Archives For digikam


digiKam, KDE’s photo management software, released version 8.2.0 this Sunday.

The new release includes most recent Libraw library, updates runtime libraries to Qt 5.15.11, KDE frameworks 5.110, Exiftool 12.70, and Exiv2 28.1.

For Windows user, digiKam now has new Windows installer compiled under Windows with VCPKG tool-chain and based on Qt6 and KF6 frameworks.

Besides toolkit updates, digiKam 8.2.0 also has about 250 bug-fixes. They include slow Geolocate, tags not saving on exit, failed to database creation on MariaDB, slideshow does not prevent monitor turning off, various crashes, and other bugs. See NEWS file for more details.

Get digiKam 8.2.0

The software provides official packages for Linux, Windows, and MacOS, available to download at the link below:

For Linux, it’ non-install AppImage. Just download it, add executable permission, and run it to launch the photo manager.

digiKam is also available to install as Flatpak package. Linux Mint 21 can directly search for & install it from Software Manager.

While, Debian/Ubuntu users can install it via:

  • First, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run command to install the daemon package:
    sudo apt install flatpak
  • Then, install digiKam as Flatpak by running command:
    flatpak install


To uninstall the Flatpak package, open terminal and run command:

flatpak uninstall --delete-data org.kde.digikam

Also run flatpak uninstall --unused to remove useless run-time libraries.

digiKam 5.6.0

digiKam photo management software 7.1.0 was released a few days ago with some new features and plenty of bug-fixes.

digiKam 7.1.0 release highlights include:

  • Better Canon CR3 metadata support.
  • New Batch Queue Manager plugin to fix Hot Pixels automatically.
  • New Batch Queue Manager plugin to apply texture over images.
  • Improve the IPTC compatibility with UTF-8 characters encoding.

digiKam 5.0 beta splash screen

Download / Install digiKam:

Non-install single executable .appimage package is available in the download page.

digiKam is also available as Flatpak package, you can get it either from flathub repository, or by running following commands one by one in Ubuntu:

1. Open terminal from system application launcher. When it opens, run command to install flatpak framework:

sudo apt install flatpak

2. Then add Flathub repository which hosts a large list of flatpak packages:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

3. Finally run command to install digiKam flatpak package:

flatpak install flathub org.kde.digikam

Already installed the flatpak package? You may update the application via:

flatpak update org.kde.digikam

For any reason, you can remove the package via command:

flatpak uninstall org.kde.digikam

digiKam 5.6.0

digiKam photo management software 7.0 was released a few days ago with greatly improved face detection and recognition.

digiKam 7.0 was released after one year of development. It features new deep learning faces management. No learning stage is required to perform face detection and recognition. And face detection reaches 97% of true positives.

The improved face detection and recognition also supports non-human faces, blurred faces, covered faces, profiles of faces, printed faces, faces turned away, partial faces, etc.

And it supports multiple cores to speed-up computations.

Other changes include:

  • Improved HEIF image format support
  • A new tool Image Mosaic Wall.
  • The SlideShow tool ported as plugin.
  • New RAW files support including the famous Canon CR3, Sony A7R4, and more:
    • Canon: PowerShot G5 X Mark II, G7 X Mark III, SX70 HS, EOS R, EOS RP, EOS 90D, EOS 250D, EOS M6 Mark II, EOS M50, EOS M200
    • DJI Mavic Air, Osmo Action
    • FujiFilm GFX 100, X-A7, X-Pro3
    • GoPro Fusion, HERO5, HERO6, HERO7
    • Hasselblad L1D-20c, X1D II 50C
    • Leica D-LUX7, Q-P, Q2, V-LUX5, C-Lux / CAM-DC25
    • Olympus TG-6, E-M5 Mark III.
    • Panasonic DC-FZ1000 II, DC-G90, DC-S1, DC-S1R, DC-TZ95
    • PhaseOne IQ4 150MP
    • Ricoh GR III
    • Sony A7R IV, ILCE-6100, ILCE-6600, RX0 II, RX100 VII
    • Zenit M
    • and multiple smartphones…

Download / Install digiKam:

1. Non-install single executable Linux Appimage is available in the official download page.

2. digiKam is also available as Flatpak package, you can get it from flathub repository.

