Archives For November 30, 1999

For Ubuntu 22.04/23.10, Fedora & other Linux with Wayland, Shutter screenshot tool can finally take screenshots for selected area and app windows!

Shutter is (or was) an excellent feature rich screenshot tool, with image editing and uploading support.

It was one of my top favorite apps, but removed from Ubuntu repositories due to lack of maintenance. Though, it’s later added back to system repository, thanks to open-source community’s work by porting it to GTK3.

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Annotator, image annotation tool for Elementary OS, released version 1.2.0 today. Here are the new features and how to install guide for Ubuntu users.

Annotator is a free open-source image annotation tool designed for Elementary OS, but also works in other Linux. By releasing version 1.2.0, it now also supports for taking screenshot for full-screen, current window, and selection area.

User can choose to either use UI button or run command line option to take screenshot, though it so far only works on Xorg session. Meaning Ubuntu, Fedora workstation with default GNOME Wayland session need to switch back Xorg from login screen for this feature to work.

Annotator take screenshot option

When adding and adjusting shapes and arrows on images, user can now right-click on them to ‘Set as Custom’. After that, your custom shapes/arrows will be available in the drop-down menus for quick use.

The release also added a emoji picker when inserting text. Also, right-click on the text insert area to get the option.

Other features in Annotator 1.2.0 include:

  • Support for showing and hiding an item’s outline.
  • Support for reading an image to annotate from standard input on the command-line.
  • Enhance export UI and adding export options for PNG and JPEG types.
  • Remove support for elementary OS contracts
  • Several UI improvements and various bug-fixes.

How to Install Annotator 1.2.0 in Ubuntu

Annotator has a built-in installer script in the source code. Elementary OS can directly search for and install it from app store.

For Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 23.10, Ubuntu 24.04 and their based systems, the software packages are also available to install via this Ubuntu PPA for both X86 PC/laptop and arm64/armhf mobile devices.

1. Add the PPA

Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run commands to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/annotator

Type user password (no asterisk feedback) when it asks and hit Enter to continue.

2. Update package cache

Ubuntu 20.04 and higher refresh system package cache automatically while adding PPA, but some Ubuntu based systems may not. To do it manually, run command:

sudo apt update

3. Install Annotator:

Finally, install the app using command:

sudo apt install com.github.phase1geo.annotator

Once installed, search for and open it from start menu (activities overview) and enjoy!

Remove Annotator & Ubuntu PPA:

To remove the Ubuntu PPA, use command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/annotator

And remove the annotation tool via:

sudo apt remove --autoremove com.github.phase1geo.annotator

The popular Qt based screenshot tool KSnip 1.10.0 was released few days ago with some cool new features. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu.

For those never heard of KSnip, it’s a free open-source cross-platform (supports Windows, Linux and MacOS) screenshot tool with some annotation tools, upload options and more.

By releasing the new 1.10.0 release, it adds new command line options:

  • -p or --saveto <path> to specify where to save image.
  • -o or --upload to upload screenshot via default uploader without opening in editor.

For other command options, simply run ksnip --help in terminal.

With a new OCR plugin, the release now supports for extracting plain text from images. Just open an image, then click on the “Options -> OCR” menu option to use it. Though, it seems to be in very early stage, which is not working in my case.

Other changes in KSnip 1.10.0 include:

  • Add FTP uploading support.
  • Add debug logging.
  • New Save all option.
  • Search in preference.
  • Add support for RGBA colors with transparency.
  • Editing feature improvements.
  • And various bug-fixes.

How to Install KSnip 1.10

Option 1: Snap package

The easiest way to install the tool in Ubuntu is using the official Snap packages. Simply open Ubuntu Software, then you can search for and install it via few clicks.

Install Ksnip via Ubuntu Software

Option 2: AppImage / Deb

The software project page also provides AppImage and Deb packages, as well as Windows and Mac OS packages for download under ‘Assets’ section:

For most Linux, you may download the non-install AppImage package, make it executable via right-click menu “Properties” dialog -> “Permissions” tab, and finally click run the package to launch it.

For Debian and Ubuntu based system, download the .deb package and install it by running command in terminal (press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal):

sudo apt install ~/Downloads/ksnip-*.deb

NOTE for Ubuntu 22.04, double-click installing this local deb via “Software Install” option may not work properly. It refers to the Snap package, rather than installing the local package.

