘terminal’ from application menu. When it opens, run command to install flatpak framework:

sudo apt-get install flatpak

3. Add flathub repository, which hosts a large list of flatpak applications:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

4. Finally install the software via command:

flatpak install flathub com.github.maoschanz.DynamicWallpaperEditor

Once installed, launch the software from application menu and enjoy!


To remove the TeamSpeak flatpak package, run command in terminal:

flatpak uninstall com.github.maoschanz.DynamicWallpaperEditor

Looking for how to create desktop slideshow in Ubuntu 18.04? Here I’ll show you some best wallpaper changing software for Ubuntu Linux.

1. Shotwell

For just the basic automatic wallpaper changing feature, you don’t need to install any software.

Just launch the pre-installed Shotwell photo manager, choose the pictures you need (you may need to import them first), then go to Files -> Set as Desktop Slideshow.

Finally set the time interval in next dialog and done!

2. Wallch

Wallch was my favorite wallpaper changing software though it’s not under active development. Besides changing local wallpapers, Wallch also features:

  • Display live earth as desktop background.
  • Download and display picture of the day (wikipedia).
  • Wallpaper clocks
  • Live website as desktop background.

Wallch can be easily installed in Ubuntu Software:

3. Variety

Variety is an open-source wallpaper changer that use local images or automatically download wallpapers from Unsplash and other online sources, allows you to rotate them on a regular interval, and provides easy ways to separate the great images from the junk. Variety can also display wise and funny quotations or a nice digital clock on the desktop.

Variety can be easily installed in Ubuntu Software. For the latest release, go to Variety website.

4. Wallpaper Downloader

This is a wallpaper downloading software that automatically downloads pictures from Devianart, Bing daily wallpaper,, etc., with given keywords, resolution, time interval. And of course, it provides ability to change wallpaper every x minute.

Wallpaper Downloader can be installed easily in Ubuntu Software.

These are the applications that I’ve ever used to create desktop slideshows in Ubuntu desktop.

If you know any other great wallpaper changing software, feel free to tell me in the comment.

Wallpaper Downloader is a java software to automatically download you favorite wallpapers from internet and set as desktop background every few minutes.

With the software, you can:

  • Automatically download wallpapers from:
    • Devianart
    • Bing daily wallpaper
    • Social Wallpapering
    • WallpaperFusion
    • DualMonitorBackgrounds.
  • Download wallpapers with given keywords.
  • Download wallpapers with given time interval
  • Changes desktop wallpaper with given time interval.
  • Single click to move favorite wallpapers to another directory.

How to Install Wallpaper Downloader in Ubuntu:

1. For users (Ubuntu 16.04 only) never installed a snap package, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to install snapd:

sudo apt-get install snapd snapd-xdg-open

2. As a snap package, you can search for and install the package in Ubuntu Software:

or run single command to install the snap package:

snap install wallpaperdownloader

(Optional) If you don’t like the software, simply run command to remove the snap:

snap remove wallpaperdownloader

In addition, the software also has an official PPA with traditional deb packages for all current Ubuntu releases.

Variety Wallpaper Changer

The open-source Variety wallpaper changer has reached the 0.6.0 release with a major new feature – Variety Slideshow.

Variety Slideshow allows you to create a slideshow as desktop background, fullscreen screensaver, or in a normal window with given wallpapers, time interval, and other parameters.

The slideshow can be installed as a standalone application, but the options are command-line only. Variety provides the configuration GUI in its Preferences.

Variety Slideshow configurations

The 0.6.0 release also brings other small updates, and i3, openbox, Awesome WM support.

How to Install Variety 0.6.0 in Ubuntu:

For Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Variety has been made into the universe repositories. Just search for and install it via Software Center.

For Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04, and derivatives, launch terminal and run below commands one by one to get it from PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:peterlevi/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install variety variety-slideshow

For those who don’t want to add PPA, grab both .deb packages from the PPA packages page.



Variety, an open-source wallpaper changer, downloader and manager, has been made for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS in its official PPA repository.

Variety is a system tray applet that changes the desktop wallpaper on a regular basis, using user-specified or automatically downloaded images from different online sources such as Imgur and Flickr. It can also automatically apply various fancy filters to the displayed images – charcoal painting, oil painting, heavy blurring, etc.

variety wallpaper changer indicator on panel

variety wallpaper changer indicator on panel

variety wallpaper changer settings window

variety wallpaper changer settings window

How to Install Variety in Ubuntu:

Variety available in the developer’s PPA for all current Ubuntu releases, including Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 15.10, and the upcoming Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

To install it, either add the PPA or download .deb binary directly from the below link:

1. Add PPA.

Open terminal from Unity Dash, Application launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key. When it opens, paste below command and hit run:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:peterlevi/ppa

Type in your password (no visual feedback just type in mind) when it asks and hit enter to continue.


2. After that, use Synaptic Package Manager to install the software after clicking Refresh button. Or run below commands one by one in terminal:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install variety

For those who don’t want to add PPA, grab latest “variety_x.x.x_all.deb” package from THIS PAGE and click to install it via Software Center or Gdebi package manager.


Variety wallpaper changer sees a new release. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 15.04 and their derivatives.

Variety is an automatic wallpaper changer that rotates your desktop wallpaper on a regular basis using local images or images downloaded from various online sources. It runs quietly on the background. To control it, use the indicator applet on the system tray.

variety wallpaper changer indicator on panel

variety wallpaper changer indicator on panel

variety wallpaper changer settings window

variety wallpaper changer settings window

The latest Variety 0.5.4 was released a few days ago with UI fixes, dependency updates, and some other improvements.

