Archives For November 30, 1999

Linux Kernel 3.12.11

The Linux Kernel 3.12.11 has been released today, along with Kernel 3.10.30 LTS and Kernel 3.13.3. If you’re using Kernel 3.12, it’s recommended to upgrade to this kernel release or Kernel 3.13.

The kernel 3.12.11 mainly brings updated architectures, including ARM and x86, numerous updates drivers (i915, nouveau, radeon ,and usb), as well as a few bug fixes. For details, see the announcement.

Upgrade / Install Kernel 3.12.11:

The DEB packages of this kernel release has been made into Ubuntu Kernel Page, including the Low-latency packages.

For command line, you can follow the steps below to download and install them.

1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the commands below one by one to download the DEBs:

For 32 bit system:




For 64 bit system:




2. Once downloaded, install them via:

sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.12.11-*.deb linux-image-3.12.11-*.deb

After all, restart your computer and done.

If you’re running a proprietary video driver, you may re-build or re-install to get it work with the new kernel.

If for some reason this kernel release doesn’t work properly for you, reboot into previous kernel (Grub -> Advanced -> select previous kernel) and run this command to remove Linux Kernel 3.12.11:

sudo apt-get remove linux-headers-3.12.11-* linux-image-3.12.11-*

Linux Kernel 3.10.30

The latest Linux Kernel LTS 3.10.30 has been announced today. Greg KH urged all users of this kernel series to upgrade as soon as possible.

Kernel 3.10.30 is a small release which mainly brings some updates drivers, including i915, nouveau, radeon, and mcc, as well as some fixes. For details, see the announcement.

Install / Upgrade to Kernel 3.10.30:

The Ubuntu Kernel Team has build the deb packages which are available in this page.

For command line, you can follow the steps below to install them:

1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the commands below one by one to download this kernel:

For 32 bit system:




For 64 bit system:




2. Then install the packages:

sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.10.30-*.deb linux-image-3.10.30-*.deb

After the installation, it automatically updated your grub boot loader. Just restart and boot with new kernel.

If you’re using a proprietary video driver, you may need to re-build or re-install to get it work with the new kernel.

If for some reason this kernel release doesn’t work properly for you, reboot into previous kernel (Grub -> Advanced -> select previous kernel) and run this command in terminal to remove Linux Kernel 3.10.30:

sudo apt-get remove linux-headers-3.10.30-* linux-image-3.10.30-*

Linux Kernel 3.13.3

The latest Linux Kernel 3.13.3 has been announced today. All users of the 3.13 kernel series are urged to upgrade as soon as possible.

Linux kernel 3.13.3 brings updated architectures, including ARM and x86, numerous updates drivers (i915, nouveau, radeon ,and usb), as well as a few bug fixes. For details, see the announcement.

Install / Upgrade to Kernel 3.13.3:

The Ubuntu Kernel Team has build the deb packages which are available in this page. Low-latency Kernel packages are included.

If you’re comfortable with command line, you can also follow the steps below to download & install this kernel:

1. Download Kernel DEBs:

For 32-bit system:




For 64 bit system:




2. Install all the packages:

sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.13.3-*.deb linux-image-3.13.3-*.deb

Once installed, restart your computer and done.

If you’re using a proprietary video driver, you may need to re-build or re-install to get it work with the new kernel.

If for some reason this kernel release doesn’t work properly for you, reboot into previous kernel (Grub -> Advanced -> select previous kernel) and run this command to remove Linux Kernel 3.13.3:

sudo apt-get remove linux-headers-3.13.3-* linux-image-3.13.3-*

CoverGloobus in Elementary OS

CoverGloobus is a simple application that displays the cover and the info of playing song on your desktop as a nice widget.

If you have been using Ubuntu for years, you may have heard of CoverGloobus. The project was last updated 4 years ago, but it’s still working good on Ubuntu 12.04. I’ve tested it on Elementary OS Luna, here are the screenshots:

covergloobus eos

covergloobus eos

covergloobus eos

CoverGloobus downloads lyrics and covers from internet and supports the most popular music plays, including Amarok2, Audacious, Banshee, Deadbeef, Exaile, gmusicbrowser, MOC, MPD, Rhythmbox, VLC, Songbird, Totem, and more.