Option 3: Ubuntu PPA (unofficial)

For those prefer Ubuntu PPA, here’s an unofficial repository with Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04 support.

Simply press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal, and run the commands below one by one will add the PPA and install the screenshot tool from it.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/ksnip
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ksnip libkimageannotator0 libkcolorpicker0

Install the OCR plugin:

The OCR plugin is available to install as a separate package. It’s available to download at the link below:

Click to expand the ‘Assets‘ section, download & install the .deb package for Debian and Ubuntu based system.

Uninstall Ksnip

For the snap package, simply click ‘uninstall’ button in Ubuntu Software.

For deb package, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard and run the command below to remove it:

sudo apt remove --autoremove ksnip libkimageannotator0

And, remove the Ubuntu PPA (if added) by running command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/ksnip

For those prefer native DEB to Flatpak and Snap packages, here’s how to install the latest ksnip screenshot tool using PPA in Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04.

Ksnip is a free and open-source Qt-based screenshot tool with editing feature. I use the app regularly to add annotations (e.g., arrow, rectangle, border and drop shadow) to my images. And, it’s working good in Ubuntu on both Wayland and Xorg session.

The software is available in Ubuntu universe repositories though it’s always old. The developer team maintains the latest packages via Linux universal Snap (available in Ubuntu Software) and Flatpak that run in sandbox.

Native DEB package is also available to download at github releases page. However, the latest version (v1.9.1 so far) does not work on Ubuntu 20.04 due to outdated QT5 library. It will work on Ubuntu 21.10, though users need to manually install the missing “libqt5x11extras5” package.

To add Ubuntu 20.04 support, I uploaded the software package into this unofficial PPA along with packages for Ubuntu 21.04 and Ubuntu 21.10. Though there’s already an Ubuntu PPA so far contains only Ubuntu 20.04 package.

Install Ksnip for Ubuntu PPA:

Firstly, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open a terminal window. When it opens, run the commands below one by one.

1. Add Ubuntu PPA.

Copy and paste the command below into terminal and hit Enter.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/ksnip

It will ask for password authentication without visual feedback. After typing user password and hitting Enter, it adds the PPA into system and updates the package cache automatically.

2. Install / Update Ksnip:

After adding the PPA, run command below to install the screenshot tool as well as dependencies:

sudo apt install ksnip

If an old DEB package exist in your system, you may also launch “Software Updater” to upgrade the app.

Uninstall Ksnip & remove PPA:

To remove ksnip, run command in terminal:

sudo apt remove --autoremove ksnip

Also remove the Ubuntu PPA by running command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/ksnip

Alternatively, remove the repo line using “Software & Updates” under “Other Software” tab.

The official PPA for Shutter screenshot tool is back! So far contains packages for Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 21.04.

Shutter is one of the most popular screenshot tool for Linux. Other than basic screen capturing feature, it supports plugins, profiles, uploading to Imgur, Dropbox, etc., and has a built-in editor.

Shutter PPA was abandoned

The founder of Shutter has abandoned the project as well as the official PPA for many years. Due to the old Gtk2 dependency libraries, it has finally been removed from Ubuntu and Fedora repositories.

Luckily, a third-party PPA by linuxuprising is maintaining the Shutter package for over two years.

The development is back recently and moved to in Github. It now ported to GTK3. And the official PPA finally revived and maintained by the creator of linuxuprising.

Install Shutter via Official PPA:

For Ubuntu 20.04, Linux Mint 20, and Ubuntu 21.04, open terminal from start menu, and run following commands one by one.

1.) To add the official PPA, paste the command below into terminal and hit Enter:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shutter/ppa

Type user password (no visual feedback) when it asks and hit Enter to continue

2.) Next install the tool via command:

sudo apt install shutter

For Linux Mint, you need to run sudo apt update to manually refresh package cache.

Remove Shutter & Its PPA

You can remove Shutter PPA as well as other PPAs via “Software & Updates” utility under “Other Software” tab.

And remove Shutter if you want, by running command in terminal:

sudo apt remove --autoremove shutter

shutter screenshot

By releasing version 0.96, the feature-rich screenshot application is finally ported to GTK3, making first step to get back to Ubuntu universe repository.

Shutter 0.96 does no longer depends on goocanvas, Gnome wnck, GTK2 version of image viewer widget, unique and appindicator module. Instead, it now requires GTK3 version of image viewer widget, GooCanvas2, and libwnck-3.