Since the default Unity desktop doesn’t provide a built-in wallpaper changer, you may try Variety in Ubuntu via below steps:

1. Add the deverloper’s PPA. Open terminal from the Dash or via Ctrl+ALt+T shortcut keys. When it opens, run command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:peterlevi/ppa


2. Then you can search for and install variety package via Synaptic Package Manager after clicking Reload button.

Or just run below commands one by one in terminal to refresh system package cache and install the package:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install variety

For those who don’t want to add PPA, grab the .deb installer from launchpad page.

3 (Optional) To remove this application, use Synaptic Package Manager or run below command in terminal:

sudo apt-get remove variety

Also remove/disable PPA through “Other Software” tab of the “Software & Updates” utility (search it from the Dash).

automatic wallpaper changer

Variety automatic wallpaper changer has reached the 0.5 release a few hours ago. Here’s what’s new and how to install it in Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 15.04 and Ubuntu 12.04

For those who have never heard of Variety, see the below description from the launchpad page

Variety changes the desktop wallpaper on a regular basis, using user-specified or automatically downloaded images.

Variety sits conveniently as an indicator in the panel and can be easily paused and resumed. The mouse wheel can be used to scroll wallpapers back and forth until you find the perfect one for your current mood.

Apart from displaying images from local folders, several different online sources can be used to fetch wallpapers according to user-specified criteria.

Variety can also automatically apply various fancy filters to the displayed images – charcoal painting, oil painting, heavy blurring, etc. – so that your desktop is always fresh and unique. Applying a heavy blurring filter for example is a great way to get abstract-looking and unobtrusive, yet colorful wallpapers, similar in spirit to the default one in Ubuntu.

Video Demo:

Release Highlights of the v0.5:

  • Added Reddit support
  • Show Next and Previous in main menu only in non-Unity DEs (Unity supports indicator scroll, no need for them there)
  • Adding support
  • More details at

Install / Upgrade Variety in Ubuntu:

The packages have been made into the official PPA, available for Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 10.04, Linux Mint and derivatives.

To add the PPA and install the software, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run commands below one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:peterlevi/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install variety

Don’t want to add PPA? Download the package “variety_0.5.0_all.deb” at:

Download Variety .deb Package

Once downloaded, click to open it with Ubuntu Software Center and finally install the software.

NOTE: if you have a previous version installed, you need to remove the config files under user’s “.config/variety” folder (press Ctrl+H to view hidden folders) to use instead of

There are a few applications for Linux desktop that change the wallpaper automatically. Webilder is one of them that rotates your wallpaper with photos directly downloaded from flickr and

The application provides an indicator applet for Ubuntu Unity and GNOME that allows you to downloads the most interesting photos from Flickr, browser photo collection, and select next photo (as wallpaper).

In its preferences window, you can set Webilder to automatically download photos every day, download Flickr photos that match your given tags, view and download Webshots photos with an account.

Webilder download and rotate wallpaper from flickr


  • downloads the most interesting photos from Flickr.
  • view Webshots photos on your Linux desktop (requires Webshots account).
  • downloads Flickr photos that match tags (for example: beach,party)
  • downloads photos from Flickr users of your choice.
  • automatically downloads new photos for you every day.
  • change your wallpaper every few minutes.
  • import webshots collections (wbz or wbc formats).
  • photo collection browser that will let you view the images in fullscreen, or set them as a wallpaper.
  • browser integration for Webshots – downloaded images are automatically added to your collection.
  • command-line photo downloader webilder_downloader


Install Webilder in Ubuntu:

The website provides the .deb package for Ubuntu and its derivatives, download it from the link below and double-click to open with Ubuntu Software Center and finally click install:

Download Webilder (webilder_xxx.deb)

Once installed, open Webilder indicator form Unity Dash or app menu. It will start automatically the next time you log in.

Use Wallch Wallpaper Changer in Ubuntu 14.04

Last updated: June 17, 2014

Wallch Ubuntu 14.04

Wallch is an automatic wallpaper changer for Ubuntu Linux. It features random image, Unity indicator, Live Earth wallpaper, wallpaper clocks, and Picture of The Day (wikipedia).

Wallch is a free and open source app that works on Gnome, Unity, LXDE, Xfce and Mate. This quick tutorial will show you how to install and get Wallch working in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

See the pictures:

Wallch automatically change desktop background with selected Picture folder

Wallch automatically change desktop background with selected Picture folder

Wallch display a Live picture of earth updated every 1/2 hour

Wallch displays a Live picture of earth updated every 1/2 hour

Wallch displays a wallpaper with real time clock

Wallch displays a wallpaper with real time clock

Control wallch via an Unity indicator

Control wallch via an Unity indicator

Install Wallch in Ubuntu 14.04:

Wallch is available in Ubuntu repositories, you can click the link below to bring up Ubuntu Software Center and click install it:

Download and click install the wallch_4.12-1trusty_*.deb from the link below. You may check your OS type 32-bit = i386 or 64-bit =amd64 by going to System Settings -> Details.

Download Wallch 4.12 .deb

Once installed, open it from Unity Dash search results.

UPDATE: Below bugs are fixed by Wallch 4.12!

NOTE 1. Due to bug, Wallch does not work after you installed it. Go to menu or indicator Edit -> Preferences -> Integration. Change the theme from Autodetect to Ambiance, and choose your desktop environment will fix the issue.


NOTE 2: Wallch in Ubuntu 14.04 is a little buggy. When you click on Start changing wallpapers, it crashes sometimes. Just restart the app and do it again, it will be working good once it starts changing your desktop background.