Download and install the DEB:

CoverGloobus 1.7.3 for 32 bit

CoverGloobus 1.7.3 for 64 bit

Once installed, open it from Application Menu and right click on the widget to configure the player, themes, etc.

To make it work with Noise music player, download the below package, extract and paste the “” & “Noise.pyc” files to /usr/share/covergloobus/players

xfce4 drop-down terminal

As you may know, Xfce4 terminal supports the Quake style drop-down mode since version 0.6. Just a parameter --drop-down will start xfce4-terminal just like quake, yakuake, or tilda.

Xfce4 Terminal Quake Style

It is advised to bind this feature to a shortcut in the keyboard preferences. Below steps will teach you how:

1. Open xfce4-setting-manager from Application menu or Alt+F2 Application Finder box.

2. Click on the Keyboard icon under Hardware section.

3. Under Application Shortcuts tab, click on the Add button and type in the command box xfce4-terminal --drop-down

Xfce terminal Quake style

4. Click on OK and set a keyboard shortcut in next window.

Now you’re able to press the keyboard shortcut to launch a drop-down Xfce4 terminal. Click the button at right-bottom to open the preferences dialog and edit the width, height, opacity, duration and more!

qt qmmp music player


The Winamp-like audio player Qmmp has reached version 0.7.5. It has been made into PPA available for Ubuntu 12.04 Precise users.

Qmmp is a Qt-based multimedia player available for Linux, FreeBSD and Windows. The latest 0.7.5 mainly fixed following bugs:

  • fixed tab closing bug in the qsui plugin
  • fixed cpu architecture detection while build using qmake
  • fixed feature to disable qsui before build
  • fixed latest cmake support

qmmp ubuntu


Press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the commands below one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:forkotov02/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install qmmp qmmp-plugin-pack

This will also install the Qmmp 0.7.4 into your system if you’re on Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04 or Ubuntu 12.10.

Firefox 27 Lands in Ubuntu, Here’s How to Upgrade

Last updated: February 11, 2014

Firefox 27

The latest version of Firefox is usually available as a security update in all supported releases of Ubuntu within a few hours of Mozilla’s announcement.

This time, Canonical announced the updated to Firefox 27 in its supported Ubuntu releases six days later since it was released on February 4, 2014. See what’s new in Firefox 27

How to Upgrade:

Firefox 27 is available in recommended repository for Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 12.10 and Ubuntu 12.04.

To get started, make sure the recommended updates repository is enabled.

ubuntu security updates repository

Then you can install the Firefox updates via Software Updates:

upgrade firefox via software updater

You can also use Synaptic Package Manager (available in Ubuntu Software Center) to upgrade your firefox:

upgrade to firefox 27 via synaptic

That’s it.

beautiful burg boot menu

Bored with the default Grub bootloader? You may give Burg a try. Burg is a Grub based boot loader which works in both text and graphic mode. There are quite a few themes so that you can always make your boot menu beautiful.

Below is the burg boot menu with Metro theme.

beautiful burg boot menu

Install Burg:

Press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the commands below one by one to install Burg from PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:n-muench/burg

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install burg burg-themes

UPDATE: Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10, and derivatives are added support!

So far, the PPA supports Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 11.10, Ubuntu 11.04 and their derivatives.

While the installing process, click OK to answer all questions. In the below screen, you need to press the Space key first to select your disk name and Tab key to select OK.

install burg ubuntu

Install Theme for burg:

There are 16 themes available by default. You can download more themes at and install them via following steps:

1. Download the theme, Metro as example, at deviantart page

2. Extract the theme package and put the result folder into /boot/burg/themes/ directory. Run below command in the terminal to open file browser with root, then do the copy and paste things.

sudo nautilus

3. The theme misses Linux Mint logo. Download the below icons and put them into /boot/burg/themes/Metro/icons/ if need.





Then edit the icons file in the same folder and added the line below to make the icons work:

-linuxmint { image = “$$/normal_linuxmint.png:$$/hover_linuxmint.png” }

4. Update burg boot loader:

sudo update-burg

5. Now you’re able to test your boot entries via:

sudo burg-emu

In testing mode, press F2 to switch the themes. You can also press F3 to change resolution in the real burg boot menu.