3. For those prefer Ubuntu PPA, keep an eye on this launchpad page.

digiKam 5.6.0

The free and open-source digiKam image organizer and tag editor released version 6.4.0 a few days ago with extended DPlugins interface.

digiKam 6.4.0 release highlights:

  • 14 new plugins.
  • support native image loader as plugins instead to use hard-coded loader.
  • support HEIF image format as native.
  • RAW import tool as plugin.
  • Image editor clone tool plugin
  • For more, see the release note.

Download DigiKam 6.4.0

There’s no PPA repository, snap package (in test stage), or flatpak package for the latest DigiKam.

So far there’s only Appimage available to make it easy to run DigiKam in Ubuntu.

Download Digikam (appimage)

  • Download the i386.appimage (for 32-bit) or x86_64.appimage (for 64-bit)
  • Right-click and go to file’s Properties dialog, and check the box says ‘allow executing file as program’ in Permissions tab.
  • Finally run the appimage to launch digiKam.

digiKam 5.6.0

DigiKam photo manager released new major version 6.0 recently with many great new feature including video files management support as photo.

DigiKam 6.0 release highlights:

  • Full support of video files management working just like photos.
  • An integration of all import/export web-service tools in LightTable, Image editor and Showfoto.
  • Raw file decoding engine supporting new cameras.
  • Similarity data is now stored in a separate database file.
  • Simplified web-service authentication using OAuth protocol.
  • New tools to export to Pinterest, OneDrive and Box web-services.
  • The capability to re-organize the icon-view contents manually.
  • See the release note for more details.

Download DigiKam 6.0

There’s no PPA repository, snap package, or flatpak package for the latest DigiKam.

So far there’s only Appimage available to make it easy to run DigiKam in Ubuntu.

Download Digikam (appimage)

  • Download the i386.appimage (for 32-bit) or x86_64.appimage (for 64-bit)
  • Right-click and go to file’s Properties dialog, and make it executable
  • Finally run the appimage to launch digiKam.

digiKam 5.6.0

The digiKam photo management software has reached the new stable 5.6.0 release with exciting new features and more than 81 issues closed.

New features in digiKam 5.6.0 according to the announcement:

  • The HTML gallery and Video Slideshow tools are back and available via tools menu.
  • database shrinking is also possible for MySQL databases.
  • improved the grouping items feature
  • support for custom sidecars
  • Geolocation Bookmarks has been rewritten to work with bundle version of digiKam (e.g., Appimage).

digiKam 5.6.0

How to Install digiKam 5.6.0 in Ubuntu 17.04:

Due to requirement of higher Qt5 library version, digiKam 5.6.0 is only available for Ubuntu 17.04 through PPA.

1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T, then run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:philip5/extra

Type your password when prompts and hit Enter.

2. Then upgrade digiKam via Software Updater (Update Manager):

or simply run commands in terminal to install /upgrade the software:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install digikam

Install digiKam 5.6.0 in Ubuntu 16.04:

For Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10, and old versions download the AppImage from the link below:

Download digiKam (AppImage)

AppImage is a single executable package, give its permission from file’s ‘Properties’ window:

Then run the file to launch digiKam (don’t see ‘Run’ option? go to menu Edit -> Preferences -> Behavior -> Run Executable text files when they are opened):

The first launch will ask you if to install a shortcut for the AppImage.

digiKam 5.1.0

After one month of development, the digiKam team announced the release of its photo management software digiKam 5.1.0 last night with new RAW cameras support and bug fixes.

DigiKam 5.1.0 brings a new huge bugs triage and some fixes, LibRaw 0.18 to support new lead RAW cameras, Mysql database interface consolidation, speed-up startup operation. Also the option to enable or disable the scan for new items at startup is back in Setup/Miscs dialog page.

digiKam 5.1 splash

New supported RAW cameras in Digikam 5.1.0:
  • Canon 80D, 1300D, 1DX MkII
  • Fujifilm X-Pro2, X70, X-E2S
  • HTC One A9 and M9
  • Leica M and X-U
  • Nikon D5
  • Olympus Pen F, SH-3
  • Panasonic DMC-GX80/85, DMC-TZ80/81/85/ZS60, DMC-TZ100/101/ZS100
  • PhaseOne IQ150, IQ180 IR, IQ3
  • Samsung Galaxy S7
  • Sony ILCA-68, ILCE-6300, RX1R II, RX10 III
Install / upgrade to digiKam 5.1.0 in (K)Ubuntu 16.04:

1. Add Philip Johnsson’s PPA

Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:philip5/extra

Type in your password (no visual feedback) when prompts and hit Enter.

digiKam 5.1 PPA

2. install or upgrade digiKam.