The release also remove the option “Captures only a section of the window”. because it didn’t work with the way how modern Qt and Gtk were drawing their windows anyway.

There are also possible issues including:

  • Multiple screens might or might not be broken
  • HiDPI screens might do screenshot of a nested menu in a wrong place

Get Shutter 0.96:

At the moment of writing no binary package is available to install, but only source tarball which is available in the link below:

For Ubuntu and Linux Mint users who like this screenshot tool, keep an eye on linuxupring PPA and xtradeb PPA, both maintains most recent Shutter packages.

Ksnip screenshot tool released version 1.8.0 a few days ago with many great new features and improvements, making it more powerful.

Ksnip is a free open-source Qt based screenshot tool with editing features. It runs in Window, Mac OS, and Linux (both X and Wayland). As Shutter is not in active development, it’s getting more and more issues due to old Gnome dependency libraries. And Ksnip is a great alternative.

Ksnip 1.8.0 added ability to pin screenshots in frameless windows that stay in foreground. The feature was ported from Flameshot. Without saving a screenshot, the app “Options” menu offers “Pin” option to set it in foreground, and it will disappear with a double click on it.

The new release also added new and improved editing tools, including:

  • Add pixelate image area tool
  • Zoom in and out
  • Add window effects: Drop shawdow, Grayscale, Border
  • Add numeric pointer with arrow annotation item.
  • Add interface for adding custom tab context menu actions.
  • Add text pointer annotation item.
  • Add text pointer with arrow annotation item.
  • Add option to automatically switching to select tool after drawing item.
  • Edit Text box with double click.
  • Resize elements while keeping aspect ratio.

There are also improved screenshot tabs including:

  • Add save and save as options to context menu of a screenshot tab.
  • Add open directory, copy path to clipboard in saved tabs’ context menu.
  • Add option to delete saved images both from Edit menu or tab context menu.
  • Allow rename saved screenshot images both from Edit menu or tab context menu.

Other features include:

  • Add unity / integration tests.
  • Add brew cask package for Mac uses love homebrew.
  • Add image quality option in settings page.
  • Add support for cross-platform wayland screenshots using xdg-desktop-portal.
  • Add support for loading image from stdin.
  • Add screenshot options as application actions to desktop file. So that you can add Ksnip to desktop keyboard shortcuts to launch a screen, window, or area shot.
  • Make hiding main window during screenshot optional.
  • Open several files at once in tabs.
  • Allow modifying selected rectangle before making screenshot.
  • Option to keep main window hidden after a taking screenshot.
  • Add new options in system tray indicator menu.
  • Upload multiple stickers at once.
  • Allow removing imgur account.
  • Bug-fixes and other improvements.

Download / Install Ksnip:

The software offers official binary packages in the github releases page:

Download Ksnip

For Ubuntu Linux, you can grab the .appimage package, make it executable in file “Properties” window, and finally right-click and select run it to launch the tool.

You can also download the .deb package. And install it either via Gdebi package installer, or by running command in terminal:

sudo apt install ./Downloads/ksnip-1.8.0.deb

Top 7 Screenshot Tools for Ubuntu Desktop

Last updated: April 24, 2024

shutter screenshot

Looking for screen capturing application for your Ubuntu desktop? Here are 7 popular graphical tools you can try.

1. Gnome Screenshot

GNOME Screenshot is no longer default since GNOME 40 (meaning Ubuntu 22.04 and higher). Install it either from Ubuntu Software or by running sudo apt install gnome-screenshot command in terminal.

First of first, if you just want to take a screenshot. use the default screenshot tool by pressing PrintScreen, Alt + PrintScreen, or Shift + PrintScreen on keyboard to take screenshot of whole screen, focused app window, or selected area.

You can also launch the tool by searching for screenshot from system application launcher.

2. Flameshot

Flameshot is a powerful yet simple to use screenshot software. It starts as indicator applet with option to capture selected rectangular area.

The software features editing tools around screenshot selection area. As well, it supports for uploading to Imgur, and commands.

To install Flameshot, either search for and install it via Ubuntu Software or run command in terminal:

sudo apt install flameshot

3. Shutter

Shutter is a feature-rich screenshot application with a built-in editor.

It’s one of must installed applications on my Ubuntu. The software features:

  • Capture rectangular area.
  • Capture active window, or select an app window to capture.
  • whole screen, workspaces.
  • Capture app child window.
  • Capture menu or cascading menus from an app.
  • Capture tooltips.
  • Upload to Dropbox, Imgur, etc.
  • Edit with built-in editor, or auto-open with other system image editor.