Tips: You can edit the “menuentry” sections in “/boot/burg/burg.cfg” to remove unwanted menu entries.
Also uncomment “GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_RECOVERY=”true”” in “/etc/defaut/burg” will hide the recovery mode.

Restore Grub:

To revert back to original grub boot loader, run the command below in terminal:

sudo grub-install /dev/sda

/dev/sda is the disk name (Run sudo fdisk -l to check it out).

install bluefish in Ubuntu via ppa

Bluefish, a powerful editor targeted towards programmers and webdevelopers has reached version 2.2.5. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Linux Mint and their derivatives.

According to the changelog:

Bluefish 2.2.5 is a minor bug fix release but has also quite some new features. The syntax scanning engine is faster after small changes to the text. The filebrowser is also much faster with less memory usage, with various fixes and new features. Projects now store the active document and active line numbers. Indenting is improved in auto-completion and the smart indenting. Bookmarks and paste special also have been improved. On OSX there are many improvements, such as Mavericks support, Retina display support, working system hotkeys, native input methods (Japanese, Chinese, etc.), opening files from the finder and Widget bindings on MacOSX are moved to Cmd+C|V|X|A and working. Furthermore almost all syntax highlighting has been improved, most notable jquery in javascript, HTML5, and HTML5 in PHP files. There are also many bug fixes, such as in wrap text on right margin, in the replace engine, the jsmin licence, the split lines feature, the auto-recovery and many obscure bugs. Last bluefish now has an appdata file.

Install Bluefish Ubuntu

Install Bluefish:

Press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the commands below one by one to install Bluefish from PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:klaus-vormweg/bluefish

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install bluefish

You can also install Bluefish compiled against GTK2:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:klaus-vormweg/bluefish-gtk2

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install bluefish

install the latest filezilla ubuntu

This simple tutorial shows you how to install the latest FileZilla Client in all versions of Ubuntu currently supported on the desktop. So far, they are Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 12.10, and Ubuntu 12.04.

The current FileZilla release is version 3.7.4. It comes with below new features and bug fixes:

  • Added SOCKS4 support
  • Added Corsican and Kabyle translations
  • SFTP now supports the hmac-sha2-256 algorithm
  • Additional bugfix for site-specific bookmarks
  • Improve compatibility with servers sending directory listings in Polish language or in EBCDIC encoding
  • Handle set user id bit when populating permissions dialog.
  • MSW: Show local timestamps for old files using the correct daylight saving time (DST) offset.
  • Fix loading of transfer queue if starting FileZilla while another instance is in the process of shutting down
  • Fix interaction between site-specific bookmarks and multiple tabs
  • Don’t resume uploads when there’s zero octets left to transfer
  • Improve symbolic link detection when using MLSD
  • If processing a queue with files queued on multiple servers and not storing passwords, the password was not always asked prior to switching servers
  • Use the correct name element when importing sites
  • MSW: Show actual Windows version in about dialog regardless of app-compat settings

Install FileZilla:

If you don’t like PPAs, you can always follow the steps below to install the latest FileZilla Client in Ubuntu.

1. First go to System Settings -> Details and check out your OS type: 32 bit or 64 bit


2. Download FileZilla from the official download page.

  • 32 bit system download the “FileZilla_x.x.x_i586-linux-gnu.tar.bz2”
  • 64 bit system download the “FileZilla_x.x.x_x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.bz2”

3. Press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the command below to extract FilaZilla to /opt/.

cd /opt/ && sudo tar jvxf FileZilla_*-linux-gnu.tar.bz2

In the code, you may replace the file name to yours!

4. Change the ownership of extracted folder:

cd /opt/ && sudo chown -R root:root FileZill*

5. Now, you’re able to launch FileZilla Client via the command below:


6. To create a launcher. Run the command below to edit the config file:

sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/filezilla.desktop

Copy and paste below lines into the file and save it.

[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=FTP client
GenericName[fr]=Client FTP
Comment=Download and upload files via FTP, FTPS and SFTP
Comment[de]=Dateien über FTP, FTPS und SFTP übertragen
Comment[fr]=Transférer des fichiers via FTP, FTPS et SFTP

Change the FileZilla3 to the exact folder name and done.