For those who have the previous 5.0 release installed, launch Software Updater and upgrade digiKam to 5.1.0 release after checking for updates.

upgrade to digiKam 5.1.0

Or just run commands below one by one in terminal to update package index and install/upgrade the software:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install digikam5

3. (Optional) Remove digiKam 5.1.0

To remove the software, use Synaptic Package Manager or simply run apt command with remove flag:

sudo apt remove digikam5 && sudo apt autoremove

And the PPA can be removed or disabled via Software & Updates utility under Other Software tab.


After two years of development, digiKam 5.0 stable was finally released one day ago with fully Qt5 port.

In addition to code porting, digiKam 5.0 now uses many Qt dependencies instead of KDE dependencies. To provide a pure Qt5 version of digiKam in the future, around 80% of KDE dependencies have been removed, 10% become optional for Linux Desktop. This simplifies the porting job and code maintenance on Windows, OS X, and other operating systems.

Other changes in digiKam 5.0:

  • remove KIO-slaves, instead a multi-threaded implementation is used to query the database
  • use virtual trash folder, accessible from album tree, instead of KDE desktop trash
  • improve metadata workflow in digiKam with a new Lazy Synchronization Tool
  • port kipi-plugins to Qt5
  • The whole database code has been reviewed, polished, cleaned, and documented.
  • database configuration panel rewritten
  • possible to setup MySQL datebase at first run

For more details, read the official release note.

digikam 5 splash

How to Install digiKam 5.0 in (K)Ubuntu:

Philip Johnsson is maintaining a PPA with digiKam binary for Ubuntu. Now digiKam 5.0 is available in the PPA for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 15.10, and derivatives.

1. Add PPA.

Open terminal emulator and paste the command below and run:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:philip5/extra

Type in your password when it asks. There’s no visual feedback on password typing, so just type in mind and hit Enter.

digiKam 5 PPA

2. Now search for and install digikam5 using your package manager after refresh package caches.

Or just run the commands below one by one in terminal:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install digikam5

The digiKam5 packages is independent of previous digiKam 4.x. You may have both version installed at the same time.


digiKam Software Collection 4.12.0 has been released recently with a huge bugs fixed. KDE Frameworks 5 port is planed to be completed before end of this year.

Philip Johnsson is maintaining PPAs with latest digiKam packages for current Ubuntu releases (e.g., Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 15.04). It’s easy to install or upgrade the software in supported Ubuntu releases via below steps:


1. For (K)Ubuntu 15.04 and (K)Ubuntu 14.04 with default KDE, open terminal emulator from app launcher and run below command to add PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:philip5/extra


2. For (K)Ubuntu 14.04 who has upgrade to KDE 4.14 via Kubuntu Backports PPA, add another PPA instead:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:philip5/kubuntu-backports

3. After adding one of previous PPAs, upgrade digiKam through your package manager after reload system cache. Or run below commands one by one in terminal:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install digikam

4. (Optional) To downgrade digiKam to the default version available in system repository, install ppa-purge and purge the PPA:

sudo apt-get install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge ppa:philip5/extra

digikam 4.2.0 ubuntu 14.04

digiKam, open-source image organizer and tag editor, has reached version 4.2.0 one days ago on August 5th. The developer team announced in the website:

Dear digiKam fans and users,

The digiKam Team is proud to announce the release of digiKam Software Collection 4.2.0. This release includes important features to simplify photograph workflow :

These features have been introduced by Mohamed Anwer Google Summer of Code project which have been completed in time and judged ready for production.

As usual, we have worked hard to close your reported issues since the previous stable release 4.1.0. A list of the issues closed in digiKam 4.2.0 is available through the KDE Bugtracking System.

digiKam 4.2 loading

Install / Upgrade to digiKam 4.2 in Ubuntu 14.04:

Besides building from the source tarball, you can upgrade digiKam through this third-party PPA.

Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the commands below one by one to add the PPA and install or upgrade digiKam in Ubuntu 14.04:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:philip5/extra

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install digikam

If you’ve upgrade to KDE 4.14 through Kubuntu Backports PPA, run below commands instead to avoid dependencies issue.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:philip5/kubuntu-backports

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install digikam

That’s it. Enjoy!