Ubuntu removed Shutter from its universe repositories due to old Gnome 2 dependency libraries. Now, the project is working on removing old libraries and getting back to Ubuntu main repositories.

To install Shutter, either install snap package, or run commands one by one to get it from PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shutter/ppa

sudo apt update

sudo apt install shutter

4. Screencloud

Screencloud is a screenshot sharing software that works on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS.

It starts as an indicator applet offers menu options & keyboard shortcuts to take screenshot of selection, full-screen, and window.

Screenshot URL is automatically copied to clipboard, if you have pre-defined settings, for easy sharing with your friend. Supported online services include: Dropbox, Imgur, Google Drive, OneDrive, FTP/SFTP, Shell Script.

The software is available as Snap, so you can easily install it from Ubuntu Software. For choices, an Appimage is also available to download in the link below:

Screencloud in Github

Grab the .appimage package, make it executable in file “Properties -> Open With” dialog, and finally run it to launch the tool.


If you edit images regularly with GIMP image editor, try its built-in screenshot function by going to menu File -> Create -> Screenshot ….

You’ll see a child window with options to capture window, full-screen, and selected area. And screenshot will be opened in a new GIMP window automatically.

6. Ksnip

Ksnip is a Qt-based screen capture with a built-in editor. It works on X11 and Gnome / Plasma Wayland.

It includes most features that other screenshot tools have (e.g, upload to Imgur, hotkeys, etc), and can be a great alternative to Shutter. Although it’s not perfect at the moment, the development is updating regularly.

7. Kazam

Kazam is a simple screencast application which also include features to capture screenshots. Similar to the default Gnome screenshot, it only offers basic options to capture, full-screen, window, and selection area.

To install Kazam, either use Ubuntu Software, or run command in terminal:

sudo apt install kazam


There are also many other screenshot tools (e.g., KDE Spectacle, Deepin screenshot, xfce4-screenshooter, lximage-qt) that are either not desktop independent, or not working good in my case.

So the previous 7 tools are the best for Ubuntu so far in 2020 in my private opinion.

Ksnip is a Qt based cross-platform screenshot tool with many annotation features. It works on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS.

Ksnip works on X11 and Gnome on Wayland. Like other screenshot tools, it can take screenshot of selected rectangular area, full screen, active window with time delay support. It also features:

  • Upload screenshots directly to in anonymous or user mode.
  • Command line support.
  • Print screenshot or save is to pdf/ps.
  • Annotate screenshots with pen, marker, rectangles, ellipses, texts and other tools.
  • Add watermarks to captured images.
  • Global HotKeys for taking Screenshots.
  • Many configuration options.

Install Ksnip in Ubuntu:

Ubuntu binary package can be downloaded from the release page in the link below:

Ksnip Release Page

Grab the latest .deb package and install it by either Gdebi package installer or running command in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/ksnip-*.deb

Once installed, launch it from application menu and enjoy!

(Optional) If you want to remove the screenshot tool, either use your system package manager or run command in terminal:

sudo apt remove ksnip

shutter screenshot

Shutter, the popular Linux screenshot tool, is finally removed from the final release of Ubuntu 18.10 repository.

For those who want to install Shutter in Ubuntu 18.10. This unofficial PPA offers the latest packages that include:

  • Shutter 0.94.2 released a month ago with Gyazo uploads and some bug-fixes.
  • libgoo-canvas-perl and its dependencies to make ‘Edit’ option work.
  • libgtk2-appindicator-perl for system tray app indicator working.
UPATE: PPA abandoned since another PPA maintained the latest Shutter packages. For Ubuntu 19.04, read this howto tutorial.

Install Shutter in Ubuntu 18.10:

1. Open terminal either via Ctrl+Alt+T keyboard shortcut or by searching for ‘terminal’ from application menu. When it opens, run command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/shutter

Type your user password (no asterisks feedback) when it prompts and hit Enter to add the PPA.

2. Then install shutter via command:

sudo apt install --install-recommends shutter

--install-recommends is required for application indicator. And you can add --install-suggests flag in the command for more functions.

Once installed, open shutter from software launcher and enjoy!


To remove shutter screenshot tool, run command in terminal:

sudo apt remove --autoremove shutter

And go to Software & Updates -> Other Software to remove third-party PPA repositories.